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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. That was the Nickelback Heardle I got in one. I haven’t done Wordle in months.
  2. It’s a weird point of pride with my family who live in the middle of nowhere. Like “we live in such a nice, quiet village that’s so peaceful, we don’t even need to lock our doors! It’s not like the scary Big City with all that crime and noise. Why, just last week, Martha from down the street came over and borrowed some sugar from us when we were out of the house, and she used it to bake us a pie!”
  3. Thought I was pretty much done, then I found accidentally something that has scrubbing back through everything. This thing fucking rules.
  4. IMDB lists them as Durin III and Durin IV, so yeah, it seems like they’re not following that particular bit of lore. So 0/10 worst show evar.
  5. I feel kinda bad that I got today’s Heardle in one.
  6. We’ve all been there: you’re having a tough time with your lady, you bring in a third to spice things up, then you realize things would work out better if you just took a step back and watched.
  7. These mofos are dumb as hell. It’s pushing ‘social justice politics’ to cast non-white actors, give me a fucking break. Now, if Arondir starts to get persecuted at some point because he’s not as “fair-faced” as other elves, we can maybe start to have that conversation. But so far, he’s just another pointy ear. The only people making a big deal about it are the people whining. And I love the guy saying “if you made a movie about ancient African royals, you wouldn’t cast white people, would you?” THIS ISN’T REAL HISTORY!! If you made a movie based on a fantasy book inspired by African history, cast whoever the fuck you want. There’s a quote in there from N.K. Jemison in there too, which reminds me: a blockbuster adaptation of the Broken Earth Trilogy needs to happen.
  8. I’m laying down summon signs everywhere I can, but nobody wants in! Oh well, back to single player…
  9. And I still won’t know, because of course it’s on the one streaming service I don’t have right now.
  10. As I’m winding down on Immortality, I started up Tales if Arise. I’ve played so many Tales games over the years and never come close to finishing one, but here we go again.
  11. Immortality has really taken over my brain. I’ve hit a mildly frustrating point where it’s harder to “progress” (find new clips) which has kind of slowed my momentum.
  12. Love that he put “picture” in quotes like he’s skeptical about the technology of photographs.
  13. I think it’s been firmly established that around here, there are people who are absolutely worthy of shaming.
  14. It’s funny. If I had a PS5, I would probably buy this and feel a little bad about it. But since I won’t get a PS5 any time soon, I can just say “meh, lazy cash grab” and never think about it again.
  15. The Micheal Cera character in Molly’s Game was based on Maguire, a tidbit that I found fascinating when that movie came out.
  16. I don’t think copyright ever stopped the porn industry. But I can’t wait for Tigger to join the MCU.
  17. Playing some more this morning (although playing should maybe be in quotes) and I’m completely hooked. It feels more mechanically slight than those other games, since you’re mostly clicking on stuff at random and hoping it brings you a new clip. But there are some extra layers there that are exciting to uncover. Mostly, it feels less like playing a game and more like watching a weird TV miniseries unfold. When I’m done with it, I’m going to have to find some making-of material, because conceptually it seems pretty daunting. From what I can tell, they basically wrote three full movies and filmed them, but not straight through. Sometimes you’re seeing the “real” movie being made, some of the scenes are rehearsals, some are table reads. But you’re also getting behind the scenes, auditions, talk show appearances. And a lot of these clips are long. There are times I forget that I’m supposed to be solving a mystery and I’m just engrossed in these movies. The lead actress has some real Anya Taylor-Joy energy that is enchanting. Definitely not for everyone, but if this concept sounds interesting at all, check it out. There is also a mobile version coming at some point that will be available via Netflix.
  18. Does this look “good”? Maybe not. But come November, I will absolutely be figuring out how to access whatever the Roku Channel is.
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