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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Yeah some really impressive generosity here lately. You love to see it.
  2. I have the 65" G3 and have been absolutely loving it, between my 4K movies, PS5, and PC gaming on it. It's my first OLED though so I can't really offer much in the way of a comparison with e.g. a C2 or any other previous generations of OLED, but it has really exceeded my expectations even when they were already sky high for a $3k TV. It has really improved my media consumption experience 100x (even over my previous 4K TV, which was admittedly a cheapo Samsung from Costco). The only thing to be aware of that I think has been mentioned already (too many OLED threads for me to be certain and I'm currently too lazy to go back through the thread ) is that the 83" G3 is the one size of G3 that does NOT include LG's new MLA (micro-lens array) tech which increases the brightness. I'm guessing though that it will still be a great brightness upgrade over your old C1. @stepee had an older generation LG OLED before upgrading to the G3, IIRC; he might be able to offer some thoughts.
  3. Took me a second to realize you meant "average voter" and not "average Q-Annon voter" and I wasn't sure why they would be put off by that particular aspect of Trump.
  4. You're saying you'd lose, but that's an assumption. A consultation to see if you have a case is often free or cheap, and if it's the latter but still is too much for your finances, let us know and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who'd be willing to help out. Missing work for mental health reasons is not you having "fucked it up"; don't give up!
  5. Sorry man, that sucks. If you're able, it might be worth checking with a lawyer. Obviously we don't have all the details, but terminating someone who was struggling with a mental health episode but who is now on the mend seems shady as hell.
  6. Will have to read the article soon, but... yeah without any kind of enforcement mechanism, who gives a shit?
  7. Accidentally only voted for "Occasional Gift", but I also have a WaPo subscription.
  8. This post made me have to look up "dabbing" to learn what it is ("the consumption of cannabis by inhaling the vapor of heated cannabis extract oil") and what it isn't (injecting heroin into your eyeballs) TIL. Anyway, glad you seem to have a good path forward!
  9. Could I do it? Yes. Would it look suspiciously like just placing a large leaf on my head and be remarkably ineffective? Also yes. Honestly though I don't know, I guess it would depend on what resources were available to me, what my state of mind was, etc. I'm actually an Eagle Scout and have been backpacking many times so I'd like to think I've picked up some survival skills but it's all a bit rusty at this point.
  10. Right? We should reclaim "Blood and soil" to just mean farmers working hard on their land. What could go wrong?!
  11. FWIW, I've been using YNAB for a year or so and have found it useful enough to justify the roughly $10/month and I don't think I'm even using it to its fullest potential. It has some great reports and helps you keep track of your goals, whether that's saving for a vacation, making sure you have enough for a credit card payment, or for retirement. Its linking with cards via Plaid is really useful.
  12. Agreed, and I'd point out the obvious too that it's also a matter of scale. A CEO making, say conservatively $1 million/year, is going to have their life negatively affected a lot less by a loss of even $100,000 than a person making $50k/year is going to notice losing $5k, even though they're both 10% cuts. The baseline matters, of course, and the CEO's remaining $900,000 still put him in the "very wealthy" category in my book, whereas the employee making $45k is probably going to suddenly have to reevaluate a few things in their life.
  13. Welcome back! What's new with you?
  14. How old is this cartoon? Intel is also going "AI ALL THE THINGS".
  15. A question for those who are more investment savvy and don't mind sharing: Other than the obvious potential risk with any investment, can anyone think of a reason not to invest some or all of the money from my HSA which is above my health insurance's annual maximum out of pocket amount (I believe around $2200)? My HSA management company offers a few different investment options (e.g. mutual funds). I checked and it isn't tied to my employer (i.e. I'd take it with me if I left), and from what I'm reading it seems like you can sell off your investments and get your money back within a couple of business days if you needed it suddenly. I'm not really seeing a ton of down sides to it, and most of the articles and such I've seen from googling seem to be pretty strongly in favor of it (the phrase "triple tax-advantaged" comes up a lot ), but I wanted to check with a knowledgeable community I trust.
  16. Funny meme aside, I do kind of wonder if it being YouTube Shorts really is playing at least a small role here. My thinking is: Because all of these companies (YouTube, TikTok, Facebook/Instagram, etc.) are vying for your attention, and in that format they have even less time to hook you and get you to keep engaging (vs. a full-length video), it would make some kind of sense they might show you some "outrageous" content meant to elicit a response from you. They may also have their algorithm weighted stupidly for a "novelty-factor", so because you happen to have stumbled across one conservative video and watched it, it thinks "oh this is a new interest, let's keep them happy!" and shows you a shitload of videos. Or maybe they're secretly trying to turn everyone dumb, I dunno.
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