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Okay, Story time with the Legospaceman: (either you'll find it interesting, or at least it will let me blow some steam)


The doctor who put a graft into my arm (who can't seem to remember if it was a fistula or a graft) was told months ago that I had lost all feeling to the index finger of that arm. He indicated that was normal and that the no feeling and numbness would go away. A month after that my finger started to feel pain.. He looked at the finger and said "It's healing". The next few months were series of the nurses at the dialysis center constantly indicating that they didn't think it was getting better. Calls to the doctor were impossible to make because no one answered. Finally, I walked into the clinic and said I needed to see the doctor (of which I had been informed that this breached some kind of unwritten protocol). Saw the doctor. He looked at the finger and said "I really think it's healing." Fast forward another month and the head nurses decided they were going to contact the nephrologist and inform him that in their opinion something needs to be done. Get an appointment and he arranges a new surgery to repath the graft (or fistula). A few weeks after, he sees me again and says "it's definitely getting better."


Anyway, about seven months of this have taken place, and I've been in pain the whole time. Advance a few more months into this timeline and I see him once more because "no, it's not getting better." He sends me to a plastic surgeon with the idea of cleaning out the debris that has accumulated as this finger was "getting better". The plastic surgeon says he doesn't want to clean it out until we've had an xray to make sure it's not infected (which means he'll have to amputate part of the finger). I go and get an xray and it turns out that the finger is NOT infected. I go back to the plastic surgeon and he says the only option is to amputate.


This is kind of where I am now. My nephrologist has honored my request of getting a second opinion, so now we're in a holding pattern waiting for some mysterious doctor to entertain me with a second opinion. Meanwhile, my finger has made it so I haven't had more than two hours of sleep most nights during this period.

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If I'm just getting old and forgetful or being too :demut: I'll STFU :p but....


Would anyone else be appreciative if we generally got in the habit of including a date when adding updates to a subject line so that we know when the breaking news/update happened? I've seen a couple threads that have had "UPDATE" in the thread title for quite a while and it throws me off every time. :p  



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43 minutes ago, Nokra said:

If I'm just getting old and forgetful or being too :demut: I'll STFU :p but....


Would anyone else be appreciative if we generally got in the habit of including a date when adding updates to a subject line so that we know when the breaking news/update happened? I've seen a couple threads that have had "UPDATE" in the thread title for quite a while and it throws me off every time. :p  




The boards software literally embeds a datestamp for the title change in the thread. :p

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7 hours ago, Nokra said:

If I'm just getting old and forgetful or being too :demut: I'll STFU :p but....


Would anyone else be appreciative if we generally got in the habit of including a date when adding updates to a subject line so that we know when the breaking news/update happened? I've seen a couple threads that have had "UPDATE" in the thread title for quite a while and it throws me off every time. :p  




I think it's a good idea!

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21 hours ago, Jason said:


The boards software literally embeds a datestamp for the title change in the thread. :p


Ha, yeah that's true if you actually go INTO the thread, but what I'm meaning is when you're looking at the subject lines on the main CEB page. 


So for example, just looking at the first thread with "Update" in the title, I see your thread on the attack on Pelosi's husband, and it still has "Update" in the thread title even though the title was changed on October 28th, 48 days ago. And I had to go back to page 1 of the thread to even find that information out via the title change timestamp. :p 

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Does anyone have good resources on tips for how to form/join a union? I realize most users are in the US so specific laws won't apply to where I live, but any advice is appreciated.


My city has two school divisions, and the other one just had their IT department join a national union. I'd like the same for our department. @TUFKAK, I know you are a big union guy, any good resources out there on general tips for navigating response/tactics from management, best ways to get people to sign up, etc? It's a small department (18 people, 15 who would be in-scope), so it would mostly be convincing/talking with people I know directly.


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10 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Does anyone have good resources on tips for how to form/join a union? I realize most users are in the US so specific laws won't apply to where I live, but any advice is appreciated.


My city has two school divisions, and the other one just had their IT department join a national union. I'd like the same for our department. @TUFKAK, I know you are a big union guy, any good resources out there on general tips for navigating response/tactics from management, best ways to get people to sign up, etc? It's a small department (18 people, 15 who would be in-scope), so it would mostly be convincing/talking with people I know directly.


That’s basically it. Organizing a new union is all grass roots efforts, convince people of the benefits to collective bargaining.


I’m sure it’s easier in Canada than the US but management will push back and try union busting tactics; see Amazon, at that point it’s just talking to people. Half of my job as the rep is to just update my members on what’s going on and explain directions being taken.

Im in a different place as the mechanisms for the union were already present and I’m in one of the largest and strongest unions in the nation. Cite the real world examples of what unions do for their members, hell you can use my industry and location as the example if needed.

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On 12/18/2022 at 8:42 AM, TUFKAK said:

That’s basically it. Organizing a new union is all grass roots efforts, convince people of the benefits to collective bargaining.


I’m sure it’s easier in Canada than the US but management will push back and try union busting tactics; see Amazon, at that point it’s just talking to people. Half of my job as the rep is to just update my members on what’s going on and explain directions being taken.

Im in a different place as the mechanisms for the union were already present and I’m in one of the largest and strongest unions in the nation. Cite the real world examples of what unions do for their members, hell you can use my industry and location as the example if needed.


Thanks! I'm also going to reach out to the union the other IT department joined to see if they can provide me more info.

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As you may or may not know, this bomb cyclone/arctic blast has hit the Southeast pretty hard. Here in Nashville, it's 10 degrees. It hasn't been double digits in 24 hours! Still feels like -4. This is very atypical. And it's stressing the electrical grid. 


Yesterday the Tennessee Valley Authority, the largest public power provider in the nation, ordered rolling blackouts to protect equipment. I lost power for maybe 15 minutes around mid-morning. Luckily, I had finished breakfast and brewing coffee. 


This morning, TVA has upped its mitigation strategy and is mandating 10% reductions in consumption. The local power company here in Nashville is cutting power for 10 minutes every hour and a half or so. My power went off around 8am earlier (right after my coffee finished brewing!) and came back on not too long ago. 


This is pretty bad! I'm in decent shape personally and I plan to leave here around midday to travel home (2 hours away) for Christmas. I just hope that my family's location doesn't suffer cuts as bad as Nashville. We're all getting power from TVA anyway. So long as I can take a shower in hot water, I'll be good. But lots of people have actually suffered from electrical failures in the system that left them without power for hours yesterday, some through the night. 


Spare a thought for those that are affected. 


This is underscoring a few things to me:

1. My friends in Ukraine are dealing with magnitudes more than this. So I'm not really getting upset over this. 

2. Everything in my house is electric. I have no fireplace, no gas service, no generator. I prefer electricity, but I am seeing the benefit in a diversity of power and heat sources. 


Unfortunately, this is roughly the only time where it will matter (fingers crossed). It gets blisteringly hot here more often than it goes below 10 degrees. And none of that is useful to provide cooling if TVA cuts power at the height of demand in the summer. 

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Getting a radon mitigation system installed in our house, today. Radon is the #2 cause of lung cancer in western Canada due to the amounts present in the soil (breaks down into plutonium very briefly). Drilling into the foundation and installing a fan to create a depressurized zone in the soil beneath the house, which will be sucked up and out. Right now our levels are 3x the safe limit, and it should reduce it to near-zero (fingers crossed). Every home with a basement in the north-eastern half of the continent should have one installed, especially with how airtight our homes are becoming.

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28 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Getting a radon mitigation system installed in our house, today. Radon is the #2 cause of lung cancer in western Canada due to the amounts present in the soil (breaks down into plutonium very briefly). Drilling into the foundation and installing a fan to create a depressurized zone in the soil beneath the house, which will be sucked up and out. Right now our levels are 3x the safe limit, and it should reduce it to near-zero (fingers crossed). Every home with a basement in the north-eastern half of the continent should have one installed, especially with how airtight our homes are becoming.


I have radon mitigation too. I recommend making sure that there aren't cracks or pipe penetrations in your base slab that aren't sealed. Sealing those up is part of the solution. Also, make sure you do a re-test some time after mitigation is installed. My numbers went from 5 pCi/L to <2 pCi/L after mitigation and sealing. 

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1 minute ago, CayceG said:


I have radon mitigation too. I recommend making sure that there aren't cracks or pipe penetrations in your base slab that aren't sealed. Sealing those up is part of the solution. Also, make sure you do a re-test some time after mitigation is installed. My numbers went from 5 pCi/L to <2 pCi/L after mitigation and sealing. 


Nice. Yeah, our foundation is in good shape, but we are sealing up the sump pit and backflow valve for that reason (with removable seals).


Our levels are 10pCi/L and this system should get us closer to 1-2.




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16 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Nice. Yeah, our foundation is in good shape, but we are sealing up the sump pit and backflow valve for that reason (with removable seals).


Our levels are 10pCi/L and this system should get us closer to 1-2.





Anything below 2 and you're probably good to go. 10 is way high! You must be built on solid limestone like I am. 

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22 minutes ago, CayceG said:


Anything below 2 and you're probably good to go. 10 is way high! You must be built on solid limestone like I am. 


No limestone here, it's basically clay. But western Canada is filled with radon and uranium. I wish it was part of building code!


And 10 isn't even high for here; homes in Regina commonly test at 20 to 40.

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So...remember how my cat needed surgery over a year ago? Well...it seems like he needs it again.


On Tuesday, he started vomiting, acting lethargic, and not eating. Long story short, they say he likely swallowed something he shouldn't have, and may need surgery to get it out. He's currently staying overnight at the vet's.


...I hate to do this and look like a beggar, but if any of you are willing to donate some money my way, send me a PM.  I'll be forever grateful.  Thanks.

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2 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

So...remember how my cat needed surgery over a year ago? Well...it seems like he needs it again.


On Tuesday, he started vomiting, acting lethargic, and not eating. Long story short, they say he likely swallowed something he shouldn't have, and may need surgery to get it out. He's currently staying overnight at the vet's.


...I hate to do this and look like a beggar, but if any of you are willing to donate some money my way, send me a PM.  I'll be forever grateful.  Thanks.

I’m in, if my cat needed it I’d beg on the street if I had to.

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Update on my cat. They did another xray when prepping for surgery, but they found his stomach and GI tract actually looked a lot better. So they're going to hold off surgery for now and see if he continues to improve, and he hopefully may not need it after all.


It's still going to cost a decent amount keeping him at a hospital, but it's definitely less expensive than surgery.  I still appreciate the donations I've received so far.


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Hey all. My job recently had me looking through a few hours of TikTok videos which got me thinking about the last online community I actually liked interacting with, so popped back over here to see what's happening. Hope y'all are good, more or less. Seems like I still maybe know a few people on this forum? Anyway, politics are funny and hope everyone here is mostly alright.

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34 minutes ago, Tao 2.0 said:

Hey all. My job recently had me looking through a few hours of TikTok videos which got me thinking about the last online community I actually liked interacting with, so popped back over here to see what's happening. Hope y'all are good, more or less. Seems like I still maybe know a few people on this forum? Anyway, politics are funny and hope everyone here is mostly alright.


mother of god danger GIF

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7 hours ago, Tao 2.0 said:

Hey all. My job recently had me looking through a few hours of TikTok videos which got me thinking about the last online community I actually liked interacting with, so popped back over here to see what's happening. Hope y'all are good, more or less. Seems like I still maybe know a few people on this forum? Anyway, politics are funny and hope everyone here is mostly alright.


Doing swell here hope the same for you buddy

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7 hours ago, Tao 2.0 said:

Hey all. My job recently had me looking through a few hours of TikTok videos which got me thinking about the last online community I actually liked interacting with, so popped back over here to see what's happening. Hope y'all are good, more or less. Seems like I still maybe know a few people on this forum? Anyway, politics are funny and hope everyone here is mostly alright.


Doing pretty well, all things considered! How about you? (RileyLewis)

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7 hours ago, Tao 2.0 said:

Hey all. My job recently had me looking through a few hours of TikTok videos which got me thinking about the last online community I actually liked interacting with, so popped back over here to see what's happening. Hope y'all are good, more or less. Seems like I still maybe know a few people on this forum? Anyway, politics are funny and hope everyone here is mostly alright.



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