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Everything posted by Nokra

  1. Hell yeah, congrats on the new setup! I heartily recommend watching something like Disney's "Coco" or something else that's animated and bright; the colors are insane on OLED.
  2. I'm not sure how the wattage compares, but the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and Ioniq 6 do this as well, as does the Kia EV6.
  3. NGL, for a brief moment I thought I was in the "Post your pic" thread and I thought "holy shit... Jason does not look at all like I remembered."
  4. Yeah I'm skeptical of this also, considering how quickly it came out.
  5. The same could/should be asked of e.g. the Ford F250, which weighs 5,697 to 7,660 lbs.
  6. This makes me irrationally angry. It always annoyed me in the books how much ink he spent describing food rather than moving the plot forward, and now he's taking it to the next level.
  7. I've never read the book myself but saw this article about it a few months ago and read it because of all I'd heard about the book. I'd be curious to hear both of your opinions on the article, if you have the inclination to read it and share. https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2023/08/02/body-keeps-score-grieving-brain-bessel-van-der-kolk-neuroscience-self-help /
  8. Happy Birthday, my good sir! What did you end up doing to celebrate?
  9. I can't even remember now what the most recent occasion was, but... the last time Best Buy did this, 8 out of 10 of the games were practically shovelware. Let's see, I guess.
  10. You should go Intel, purely because it helps me out.
  11. When 4Ks first come out it seems like they're around $40, but my thinking is that if you wait until they're on sale, it costs around $6 to rent on e.g. Amazon, or I can pay another $3 and own it.
  12. Nothing gained so far, but I've spent maybe $10 to unlock crates. Two of my weapons are worth about $20 each though, so I could potentially make it all back and then some, if I didn't want to keep them. Are you playing, too?
  13. I guess I wouldn't care if they want to smoke privately (and nobody, especially children, has to be around it) if e.g. their premiums for insurance are also sky high. Otherwise, it seems to me like it's not just "their body, their choice", as everyone else has to compensate for their stupid choices. Am I completely wrong/ignorant in thinking this?
  14. Steam is telling me I've put in 44.5 hours into CS2 in the past two weeks. The problem with that number is that I've only been back from a two-week vacation for one week, and I didn't play at all on my vacation. Soooo.... playing this has basically been like my full-time job this past week (on top of my regular 9-5). Granted, there have been several days off for Thanksgiving, but... it's probably time to ease up. Once I've started to get better at learning the maps and the angles, learning where to target, when/where to throw grenades etc., I'm starting to more frequently get kills and assists and I'm sometimes even ending up on the upper third of the scoreboard; my enjoyment of the game has gone up a lot over the past few weeks. There are still some very frustrating moments here and there (mostly having to do with the gun physics, i.e. "how the hell did I miss that shot?!") and there do seem to be an above-average number of toxic jackasses playing (racism, juvenile attention-seeking, etc.) but so far I haven't been completely dissuaded from playing. On the contrary: the game definitely has that "just one more round" appeal to me. When you get a couple people with mics who are calling out enemies, strategizing ("you go this way and I'll go this way", etc.) it is really damn fun, IMO.
  15. Bloody hell, where do you guys live that's so cheap? I pay $1600/month for a 550 square foot 1-bedroom apartment in downtown Portland, OR.
  16. Thanks to Best Buy's Black Friday 4K sale (still ongoing as of this post), I bought: The Hobbit: The Motion Picture Trilogy [Extended/Theatrical] The Bourne Complete Collection The Transformers: The Movie [35th Anniversary Limited Edition] Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Inception Watchmen Dr. Strangelove Speed A Clockwork Orange Everything Everywhere All At Once The Shawshank Redemption Planet Earth II all 4K, for about $240 all together. 17 movies + 1 show (Planet Earth) means $240/18 = about $13 each, so not too bad for 4K, IMO.
  17. I'm sorry for your pending divorce.
  18. Sounds like genetic inferiority.
  19. Ugh, that's awful, I'm sorry to hear that. As awful as it no doubt was to witness, and at the risk of "bright-siding" it: I guess it's better than her being alone for that. Terrible no matter what, though. Wishing her, you, and your family healing in the days and weeks ahead.
  20. Yeah I'm still cautiously optimistic. It won't be a game I'll pick up at launch for full price, but once it hits a low price on a Steam sale, I'm in.
  21. Will be very curious to hear what you think of the book once you've given it some attention!
  22. Yeah, I get that it's via dog whistling that shitheads can get away with hate, but that one seems kinda silly to me. Admittedly without knowing a thing of this person's background or politics, I personally read that as "for political reasons". But again, who knows.
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