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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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3 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

See, that's what I like about thor 2 but no one agrees with me.


I'm a Thor 2 enjoyer. It was certainly better than 1 (which you overrated ITT IMO) and then 3rd was better than 2 and they seem to get sillier as they go.

Also, what I like about them (beyond the first movie) is that they are more sci-fi movies that go beyond the realms of earth while most other MCU movies are stuck on earth and they all seemed to have some showdown in a sky fortress at the end.

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47 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I'm a Thor 2 enjoyer. It was certainly better than 1 (which you overrated ITT IMO) and then 3rd was better than 2 and they seem to get sillier as they go.

Also, what I like about them (beyond the first movie) is that they are more sci-fi movies that go beyond the realms of earth while most other MCU movies are stuck on earth and they all seemed to have some showdown in a sky fortress at the end.

True. The silliness is what I love about thor 2 and 3. The final battle in thor 2 is utterly ridiculous.


I almost went lower on thor 1, but there are still things I like about it. That one kind of surprised me in how much I dislike it, relatively speaking (it's still entertaining). I haven't seen that movie in a long time, but I remember liking it. This time I was like "wow, this really isn't that good."


I don't think I could rate any of them below a 5. Maaaybe Thor and The Incredible Hulk, but it's stretching.


I'm now at spider man, which marks the point where I have not seen any of these movies since they were in theaters

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1 hour ago, Fizzzzle said:

I don't think I could rate any of them below a 5. Maaaybe Thor and The Incredible Hulk, but it's stretching.


The Incredible Hulk is one of my favorite phase one MCU movies, so yes it would be a stretch and a god damn sin to rate it below a 5.

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Prisoner Maria: The Movie - 6/10 - This is the movie of Prisoner Maria. Turns out Prisoner Maria was a manga (at least it says so in the credits at the end) and I guess they decided to do a live action version of it rather than an anime back in 1995. It's an interesting concept. Maria has a life sentence in Jail but she is released by the warden in order to assassinate criminals in exchange her life sentence is reduced (which doesn't make much sense) and she could maybe see her son, it's kind of a carrot dangled in front of her face. So the movie is like a Nikita type movie except with a a quarter of the budget and maybe even less directorial skill. The fight scenes feel very slow paced and choreographed and the camera is pulled out for a lot of the scenes so it just looks kinda like two people awkwardly fighting each other for several seconds at a time. Also it tries to infuse some raunchy sex scenes into it, like a cousin of a softcore movie but not quite, and not very tantalizing either. Also, the actress who plays Maria (Noriko Aota) seems to have the most to offer (if you know what I mean) but never gets nude. In the end the movie was a fun idea just not executed very well.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming - 6/10


It's fun, and I'm trying to look at it objectively, but it's kind of hard after watching like 57 MCU movies over the last few days. Also I'm really tired and probably should have gone to sleep an hour and a half ago.


I don't know. It's fun. When it switches to the third act it kind of feels like a different movie. In fact, the whole thing kind of feels like two movies crammed into one. I don't remember thinking that when I saw it in theaters, though, so that might just be my sleep deprived brain.

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2 hours ago, elbobo said:



It was fine slightly more grounded version of John Wick





Mortal Kombat 2021


Wasn't exactly expecting the Godfather here but wow it was quite bad



Yeah, I don't know if I gave a rating for it, but it sucked. Bosman described it best even he said it was a rated R kids movie.

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7 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Yeah, I don't know if I gave a rating for it, but it sucked. Bosman described it best even he said it was a rated R kids movie.


R rated children's movie is actually an excellent description 

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Doctor Strange - 6/10


First thing - This movie should have at least been nominated for best sound mixing and/or editing. It's fucking phenomenal. It kind of, by necessity, repeats a lot of the same beats as Iron Man, but it ramps the scale from 0-100 real quick. It's kind of a nice change of pace from the more toned-down Spider-Man: Homecoming and Ant-Man. The one thing I didn't like is that the relationship between Strange and Christine feels weird and completely unearned. If I had to pick a nit about the movie, that's kind of where I'd go - it moves too fast. In a perfect world, it would have been 2 movies.


Marvel movies were not meant to be binged like this and I'm starting to feel numb. Still 3 more to go before Infinity War. I'm getting my second covid shot tomorrow, so I'm anticipating feeling like shit for a day or so, which will give me plenty of time to blast through the rest and start on WandaVision.

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We’ve been watching Them. I’m enjoying it, and I understand it’s pinpointing a certain time in history in a very particular way - but it sometimes feels like it’s trying to be unpleasant in a way that doesn’t progress anything, other than a feeling of being uncomfortable due to the language or imagery. I appreciate that it’s the point, I just don’t know of its a particularly well made point.

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Black Panther - 8/10


I liked this one a lot better than the first time I saw it, honestly. Maybe it's because I'm more cognizant of its cultural impact. Maybe I appreciate how good of a villain Killmonger is. I'm not sure. It lacks a lot of the wit and humor established by most of the MCU post-phase 1, but it seems fitting here. It's a story of oppression, empowerment, responsibility, revenge, and accountability. It's not really a time for dick jokes. Which isn't to say that there isn't any levity like in The Incredible Hulk, it's just not sprinkled all over the place like in the Thor, Ant Man, or GOTG movies. 

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Run (2020) - You’ll probably guess where this Hulu original is going within the first few minutes, but that’s ok. It’s a fun, fairly tight little 90 minute thriller. Sarah Paulson does her thing, but the real highlight is newcomer Kiera Allen. I didn’t realize until I was reading about it afterwards, but this is the director and co-writer of 2018’s Searching, which was really good and unique. I’m definitely interested in whatever they do next. 

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34 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

finally got around to watching Man in the High Castle over the last week or so. I have to say for the most part I enjoyed the heck out of, all except for the ending, wasn't horrible just felt a bit anticlimactic 

I feel that. I'm not sure what it is about the web shows where it seems like the first season is amazing and then it just kind of slowly goes downhill after that

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Thor: Ragnarok - 6/10


First thought - more action movies need synthwave in their score. I love how well it's integrated, too, and how it switches from synthwave to orchestral and you don't even notice unless you're paying attention.


Anyway, this movie is good, and it's funny, but it honestly doesn't have any real emotional impact for me. I never really felt the stakes. Compare it to something like Guardians of the Galaxy, which is also funny, but it's balanced out by heartfelt character moments that remind you why you care about what's happening. In Thor: Ragnarok, that doesn't really happen. Yes, Thor has to save Asgard from blah blah blah and so on and so forth, but there isn't really a bonding moment or a change with anyone.

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Ju-On Origins (Netflix) - 8/10


This show is fucking nuts and I wasn't expecting that at all. It's one of those things where I wondered what was wrong with me for liking it as much as I did. That being said, it does what this style of Japanese Horror does best and just pummels you with a constant sense of dread and doom. The episodes are short and there are few segments, or even scenes, wasted on anything but something fucked up. 


I did have a hard time keeping track of some of the characters and didn't fully understand what was going on by the end but it didn't really matter, the atmosphere was enough. Despite some of its inherent cheese and vicious domestic violence, I couldn't stop watching it exactly for that intense atmosphere. 

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Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame - I don't care anymore/10


They're fine, I guess. I wish the Guardians were in it more. Captain Marvel is too OP so they left her out til the end for plot reasons. Fitting end to Cap and Tony Stark. I am SUPER looking forward to Thor: Love and Thunder.


I still have to fucking watch Spider-Man: Far from Home.


Don't binge watch the entire MCU.

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Jupiter's Legacy - Episode 5.   I still haven't really made my mind up about this one yet.  Show sure does love its flashbacks and family drama; not sure spending the whole season telling us their origin story via those flashbacks was the way to go.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home - 7/10


I liked it. I like how the central arc of Peter's character ("do I HAVE to do this super hero thing?") is reflected in the plot of the movie itself. It's very meta. Peter doesn't want to be a super hero, and the movie doesn't want to be that, either.


Also, Marisa Tomei is nearly twice my age, but goddammit if I wouldn't.

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On 5/11/2021 at 10:43 AM, Fizzzzle said:

Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame - I don't care anymore/10


They're fine, I guess. I wish the Guardians were in it more. Captain Marvel is too OP so they left her out til the end for plot reasons. Fitting end to Cap and Tony Stark. I am SUPER looking forward to Thor: Love and Thunder.


I still have to fucking watch Spider-Man: Far from Home.


Don't binge watch the entire MCU.

Honestly. I didn’t binge the marvel movies, I watched them as they came out. I STILL have those two movies a “I don’t care anymore/10” rating.  The Marvel look and formula is just so tired for me at this point. 

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7 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

WW84  painful bad. horrible villains/10 


44 minutes ago, best3444 said:


I was actually looking forward to watching that. That sucks to read.


Fun fact. Both WW84 and Mortal Kombat (2021) had the same screenwriter, also, both sounded like they turned out not that great (MK people were more forgiving in any case :p )

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17 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:



Fun fact. Both WW84 and Mortal Kombat (2021) had the same screenwriter, also, both sounded like they turned out not that great (MK people were more forgiving in any case :p )


Well I may give it a chance on a rainy boring day. 

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