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Army Of The Dead Trailer


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35 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I'm totally baffled as to why I thought Tig Notaro had passed away!? I used to really dig her standup specials and for some utterly bizarre reason thought she passed a few years ago...welp, glad to see that ain't true!

She had a very public battle with breast cancer, so that may be why. 

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Just finished this

6 or 7 out of 10


Smart zombies didnt work for Romero and they dont work Synder. Fast or slow they feel like a force of nature, once they become "smart" they lose that feel and can be replaced by any other creature or humans for that matter

I really like the idea of the movie but ultimately it didnt work out for me. This is a action heist film with horror elements and outside of the ending it was kinda of boring .Acting was fine and the gore was pretty damn good.

As a horror fan I ve seen 1000+ horror films and part of being a fan is 


expecting characters to make bad choices. The scene where the most obvious bad guy in the world double crosses a team member and leaves her to die. She of course gets back to the team while fending off a group of zombies , she yells "just leave me", not "hey this guy just fucked me " to her friend 10 feet from her. The coyote knows he no good and get double crossed fucking twice.


Also the using the tired ass trope of the survivor escaping but secretly hiding the bite mark is eye rolling terrible.

Synders choice is music at this point has got to be him trolling his audience .I did like his choice in using the "dream lens" when filming all though if he was going for a dream/surreal feeling he should have dived all the way in.

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3 hours ago, SimpleG said:

Just finished this

6 or 7 out of 10

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Smart zombies didnt work for Romero and they dont work Synder. Fast or slow they feel like a force of nature, once they become "smart" they lose that feel and can be replaced by any other creature or humans for that matter

I really like the idea of the movie but ultimately it didnt work out for me. This is a action heist film with horror elements and outside of the ending it was kinda of boring .Acting was fine and the gore was pretty damn good.

As a horror fan I ve seen 1000+ horror films and part of being a fan is 

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expecting characters to make bad choices. The scene where the most obvious bad guy in the world double crosses a team member and leaves her to die. She of course gets back to the team while fending off a group of zombies , she yells "just leave me", not "hey this guy just fucked me " to her friend 10 feet from her. The coyote knows he no good and get double crossed fucking twice.


Also the using the tired ass trope of the survivor escaping but secretly hiding the bite mark is eye rolling terrible.

Synders choice is music at this point has got to be him trolling his audience .I did like his choice in using the "dream lens" when filming all though if he was going for a dream/surreal feeling he should have dived all the way in.


That's unfortunate. It looked completely badass. Boring were the least of my worries. I might still give it a watch.

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It's not a good movie. As someone who really likes Syndey's Dawn of the Dead, it's disappointing.


The whole "reason" they're sent into the city...



... could be completely removed and the movie would be shorter and better. They're zombies the movie revels in killing, I don't give a shit that they have a social hierarchy and one of them gets pregnant. There's so much time spent with Burt getting shot, then getting offered to the zombies, then getting dragged to the pool, then turned... then he just gets shot in the face? Literally none of this matters at all. Even Martin wanting an alpha head doesn't justify this taking up so much time.


This is the dumbest movie I've seen in a really long time. Guzman brings a buddy to the meeting with Tanaka who... just leaves. Why?



Chambers doesn't let Guzman know that Martin is a traitor as she dies, and she's got the time. Why? Lily lets Martin double cross her twice. Why? Some of the zombies are robots. Why? Peters doesn't let the team know the helicopter is in rough shape, but she fixes it time anyway, just so she can have one tiny little spat with Scott? Why? Vanderhoe seems to delight in zombie killing and at the end he just... lets it ride so he can start an infection in Mexico city? Why?


@SimpleG has it right; horror movies thrive on people being punished for self-interested choices or being compelled to make bad ones due to their circumstances. This is just... everyone acting as stupidly as possible at literally every moment... for almost no reason.


A zombie heist movie could have been cool, this executes all of its concepts in the stupidest, longest ways possible. I was psyched to see this, especially after the reviews online were generally positive. I really have no idea what movie they watched. It's not terrible, but it is absolutely bad.

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I didn't hate it, so that's something right? No seriously though, fun time, turn the brain off and just ohhh & ahhh at some of the kills. I do have to say I enjoyed the supplemental material as to the making of & behind the scenes of it all & wish that Netflix would incorporate this into many more of their projects!

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2 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I've started incorporating his catch phrases in my everyday life.


"Actually super easy, barely an inconvenience!"

" I don't know!" "Fair enough"

"[Catch phrases] are TIGHT"


Then either I'm not entirely crazy or we both need straight jackets! 

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I definitely noticed the white pixels while watching the film. Pointed it out to my wife, who also then noticed them too. Read online earlier today that a couple of other Netflix properties are having this issue, not sure what's up but definitely happy that it's confirmed it's not my TV.

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On 5/25/2021 at 11:38 PM, Greatoneshere said:

I definitely noticed the white pixels while watching the film. Pointed it out to my wife, who also then noticed them too. Read online earlier today that a couple of other Netflix properties are having this issue, not sure what's up but definitely happy that it's confirmed it's not my TV.


Confirming that the pixels on my TV weren’t dead was a pleasant distraction from the parts of this movie where zombie heads weren’t getting clicked.

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So I watched this last night and can confirm that the movie is both boring and stupid. Stupid I can deal with but boring? With this cast and budget? Because it's so boring it makes the stupid parts standout even more... there's so many logic and script problems that would be forgiven if the movie was entertaining... it isn't. and 



Pregnant Zombies?

I don't even understand how that even works logistically. And they want to build a whole universe off of this? Why? What does this add to the Zombie genre? I'm sure Snyder is a nice guy and everything but I'm also sure he's about as shallow as a puddle after a rainy day. He shot this film too which is also why it's probably so uninteresting visually which is usually his strong point. Such a dissappointing film.

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