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  1. Let me @skillzdadirecta your attention to how I see this election: Trump saw the call earlier for @Joe Biden as @Mr.Vic20 President-Elect and said @BloodyHell. Sure, he wanted to be a @CastlevaniaNut18 but unfortunately for him this is a democracy, not a monarchy. As American @CitizenVectrons, it was our duty to put new leadership into the White House even if it was as laborious as pushing a skyscraper up a @SlipperySlope. We couldn't just let bad things happening drive us to @Spawn_of_Apathy. We had to wait as the results @Slugged along, yet our patience paid off. Biden won @ThreePi of those Rust Belt states we lost last time, and Trump lost @mrbiggsly. The margins are big enough where we can say this is a mandate and we didn't @Dodger a bullet. Signs were @Ominous Election Night, and when Florida, home of the @Commissar SFLUFAN in Gainesville, tipped toward Trump, it felt like a @Comet had hit us, or worse a @Spork3245 in the eye or @Brick to the face, our morale @Chollowa. We stayed calm with no @Remarkableriots. Rudy tried to be a @Massdriver of misinformation, but it came from Rudy, which @Signifyin(g)Monkey that it was bullshit. Libertarians and liberals and Democratic socialists joined together, rivals who came together like @marioandsonic. In a way, Trump did unite us, but against him. The @silentbob majority in this not so @SilentWorld was the Biden voter: no ostentatious red hat, no rallies, just a vote that ended up being louder than all of boat parades you can think of. We were not @PaladinSolo; we were together in this. No difference made being @MarSolo, but as one unit, we could fight back. We saw that he could win once (and doesn't pre-2016 feel like @SimpleG times in comparison?) so we wouldn't be @LazyPiranha and stay home. Sure, we weren't @Kal-El814, but not all heroes wear capes. While his tantrums may @Ricofoley in people's minds, remember that he won't stay as president soon; January 20 will be his @finaljedi day where he can say that. If he says he is on January 21, just be like @SaysWho?. And @Jason Miller will be gone, too! @osxmatt Gaetz can whine, but it makes no difference. And no more hearing someone pretend he's done more for the black community since @cusideabelincoln. Will Putin and Trump @69los after January 20 and put it on @Bloodpornehub? I don't care! And whether you like/dislike or are neutral toward her, Kamala being the first woman in the White House will leave a @GeneticBlueprint for future generations as to what's possible, a giant @stepee toward a more perfect union, and a reminder of the @Firewithin our American spirits to vote, where my one vote is worth as much in my state as Trump's. Yes, it's fun to picture Trump as a @Chairslinger and crap on his @Reputator, but this is more than that. I don't need to check out @sexy_shapiro's Twitter account to read his silly comments. I can just bask in this triumph and then get back to work tomorrow. We'll need Biden, Harris, but more importantly, the American people to @Captain Pickle this ship to calmer waters. We'll start with getting those Georgia Senate seats. Then maybe a safe COVID @vaxick? And God, this year has felt like it's taken forever. Wasn't it yesterday that @Chris- Matthews was let go? Feels like it. Hell, it feels like not long ago that Biden announced he would @run32.dll for president. Or Bernie/Liz, who we thought were @Greatoneshere but couldn't get the votes. As an aside, @Keyser_Soze is one of the characters in The Usual Suspects which is a @sblfilms, Americans like @Bacon, @b_m_b_m_b_m are on the bottom of your keyboard, and @mclumber1 is what we'll eventually have after we chop down a tree. Sorry but I don't think I can figure out bullshit ways to sneak more of you into this story.
    33 points
  2. There is never a guarantee you’ll get a Schadenfreude Day like this. There are election years like 2016, where you just have to sit there with gritted teeth while Billy Bob Joe from Bumblescum celebrates the election results with hoots and hollers and lynching a black man. But not this year. No, this time Donald Trump has to eat shit from a man old enough to be my grandfather. It has been four long, agonizing, and stupid years, so you better believe I am going summon every single petty, misguided instinct within me to bask in the glow of this defeat. You lost, Trump. I know the Dems also lost because they likely aren't getting the Senate and because they always suck but that doesn't change that Trump lost. Our grunting Cheeto dictator of a president probably would have won if he took Covid seriously by just listening to the smart people in the room for once in his miserable life, but of course the bloodworms in his brain would never let him do that, so now he has to watch the election and the presidency slip through his tiny hands and now everyone is happy because FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU, we cry from Pennsylvania. FUCK YOU, they cry from Georgia. FUCK YOU, they cry from Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe even North Carolina a little. All over the country, people gather as if for worship, except in this case they’re doing it to lift their middle fingers aloft and cry out FUCK YOU. Choirs of small children gather on stage risers in tasteful white robes to sing the words FUCK YOU in angelic tones. Passing cumulus masses in the sky arrange themselves into a warm FUCK YOU shape as a message from the heavens. A lone woman runs across an alpine mountainside to tell the hills the news that Trump lost, and therefore FUCK YOU FOREVER. I have no doubt that Trump and his whiny, entitled dipshit cultists will take the worldwide celebration of their demise (for now at least) as a hint, but I hope they do. One of the issues with America is its education system, and I think one of the problems with it is that none of our schools appear to offer any sort of course in How To Go The Fuck Away. You people could use one. You people could stand to go take a sabbatical in fucking Greenland for the next three decades. Go away. Fuck off. Leave the rest of the world alone with your endless, bipolar neediness. Donald Trump? Go the fuck away. I could not bear another four years of this man. I couldn't. It’s like they took everything bad about America, boiled it down, and then poured it into a big fat orange mold and THIS asshole is what popped out of it. I hate him! I hate him so MUCH. I hate him nearly as much as all of Ivanka does. Mitch McConnell? Go the fuck away. I wish you had lost either your election or the Senate, so you could go spend your remaining days as the dour tortoise farmer you were born to be. Tucker Carlson? Go the fuck away. Learn how to make some sort of face that doesn't look like you're confused and looking around the room trying to pick out the guy who farted. Sean Hannity? Go the fuck away. You deserve to have Obama force-feed you an entire bottle of dijon mustard live on air. Rush Limbaugh? Go the fuck away. How you are still alive is beyond me. Go the fuck away, MAGAtards. You’ll have to find a different year to celebrate the GOP's dystopian zeal for making literally every human being miserable and replaceable, and to pretend them winning somehow makes up for your own myriad, hilarious personal shortcomings. This is a glorious day. I’M GONNA GO STAND BY THE NEARBY FREEWAY AND PASS OUT FREE STEAKS TO EVERYONE BECAUSE TRUMP HAD HIS SHIT RUINED
    24 points
  3. On what was easily one of the darkest days of our lives, our "Dumb D1P Family" came through to give a little ray of happiness. For that, Samantha and I will be eternally grateful Thank you all so very, very much!!!
    23 points
  4. Fuck it, we've signed up to host a refugee family. We only really have a spare bedroom in the basement (though fully furnished and the basement is finished), but after talking last night we decided that we couldn't not do it. If families are willing to travel around the world to have a safe place to live, even temporarily, then we can offer a bedroom and some food/expenses to help them. Who knows if we'll even be selected since we don't speak Ukrainian or Russian (beyond a few basic phrases I know), but we have access to a lot of Ukrainian friends and families as a support network.
    23 points
  5. Today is such a special day in so many ways. It’s the first day where everyone is finally feeling comfortable enough to celebrate a Biden victory. And for me it’s my 400th day without alcohol. I’m so happy with myself and the world right now that I feel like crying. This is a good day.
    23 points
  6. So i've been sitting with this post for a couple of days and I've been trying to collect and organize my thoughts so that I could best respond. I appreciate the thought put into this post @Emperor Diocletian II and I didn't want to just respond with a clever quip or snarky comment. You asked the question that with all of the trials and tribulations and systemic inequities that black people face "how could someone NOT become nihilistic?" the term you are using to describe the apathy that you see in people that would commit the types of acts like David Dorn's murder. I can answer... with a TREMENDOUS amount of effort and a strong familial and communal support system. Black people are not inherently traumatized, pathological or prone to acts of violence for any reason, nurture or nature. Racists would have you believe that black people commit more crime because we are just inherently violent... savages that the white man brought from an untamed land and "civilized" as best he could and that it's in black people's best interest that the status quo be maintained for their own good. They also believe that if it wasn't for "outside agitators" I.E. other whites or even worse, JEWS, that black people would be happily content to stay in their place and everyone would be happy. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have white liberals who can often fall into the trap of saying black people may be more violent, but it's because of the circumstances that they have been subjected to. If they are pathological, it's because they have been put into situations that are beyond their control so any criminal behavior that they may exhibit can be explained and excused by circumstance. What both of these viewpoints do is rob black people of any intricacy and agency in their actions and fates. Nurture and nature play a part in the development of any human being and black people definitely are often born and raised in more difficult situations than white people but that does not absolve us of knowing right from wrong. Black people cannot and have never been able to afford being nihilists. There's no way we would have endured slavery, or Jim Crow, or the Civil Rights movement or just getting through the day if we succumbed to nihilism on a wide scale. We wouldn't be out there protesting in the streets (largely peacefully) if we were a bunch of collective cynics and nihilists. Don't get me wrong, it's tempting to succumb to a nihilistic viewpoint growing up black in America especially if you're on the lower end of the economic scale. But this is nothing new for black people in America and culturally we have come up with ways to cope and endure... our music, our dances and artistic endeavors, our religious practices, our activist and militant groups, our families, hell even our Gangs... they are all coping mechanisms and support systems for blacks in America and we lean on them because we know that if we did not do that, WE WOULD NOT SURVIVE. We HAVE to keep fighting and pushing for a better tomorrow as trite as that sounds, not just for our own survival but for the survival of the generation that is coming behind us. Earlier in this thread, I posted this video I wonder how many people here watched this video and understood what was happening and the raw emotion and vulnerability that is rarely seen in public from black men. The oldest dude was frustrated and literally says "I'm ready to die" but he's not coming from a place of hopelessness. He's ready to take a stand and potentially risk his life because from his perspective, we've exhausted all other avenues and change, if it's going to come, will require the being willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. What you see here in this video is anger, frustration and sadness but what you do NOT see is hopelessness or nihilism.'"You're going to be doing the same thing I'm doing 10 years from now... come up with a better way" That's not hopelessness or despair. That's preparation. That's passing the baton. That's an acknowledgement that the fight will continue but the fight is WORTH FIGHTING. So what does any of this have to do with the post I'm responding to? Well it's basically me saying that yes, all of the conditions that black people live or unfair and are there to keep us in check and to subjugate us, all of this is true. But having said that, it does NOT rob of us of personal responsibility and decency. Who ever pulled the trigger and killed David Dorn may have been a product of their environment, or they may have been a crackbaby... who knows? What is known is that THEY are responsible for that murder and that unless there was some cognitive impairment that they suffer from, they KNEW it was wrong. They person filming the video knew it was not only wrong but that it was ridiculous. That this elder in the community would lose his life for a fuckin' TV and he kept saying it over and over. This man wasn't killed by looters desperate for food to feed their families. He was killed by someone looking to steal a TV assuming that that is what happened because I wouldn't be surprised by anything in today's day and age. Nihilism isn't rampant in the black community because if it was, things would be a LOT different. We haven't given up, we're enduring... It's a struggle and it ain't easy, but we ARE doing it. We can decry the inequities of American society regarding black people and other minorities without absolving them of clear wrong doing... the two are not mutually exclusive, opposing thoughts to have and one does not invalidate the other. It's not an either or proposition. Black people want safe and lawful communities too. We want to able to call the police that WE pay for and not feel like suspects ourselves . Despite what folks on the Right believe, Black people don't want preferential treatment, just equitable treatment. We want to be seen as fully formed human beings... James Baldwin can say it better than I can and he said it over 50 years ago I pasted the video at the relevant point I was trying to highlight but I hope you guys find the time to watch it in it's entirety at some point. I let it play while I was playing a game the other day.So those are my thoughts and I hope I was able to articulate them clearly. It's hard to have these conversations through a screen and I look forward to meeting some of you guys in person at some point especially you @Emperor Diocletian II and throwing back a beer or two (or whatever it is you fascists drink ) It's long over due... and be on the lookout for a new Twitter follower soon. My presence on other forms of social media will be increasing soon. Thanks again for providing this forum and thanks for engaging in this conversation.
    23 points
  7. I hereby declare that the $1,000 that I contributed to Reverend Ralph's campaign between the general election and the run-off was the decisive factor in his victory.
    21 points
  8. I just want to apologize for saying everyone in here are rich snobs. I am having a terrible time in my life right now and I let my frustrations out on these boards. It's absolutely no excuse for my behavior and I will be cleaning up my act for sure. I know each and everyone of you who post in here are very generous good people. I'll try not to post in this section and if I do, I'll do it respectfully and intelligently. I hope you guys can forgive me and I just want to move on. I've been apart of this community for 12 years plus another 8 years on IGN. I don't want a bad reputation and I'll do everything in my power to change. Thanks guys for your help in the past and I just want to say I consider friends. @Commissar SFLUFAN If this is an inappropriate thread, just lock it. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
    21 points
  9. I'd like to give thanks to our PA residents. @Chris-, @Greatoneshere, @marioandsonic, @MarSolo. Thank you for helping push this victory over the line. I know there are other PA peeps here but I can't remember every single one right this second as I write this on my phone while walking my dogs. Special shout-out to our resident Libertarian @mclumber1 for setting aside his preferences and voting for the greater good in his swing state. @Remarkableriotsgets a shout-out here too. Shout-outs and thanks to @Commissar SFLUFANSFLUFAN, @Joe, and others who I can't remember specifically who made calls into battleground states (I think maybe @Chollowa?). Pretty sure @Dodger who is in AZ voted for Biden too. He gets thanks for that. I know @Iculus is on Georgia, but I don't know who he voted for. If it was Biden then you get a thanks as well. Can't forget our midwest folks either. @vaxick and @Ominous in MI I know for sure. Not sure who else is a midwesterner here. Can't forget @SlipperySlope who donated like half of every paycheck to blue as well. And lastly thanks to all who voted for Biden even if he wasn't our absolute favorite candidate or first preference. Or even if he was. Even if you live in a ruby red state like me or a safe blue state. The popular vote will give Biden some sort of mandate and you contributed to that. But, the work isn't over, it's just beginning! Hugs and fist bumps to you all.
    21 points
  10. The restaurant actually had a camera and there's footage. Despite what a piece of crap McConnell is , it's actually kind of hard to watch so I'll spoiler tag it...
    20 points
  11. So, while I'm not as active here as I once was, I still lurk fairly regularly, and post on occasion. And wanted to share some good feels on something that I can't celebrate as openly as I'd like out there IRL. Two years ago today, I walked in to a GA (Gambler's Anonymous) room on the recommendation of my therapist. For the better part of two years prior, my relationship with a mobile game (Lords Mobile, for any who might be aware of it), which started as a distraction and grew to something much stronger, compulsive, and toxic, had led me to a point where dissociation from family/friends/work, habitual lying, and any number of other maladaptive behaviors had become the norm for me, all while spending ungodly amounts of money on growing and building my account in the game. Denial was a central tenet of my life - denial that I had a problem, denial of the pain I was causing myself and others, denial of what I was doing to myself, denial that I was "coping" with my problems by (trying to) escape them into the fantasy life of the game and the "social" aspect of the all-too-shallow friendships formed from other players on Discord, Line, Teamspeak, etc. So, I walked into the first meeting feeling pretty hopeless, lost in despair, and more than a little shame and guilt - not over what I'd done (as I deluded myself into believing at the time), but rather, shame and guilt over having been caught lying, stealing (from our joint savings while amassing staggering amounts of credit card debt), etc. I spent a lot of time in meetings in my first few months just talking about how badly I felt, but didn't actually start experiencing any sort of recovery until (at the prompting of another member) I starting opening up and talking about what I'd done, the terrible acts I'd committed, the countless lies I'd told, how I'd reached a point where when asked a question, my first inclination wasn't to tell the truth, but rather to run through this sort of twisted calculus in an attempt to come up with the best answer to satisfy whichever need I felt at that moment, which usually amounted to a need to be left the fuck alone so I could resume escaping into the game. But over time, after 100+ meetings or so, and with continued support from my therapist, my wife, and our couples therapist, I started to recover, to find and regain a sense of normalcy and stability. I started to understand that although I'd done some awful things, that that didn't mean that I was, or would always be, an awful person. Having always been a compulsive reader (one quirky benefit of my own compulsive tendencies), I started studying addiction, learning about the disease model of addiction, among other things. Even more valuable, after regaining a sense of clarity (and empathy, and the capacity for growth), I've been able, between work done in GA and with my therapist, to learn so much more about myself, coming to realize that the seeds of my own compulsion/addiction issues took root long ago, back in my childhood. Which is not to lay blame on anyone else - while there is plenty of baggage I'm still working on unpacking, these issues are my own, and are no less the fault of others than they are of me. But it very much feels like a mixed bag at times: gaining these insights and coming to understand more of who I am, and (to some extent) why I am the way I am, is a blessing, although I'd be lying if I said that there aren't times when I wished I could have gained these insights when I was younger, on one of the many occasions when I've experienced some particularly painful personal falls - gaming took me to a rock bottom, but I've headed in that direction on several occasions in my past, and it's entirely possible that but for some minor twist of fate, that I might have ended up in an NA room, or perhaps AA (although my more destructive compulsions seem more inclined to those which stimulate rather than depress). But regardless, January 25th is now as important a date to me as my wedding date, and in all reality, more personally meaningful to me than my birthday. Life isn't perfect, nor can it ever be, but as many in program can attest, our worst day in recovery is better than our best day in action. It still feels strange for me to say that getting caught by my wife (a truly awful day which I will never forget) might be one of the best things that could ever happen to me. I was cautious and cunning in my deceit, working hard to maintain the facade of stability, and although she knew that something was wrong with me, she had no idea of what I was doing to myself, and the ways in which I was starting to significantly undermine our financial security. If not for an email alert indicating a high balance on one of our shared credit cards, I shudder in horror to think of how much damage I could have done before something far more destructive brought my actions to light. I owe her in more ways than I know how to count, and will never forget the fear and pain in her eyes the night she discovered the depths of what I'd done. Her recovery continues along a track similar to my own; family and friends of addicts suffer a Hell every bit (or more) as nightmarish as those of the addicted. Addiction is referred to at times as the great eraser, in how it can erase and erode the feelings of safety, comfort, and ultimately, love, which bind us to family and friends, and rebuilding those things which have been lost is so damn hard. I'm blessed that my wife has remained by my side, recognizing that the person she was burdened to be around which I was in addiction, is but a diseased fragment of who I truly am (or can be). It is a (at times painfully slow) process, but we are healing, and remain united in the fierce and unwavering conviction of what we can, and will be, together. For those who've made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read these thoughts. I'm incredibly grateful for where I am, what I've regained, and for the opportunities I've been granted in recovery. If there is anyone who has any questions and would like some input from someone who's embraced the pain of self-destruction and has been able to start the journey towards healing and recovery, feel free to shoot me a message. Addiction is a terrible disease, and the unfortunate reality is that it can never be truly understood from the outside looking in, but I'm always happy to try to share my own perspective if it can help others find some degree of understanding.
    19 points
  12. As the days have grown shorter and colder with the coming onset of winter, it's time once again for D1P to give thanks for the generosity of the Deities of the Sacred Random Number Generator. So, make your post in this thread for an opportunity to partake in their munificent grace!
    19 points
  13. So I'm visiting my family this weekend for a hunting trip and gods, this is another world here. Trump flags everywhere. FUCKING EVERYWHERE. I haven't see a single Biden sign. My dad has two in his shop. Hanging next to the Confederate flag. I asked him if that was his hall of losers up in the rafters.
    19 points
  14. Employee health called me this afternoon to tell me my test was negative. I figured it probably was, but it's nice to have confirmation.
    19 points
  15. And as much as many of you irritate me with the status-quo doom and gloom, basically mimicking Mouse from the Poorly Drawn Lines comic strip: It's one of my favorite places to talk current events because we're all so used to each other and not questioning motives. Hope y'all are doing well in life.
    18 points
  16. She has officially left Israel as of 20 minutes ago. Having to overnight in Europe before flying out tomorrow but at least she’s safe.
    18 points
  17. Inuk crossed the Rainbow Bridge in complete and total peace.
    18 points
  18. The 7 people i took to the polls for the general asked if I could take them for the runoff. I agreed, of course, and asked if they had any friends or family that needed a ride as well. We'll see what happens.
    18 points
  19. I want to thank everyone’s contributions to this thread. It was the most concentrated outlet of information. I haven’t needed to watch a single minute of TV to follow along...and the fucking memes were amazing. Funny story - I was relaying information from this thread to my wife, who was glued to CNN, faster than she was getting it. So she asked me where I was getting the info from - So I tell her a video game message board I go on. She legit LOL’d at me. As it continued and time went on, she shut off the TV and would ask me every 1/2hr “what is everyone on that board saying”. thanks everyone, for real! Today is our 16yr anniversary from the day we met (married 12 years). What a fucking glorious day to celebrate it.
    18 points
  20. This is actually my brother Connor, who I have shared an account with since the days of IGN. It was kind of a running bit at this point, but probably 90% of the posts on the account were me me over the last 7-8 years He is more of a lurker by nature. I am good. I don't hate anybody here. I actually miss many of you goobers, even the ones who were kinda jerks I have pretty much removed all internet socialization from my life (except for my very narrow baseball twitter account for during the season), and have intentionally leaned in to real world interactions as I think on balance digital communication has been a net negative for society. I am busy with my kids schooling, and now have a couple more kiddos I am tutoring through college. My oldest will be done with his bachelors next spring, so I have been doing a lot of LSAT prep stuff with him as I think he will take that this Fall? I am not entirely sure of the timeline quite yet on when he should take it. But it is a fun test. I did a few of the practice tests that are old LSAT exams, and it is legitimately a fun type of test. I also am neck deep in a new business venture that involves a lot of travel. I've been in LA a bunch lately for meetings, and was in Park City for Sundance. The basic gist of the new company is we are a booking platform for filmmakers and theaters to connect to help fill the gap vacated by the major studios in the post pandemic world. The dummies gutted a lot of their theatrical production pipeline during the pandemic thinking that their direct to consumer dream was finally here. Whoops. Warners for example is probably 5 years away from being back to their old production output. So, so, so dumb. But it opens the door for what I am working on. It was really interesting to see how few movies sold out of Sundance as even the streamers have tightened their belts and aren't dropping dollars all over the place like they did through the 2023 film festival cycle. I am having more and more conversation with filmmakers (directors and producers), as that is the side of the equation I understand the least. But the response has been really positive and I think we can crack the nut on making it a viable mechanism for theatrical distribution. Getting more content into cinemas, more varied content, and with more flexibility for both the content owners and the theaters is quite the trick to pull off, but I feel more certain of this than anything I've done in my professional career to date. My goal is to get out first title into theaters in January 2025, and I think we are on track for that. I'll hopefully have a decently far along version of the website in the next 8-ish weeks. I'll post a link so you can tell me what you think. Anyway, if anybody wants to reach out to me, send me an email to sblfilms at gmail and I'll give you my cell number. I'll be all over the map the rest of the year at various film festivals and always enjoy sharing a meal with the D1Pers.
    17 points
  21. With the Democrats retaining the VA Senate and at least tying the VA House of Delegates, I'd say the $1,000 in campaign contributions I made to the VA Democratic Party was money well spent!
    17 points
  22. Sorry for bummer topic but my cat started losing a lot of weight recently so I took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. He was getting a bit older (around 16) but he was was incredibly spry and playful for his age even through the cancer and the weight loss... until about 3 days ago he started isolating himself a lot and it was clear something was wrong, then last night he really took a turn for the worst and I couldn't bare seeing him in that pain and the vet said he only had 2-3 days left max so I had to do what was best for him. I didn't think it would hit me this hard, I knew it was coming for a long time but I'm pretty fucking sad today. I had been looking forward to starting Tears of the Kingdom for months if not years but I have no damn desire right now and I feel like in my mind it will always be associated with day he passed. I lost my grandmother (who basically raised me) to cancer on my birthday 30 years ago and I still feel like it's a cursed day. Anyways, love your family, love your pets, take good care of them.
    17 points
  23. 17 points
  24. I'm probably going to call it a night at 10pm, largely because I'm beyond the point of concern. But - I will say this to you all. No matter the outcome of this thing in the next few hours or days, you will always have a "home" in our little community. You will always have a sympathetic ear to vent about what's going on in the world. I can't change or control everything that goes on out there, but I can absolutely control what's going on in here, and I fully intend for this place to remain your "safe harbor" during these times that try our souls. This is my promise to you all
    17 points
  25. I'm very worried, not just about the election, but about what everything leading up to this moment means for the future of the country. The fact that literally anybody with eyes or ears thinks that Donald Trump should be president is itself insane. And after four years of watching things spiral helplessly out of control, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and the worst economic recession in generations, to still throw your support behind him and the sycophantic republicans in congress is essentially malicious and sociopathic. I've always been hard left, but to some extent I thought that I understood the general tenets of conservatism and their merits. It's abundantly clear now that those ideas are a smokescreen for the greed, racism and hatred that lives at the core of the republican party and within its followers. I think the bigger issue, however, is that it's very clear that we will not rise to meet the existential challenges facing us in the next few decades. I just don't see how it's possible given the intense social and economic division that has all but crippled our society. That said, these things are far out of any individual's control, and while the scale and scope of suffering in this country and on this planet is overwhelming, there is always an opportunity to do the right thing, no matter how small it seems. I want to note how I am humbled by the intelligence and compassion that I've seen on this board regarding everything going on right now. There will always be internet bullshit (it's all over this thread!), but this place has served as an excellent resource and an oasis during these trying times, so way to go everybody, keep it up.
    17 points
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