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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 hour ago, mozart_beercan69 said:

Hilary Clinton, because Trump, whom as we remember is the sleeper cell candidate of the Clintons, became president to fulfill three main objectives: 1) cause mass confusion and chaos with his advanced weaponized trolling tactics.  Pretending to be a bigot and staging events of misinformation like arguing over the wall he never plans to build to take attention off the fact that his actual policies are moderate, which in effect pisses off his critics more than it pleases them.  This causes political division but the end result is to unite everyone back to center after the US internet schadenfreude act goes into effect.  2) By imploding the GOP using shock jock tactics, he cleanses the right spectrum of american politics and reconstructs everything via implementing UBI as a failsafe consolation prize to the losers of this current civil war, and in the end the political barometer will be further left than ever, making way for increased success for Hilary and green party candidates in the next election.  The end result? 3) Trump will have become the greatest president in American History because he actually ended bigotry (will make it illegal) and is the catalyst of moving things forward more than any liberal has been able to accomplish..  The genius of his style of leadership is unprecedented and causes so much chaos that you can get easily distracted by the fake news and hysteria instead of focusing enough to see that it's all a ruse to implement a highly progressive new standard of lawful conduct for western civilization.  Once in effect, Candidates such as Clinton, Stein,  Ocasio-cortez, O'Rourke and Pelosi will take out the social conservative trash until America rivals Canada in quality of life.  Just remember to thank Trump for this.

Excited Jack Nicholson GIF

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Beto is just another centrist posing as a progressive, just like Harris, Klobuchar, Booker, and Gillibrand. There's little point in considering a candidate who is situational for President. 


Separately, doxxing anyone is stupid whether it is coming from the right or the left. The "Bernie Bros." should realize doing what they're doing is stupid in the same way the Jussie Smollett fake attack was stupid - you're giving our entire side a bad name by playing dirty in a way we don't need to.


It would have been more than sufficient to simply reveal that CNN hid the primary roles/jobs of some of the question askers in the Bernie Sanders town hall, and leave it at that, pointing to CNN's bias against progressives and progressive candidates.


But I was told Bernie Bros. don't exist, and that I shouldn't worry about them. This is twice now that's been wrong in just a week or so. 

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55 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Glad to see that Beta (yeah, I'm giving myself full permission to call him that) O'Rourke has decided to definitely lose the race for the Democratic nomination for president rather than potentially win a Senate seat in Texas.

31 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I think he would have won the Senate seat. I think he's going for VP.

he only makes sense for VP if a (nonwhite and/or female) progressive is the pres candidate. He makes no sense to put in VP if a moderate and/or white guy is the pres candidate, passing up better qualified candidates who would appeal to another wing of the party. Two moderates would be a mistake, as would two white dudes, like a bernie/Beto ticket


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Beto skateboards in Whataburger parking lots and says “fuck”. A strong resume for president now, unfortunately.


4 hours ago, Jose said:

No one thinks Beto is Mexican.

There is a reason in a state with as many Hispanics that the dude put his Mexican nickname as often the only name on his marketing materials. 

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Off-topic, but I wish more white people would give their kids ethnic names. Obviously there is no advantage to do so since it makes it harder to get job interviews, but once enough parents did it, it would become easier for minorities as it would be impossible to tell ethnicity on name alone. 


Do you think people would throw around accusations of cultural appropriation if white couples started naming their kids Yukio and Alejandro?

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46 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Beto skateboards in Whataburger parking lots and says “fuck”. A strong resume for president now, unfortunately.


There is a reason in a state with as many Hispanics that the dude put his Mexican nickname as often the only name on his marketing materials. 


To appeal to them, yes. But he's not fooling anybody.

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1 hour ago, Jose said:


To appeal to them, yes. But he's not fooling anybody.


Does it matter whether his ruse works or not? The issue is that he does it at all. Note, I don’t think it is a huge deal, just embarrassingly transparent.

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On 2/28/2019 at 6:18 AM, mozart_beercan69 said:

Hilary Clinton, because Trump, whom as we remember is the sleeper cell candidate of the Clintons, became president to fulfill three main objectives: 1) cause mass confusion and chaos with his advanced weaponized trolling tactics.  Pretending to be a bigot and staging events of misinformation like arguing over the wall he never plans to build to take attention off the fact that his actual policies are moderate, which in effect pisses off his critics more than it pleases them.  This causes political division but the end result is to unite everyone back to center after the US internet schadenfreude act goes into effect.  2) By imploding the GOP using shock jock tactics, he cleanses the right spectrum of american politics and reconstructs everything via implementing UBI as a failsafe consolation prize to the losers of this current civil war, and in the end the political barometer will be further left than ever, making way for increased success for Hilary and green party candidates in the next election.  The end result? 3) Trump will have become the greatest president in American History because he actually ended bigotry (will make it illegal) and is the catalyst of moving things forward more than any liberal has been able to accomplish..  The genius of his style of leadership is unprecedented and causes so much chaos that you can get easily distracted by the fake news and hysteria instead of focusing enough to see that it's all a ruse to implement a highly progressive new standard of lawful conduct for western civilization.  Once in effect, Candidates such as Clinton, Stein,  Ocasio-cortez, O'Rourke and Pelosi will take out the social conservative trash until America rivals Canada in quality of life.  Just remember to thank Trump for this.

This is some Alex Jones shit, but it actually sparked a bit of thought for me.  Could there be some truth to it regarding what Trump's game is? 


So clearly Trump's behavior is the personification of a mountain of flaming dumpsters and anyone who sympathizes with him or votes for him based on what he says, and the policies he seems to want to enact, and pretty much everything he stands for, is a shitty person.  Even IF they are a nice enough person aside from being a Trump supporter, not voting for someone who represents ideas that harm the quality of life of innocent people should be the easiest ethical test you can think of.  Should a candidate running for the presidency of a nation that is founded on providing freedom for citizens, a candidate who conducts themselves like a raging dictator be supported?  Seems like the answer to this is pretty easy, but guess not everyone is on the same page.  In the end, if you vote for someone like that, you've failed one of the easiest morality tests you could take, and your political opinions are now void.


But as time goes by, what if things get a bit more complicated?  Look, I'll just say it - I'm a troll sometimes.  I LOVE going into twitch streams and asking questions to the hosts that manipulate them into saying funny things that derail their broadcasts.  Unlike Trump, I actually end up having a positive effect on the streams though and tend to make the vibe more fun. Point is, I know how trolling works, even though I'd like to think I'm trolling on the side of good.  Trump is a master troll.  But instead of trolling with a heart, he clearly does it to benefit himself and those in his circle.  He's a narcissist, but he's also a very skilled manipulator who knows his audience very well.


So here's my theory:  A lot of the radical policies Trump campaigns on have yet to come to complete fruition.  His wall funding has been cut, for example (last I checked).  He has to know that a lot of the things he wants to do will be slapped down. How much of what he says he's going to do is something he really planed on enacting?  


Should we still treat this seriously?  Absolutely. But what if he suddenly decides to be a good president? Recently there are headlines about him trying to decriminalize homosexuality, for example.  What if within a year he decriminalizes weed and some other drugs, enacts laws that make bigotry illegal, revamps the hiring process and culture of policing, etc. 


He's already pretty much imploded the GOP.  For the most part, nobody who isn't a full-on white supremacist or an old white conservative religious fundamentalist can take the republican party seriously ever again. In addition to that, what if his endgame is to finally denounce social conservatives/far right and enact progressive policies?  How will/should the world react to that?  Essentially wouldn't it be a play that could contribute to normalizing his behavior? 


Like, if a guy walked into your house and took a massive bile dump on your floor - shitting, pissing and vomiting everywhere. But then he not only cleaned up his mess, but cleaned your entire house until it looked better than ever and payed your bills for several months.  What should the reaction to that person be?  What effect does the political equivalent have on society? 


A president who says the most repugnant shit imaginable but ends up governing in a way that contradicts all of it.  Sounds like a Trump play to me.  It could be ultimately destructive to anyone who's not smart enough to see through it because the message it sends is that you should be able to say any shitty thing you want free of consequence as long as your overt actions aren't as bad.  It could potentially set things back for future generations and cause a lot of society to regress and have the wrong debates. Is it possible this is a play that Trump is considering?

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43 minutes ago, fuckle85 said:

Recently there are headlines about him trying to decriminalize homosexuality, for example. 


Someone asked him about this, and he wasn't even aware of the plan. It was someone in the White House trying to do something good, but Trump was not involved (and it won't happen).

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:


Glad that's his issue.


Branding has real power, and I think trump's proven that. With an especially large field it's going to be important to distinguish yourself not only so you're recognizable but also so you have an opportunity to push the party leaders on your policy preferences. 


Basically what I'm saying is that politicians could learn something from how the WWE makes stars.  Other than the steroids. 

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31 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Branding has real power, and I think trump's proven that. With an especially large field it's going to be important to distinguish yourself not only so you're recognizable but also so you have an opportunity to push the party leaders on your policy preferences. 


Basically what I'm saying is that politicians could learn something from how the WWE makes stars.  Other than the steroids. 




That, and if a Dem wins, Inslee could put his hat in for Secretary of the Interior.

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