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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. That's really weird. Even if you weren't buying weapons: so what? Picking up teammates' or enemy weapons off of the ground is a reasonable strategy to save up money... And why does she care, anyway? Tonight I played for about 30 minutes and in my final game, I went 11-3-4 (Kills-Deaths-Assists) and was the top player. I decided to quit "early" for the night because it wasn't going to get any better.
  2. I've continued to put more and more hours into CS2 (currently sitting at around 35 in the last two weeks ). Despite some major flaws (e.g. gun mechanics are infuriating sometimes) I've been enjoying it overall. If you get a team that uses voice chat and cooperates, it's a ton of fun. It also looks really good, IMO.
  3. Yeah I can't believe this shithead isn't already locked up. Well, I can believe it but it annoys me that it is so.
  4. Yeah I agree with this assessment. The lack of MLA on the 83" version of the G3 means it will be darker than any other size G3, unfortunately, though still fantastically bright for an OLED (certainly brighter than your C1). I've been super happy with my 65" G3 but the 83" version is still $5,500, so probably not worth it just for the extra brightness over the C3.
  5. Dang man, that sucks. Have you taken a COVID test? Gone to see a doctor? 3 weeks seems like a long time to be dealing with just a cold.
  6. Got my flu and COVID shot yesterday, proceeded to sleep only five hours last night, and am tired as shit today. YOLO!
  7. I guess I just don't watch enough movies and TV shows regularly to feel like I've seen it all. I can always find tons of stuff to watch on any given service.
  8. Got my flu shot and COVID booster today. I went to the pharmacy in a local Costco and was given the Novavax vaccine. So far I've had Pfizer and Moderna so we'll see how it goes. My arm was a little more sore this time but I also did two shots for the first time, and both in the same arm so it's probably not related.
  9. The really annoying thing about this, to me, is that the only way to get 4K content is with the premium plan; every other plan offers HD but not Ultra HD. The premium plan does give you more screens, but as a single guy, I don't need them. Just give me the 4K on a single device for a lower price!
  10. I voted for atheists because I think they have more of a reputation for being militant (and I say this as a meat-eating atheist myself), but... I can actually see how meat-eaters would be especially annoying to a vegetarian/vegan since it's frequently assumed to be the "default position".
  11. FYI in case you noticed some posts suddenly missing: I went ahead and cleaned up the thread because things were getting a bit off-topic. If anyone disagrees with their post getting hidden, please feel free to PM me.
  12. Every once in a while, I ask myself what the hell I was thinking four years ago when I came back.
  13. Maybe a hot take, but I'm actually sympathetic to the fact that there are real costs associated with running a hugely popular website like YouTube and I'm happy to pay for it, the same as just about any luxury service that adds value to my life.
  14. But seriously, I wish I had that confidence. I never dance willingly or without the assistance of liquid courage.
  15. I used to drink these occasionally as a teenager but when I tried one semi-recently, it seemed way too sweet for me.
  16. Steam tells me I've put in nearly 20 hours into Counter-Strike 2 in the last two weeks. I've been enjoying it a lot more than I expected to after all these years on these same maps. There was definitely a learning curve getting back into it, there are still frustrating moments where I can't hit the broad side of a barn, and I rarely am finishing a game higher than around the middle of the scoreboard, but... It's fun.
  17. You both mentioned "both of his books" but he has three: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2011) Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow (2015) 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (2018) They all seemed right up my alley so I bought them all but haven't read a single one yet. Anyway just thought you two might want to know, if you didn't already, that he has another book and it has received similarly good ratings/reviews.
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