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MASS DEFECT - Bioware continues to bleed talent


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8 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Obsidian has never made a game I liked. 


They had a good run going making better versions of Bethesda and Biowares' games. :p


KOTOR 2 would have easily been better than KOTOR 1 if LucasArts had actually let them fucking finish the game.

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1 minute ago, Bacon said:

Tried it, hated it, pissed I couldn't get a refund. I can't say if it is a bad game, but I just didn't like it. 


It was, by design, made for a smaller audience :p 


And the gaming community is better for having devs willing to make games with specific appeals, which is why I still think it's worth mentioning them.

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2 minutes ago, legend said:


It was, by design, made for a smaller audience :p 


And the gaming community is better for having devs willing to make games with specific appeals, which is why I still think it's worth mentioning them.

I just hate that the game they have made that I should like, I think they suck. I dislike TOW a bunch, and at least for me, New Vegas was lame. There were improvements to the gameplay, but Fallout game play isn't really good in general, so that left the story and setting which I ended up not caring for. 

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1 hour ago, Bacon said:

I just hate that the game they have made that I should like, I think they suck. I dislike TOW a bunch, and at least for me, New Vegas was lame. There were improvements to the gameplay, but Fallout game play isn't really good in general, so that left the story and setting which I ended up not caring for. 


If you like the kind of game they were returning to (BG) I'm not sure how you could dislike Pillars. But if you still don't :shrug: I think their games are great, and Pillars is perhaps even the most obvious example of carrying the torch Bioware used to carry, so I stand by my list :sun: 

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2 hours ago, legend said:

Bioware is dead. It's sad. But then I remember that we have CDPR, Larian, and Obsidian and I feel better.

It still feels bad. I adored everything they made from KOTOR, my first Bioware game, through Mass Effect, my favorite game.

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38 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

I really wanted to like Pillars but I didn't like how much I had to micromanage the combat. Is II better in this sense?

It’s certainly more varied but no, managing the party still requires a high level of attention during the harder battles. 

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9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Last time I posted it Apoc got angry and said "You are a fool if you think this will happen to bioware!" or something like that.

He should know better. EA destroys studios, always has.


Bioware isnt going anywhere, but the people who made them great have been gone for years.

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If EA was smart they'd push out Bioware games - including remasters, before letting all the talent bleed dry and kill it off.


Where's my non-MMO KOTOR, Jade Empire sequel, new ME, fixed Anthem, new Dragon Age


I mean FFS, EA owns BIOWare AND Star Wars - WTF?

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28 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


A lot of people scream for the non mmo KOTOR but have they ever tried it? I've already said my piece on it a number of times but they should really give it a shot.


Yeah, i've tried it on 2 separate occasions...just don't care for it.

Not big on MMO's anyway...

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