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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. There can’t be a sequel to a movie that doesn’t exist!
  2. I’m pretty similar these days. It’s rare for a game to keep me glued to the couch for more than a couple hours at a time. Even if I’m really hooked on a game and I spend “all day” playing it, there are a bunch of significant (hour+) breaks in there.
  3. I have tried so many pillows over the years, and I’ve never found “the one”.
  4. I’m a SINK - single income, never kids. I also double as a garbage disposal for all your food that would otherwise go to waste. I feel like this way I can best contribute to society.
  5. I have vague memories of enjoying some Guild Wars 2. It was right after I built my first gaming PC.
  6. 75% done. I’ve been kinda pacing myself, but now I’m in a mad dash to finish it before I leave for vacation on Wednesday. The WTF factor hits a point of diminishing returns after a while, but the sheer number of concepts/tropes/twists they jammed into this thing, in a way that’s fairly coherent, is impressive. In a reversal from how I am with most games, I now get annoyed every time I’m forced to do the combat missions. Just let me walk around and talk to people, dammit! I wasn’t exactly struggling with them, but I still bumped it down to casual so I could get an S rank with the bonus objectives on the first time and just rush through ASAP. Maybe once I’m done with the story, I’ll go back and engage with that side of things on a higher level.
  7. It’s still listed in the $1 bundle. The higher tiers contain the Deluxe Edition of Revelations 2, making episode 1 redundant.
  8. There is (or was) a hunting game like this on Game Pass that I played just a couple times. It was kinda zen just wandering through the woods, following bird calls or whatever, but ultimately found it pretty boring.
  9. I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Seems like a pretty big departure from the classic Tempest games.
  10. 13 Sentinels - I’m halfway through the story, and it’s all I can think about. Can’t believe I ignored this game for so long, especially since I bought it over a year ago.
  11. I love a nice long hike, but I need a bed and a roof.
  12. I mean, they don’t call it nail-proof glass. It would have worked in an old point and click adventure game.
  13. There’s no “right” way to grieve. Just avoid hurting yourself and others, and everything else is fair fuckin’ game, man. Also, that “how’s it going?” scenario: it is absolutely acceptable to say “honestly? Pretty damn bad.” No need to do the big blow up speech you see in movies. Even that small release (in my experience) helps.
  14. There are smaller versions of the bundle available. The top games are only in the highest tier, middle games in the middle tier, and you can get the bottom three games for $1.
  15. I add and drop most of these services as “needed”, and I like Hulu, but it’s usually a pretty easy one for me to drop for like half the year. And I was on the annual plan for D+, but that’s going up by what, $40? No thanks.
  16. I would recommend picking up where you left off, finish it, and then you have the option of NG+, which is a really fun way to run through everything again.
  17. Unless something has changed with these patches, I believe magic (INT) is the generally agreed upon way to easily power through the game. Personally, I found magic to be kinda boring, and spent most of my time with the biggest sword or hammer I could find, cranked up my strength and endurance, and bashed skulls.
  18. I’m now completely hooked on 13 Sentinels, which I finally started after being inspired by this thread. Apparently it’s a 30-35 hour game, so I should be able to finish it this month.
  19. At least once every 10-15 minutes of play time, I catch myself saying “this game is fucking insane”, and 9 out of 10 times I mean it in a positive way.
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