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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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We easily save 6,000/year by not using gas with our electric. That's 30,000 in 5 years. Our electric and gas including is consistently 85.00/mo for the whole house and car.  On very hot or cold months maybe $110.


A cost for people to consider is getting a charger ($550) at home and setting up 220v connection ($400 install - pre wired). If you always charge other places it will be more. 

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2 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

The problem is our cities are built for cars. They should be built for people. 

^^ this right here. 


Every comment about how "my commute is 10 minutes, it would take me an hour by bus!" Is literally the point. We've made living in virtually every place in America without a car impossible, or at least so onerous that only the desperate/poor (read: minorities. This is the design feature based on when, where, and how highways were designed and built, same with the suburbs) would use.l

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

More discussion needs to be around changing our built environment so that walking, biking, and public transit are easier to use, rather than relying on electric cars, which have their own problems. Shaded, protected, & dedicated biking/walking paths going around the country from rural areas into suburbs and further into cities, aided by electric bikes and subsidies for employers to have showering facilities would be fantastic.


1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:


I1A on NPR had a GREAT discussion about this, going into the history of roads built for horses and carriages, the percentages of people on horses versus cars when cars began, how the country shifted what its transit was like after WWII with the interstate highway system and what decisions are being made to change how cities are structured now.


Here's a link: https://the1a.org/shows/2019-08-26/inaction-in-the-past-is-making-new-york-cyclists-less-safe-in-the-present


Paved roads were first pushed by cyclists because they wanted smoother roads on which to ride their bikes.


1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

I'll take my 15 minute drive to work over having to revolve my life around bus schedules and 1 or more hours bus rides, thank you.


You live in an environment in which it's assumed everyone will drive the moment they can afford a car and only absolute bare minimum transit is provided with the absolute poorest people in mind.

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30 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

^^ this right here. 


Every comment about how "my commute is 10 minutes, it would take me an hour by bus!" Is literally the point. We've made living in virtually every place in America without a car impossible, or at least so onerous that only the desperate/poor (read: minorities. This is the design feature based on when, where, and how highways were designed and built, same with the suburbs) would use.l


"Transit sucks now because of how heavily we favor driving so I don't support making transit better" is the same tautological bullshit as "how can I support legalizing illegal drugs, they're bad news and will get your ass thrown in jail!!!" :silly:

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

^^ this right here. 


Every comment about how "my commute is 10 minutes, it would take me an hour by bus!" Is literally the point. We've made living in virtually every place in America without a car impossible, or at least so onerous that only the desperate/poor (read: minorities. This is the design feature based on when, where, and how highways were designed and built, same with the suburbs) would use.l


It is only going to get worse once full self driving cars are on the market. That hour each way commute where you are pulling your hair just turned into a nap or some portable gaming time, people are more likely to use cars in the future. 

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16 minutes ago, elbobo said:


It is only going to get worse once full self driving cars are on the market. That hour each way commute where you are pulling your hair just turned into a nap or some portable gaming time, people are more likely to use cars in the future. 

It could also mean that we could get rid of a lot of downtown parking, freed up for housing or green space. Or it may never truly happen outside of marginal driving activities, which still require you to be attentive and behind the wheel

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53 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It could also mean that we could get rid of a lot of downtown parking, freed up for housing or green space. Or it may never truly happen outside of marginal driving activities, which still require you to be attentive and behind the wheel

New Buildings should be forced to be Eco friendly like growing food, skyscrapers with trees and parks, solar panels/windows, wind turbines and thermal energy when possible.








Make cities green!

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A few decades ago, San Francisco was definitely on its way to becoming a non-vehicle city, and it was doing it so well. Right around the Frank Jordan era of governace, they totally screwed that up, and slowly you had to rely on vehicles more and more. At the same time, they totally screwed up MUNI to where it was no longer feasible to use it as dedicated transportation unless you were poor or just lucky enough to live in an area that was only on routes, and if you were someone living in the East Bay (or now in the south bay), they made it completely ridiculous to use BART by raising the price for BART to astronomical levels, so that you'd find it so much more convenient (and inexpensive) to just drive.


That's why we're failing in so many cities. Even the progressive cities allow themselves one mayoral period of stupidity and then every mayor after that just build on it, even if they're progressives themselves (thanks Willie Brown).

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On 9/5/2019 at 9:18 AM, thewhyteboar said:

The problem is our cities are built for cars. They should be built for people. 

The aren’t even build my for cars, they are built for tanks.


I live where I do partly because it doesn’t require a car to get to the places I need to go in a timely manner; and if you know the transits time, eliminating the wait, the travel time is virtually the same as it would be in a car.

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13 hours ago, TheGreatGamble said:

Ok, you are being disingenuous as possible. Theres a huge duifference in saying the media isn't covering something, and saying it's fake.  


That's what he's saying. The idea that his criticism of the media is the same as dishonest. You likely agree with him and just misinterpreted.

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On 9/5/2019 at 2:46 PM, CitizenVectron said:

Public should just be free, and fully-funded through taxes.

I actually wouldn’t mind paying a little more in city/provincial taxes to make the ttc free for all. I’d even be incline to add go transit network. The value they add to the city is massive.


On 9/5/2019 at 3:04 PM, Remarkableriots said:

Or they could also get revenue by advertisements on buses.

In a lot of places they do, it’s not enough to cover the cost.


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