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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Word around the office is: you've got a fat cock!
  2. I actually agree with @best3444 here. Crab is good, but way too much work for what you get.
  3. The illicit love child of Buster Bluth and brazil201.
  4. I guess there must be some pretty major shit going on in his life if he feels he has to delete his account at the drop of a hat without notice or goodbyes. Hope he's OK.
  5. "incredibly harrowing..." "6 miles"
  6. I've watched quite a few lately. Some quick thoughts: "Happiness for Beginners" (Netflix) | 5.5/10 | I really like Ellie Kemper , and everyone in this acted competently, but I think the script was just kinda "meh". It held my interest, but it didn't really have anything too unique or all that interesting to say and the journey itself also wasn't particularly compelling. Still, the time did go by pretty quickly. "American Graffiti" (Netflix) | 4.0/10 | I know this one is supposed to be classic but for the most part I was just bored. I might have enjoyed it more if I was alive in the 50s, but a 70s movie meant to romanticize the 50s didn't really do it for me. I will say though that it was fun to see some stars when they were younger (e.g. Ron Howard, Harrison Ford). "Stand By Me" (Netflix) | 8.0/10 | Another one that's a classic and one which actually holds up well IMO. A classic coming of age tale with insightful dialog (though unrealistic, for 12-year-olds ) told in a fun way, also featuring some well-known actors in their youth (e.g. Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Kiefer Sutherland, etc.).
  7. Ugh, that's rough, sorry man. I've been cheated on a couple times and it really blows. I don't blame you at all for being upset at it, even years later. Do you think though this will be one of those things that you'll be glad to know later down the road? Personally, I think I'd almost always rather know the truth than not, even if it's a painful truth and I suffer a while for knowing it, because knowing the truth allows me to have a more accurate picture of reality, make better decisions, identity my hurt and address it, etc. But boy can it suck in the moment.
  8. I only played Vampire Survivors and TF2 for all of August.
  9. Might be a visibility issue, with them being so low to the ground? Also, I don't know how the newer ones are, but my old-ass Prius (2007) has pretty terrible blind spots with the A-pillars.
  10. It kind of surprises me that they're dismissing such experienced talent. It seems likely then that it's something beyond being merely budgetary, no?
  11. As a general FYI and reminder that it's possible (and sometimes necessary, unfortunately): I edited @b_m_b_m_b_m's post to remove the automatic color formatting of the quotes. The text was invisible on the darker theme ("D1P Dark"). You can remove formatting by either holding Ctrl + Shift + V when you paste it in or pasting it in normally, selecting the text, and clicking the "Remove Format" button (in red below):
  12. Once you learn to absorb food up through your butt, the time savings really add up.
  13. Sounds like a really fun experience! Maybe time to start a band?
  14. If it was free I'd love to go, but I don't think I would get enough out of the experience for it to be worth me paying much for.
  15. Wordle 800 4/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛⬛🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  16. This seems really encouraging, no? If the vast majority of the complaints are coming from two people, everyone else can safely ignore it.
  17. Or at least allow people to submit a new guess, based on this new knowledge and the assumption that Dipshit In Chief would lie.
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