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Paranoia Agent: 7/10


I actually finished this last week but the series left me so perplexed I wanted to get some extra perspective on the show before I came to an ultimate conclusion (extra insight being the commentaries for select episodes).


Baseline impressions: I enjoyed the show. People said the show was weird (at least I remember people saying that) but I feel like it was somewhat normal, for the first half in any case. The show focuses on "troubled people" who end up getting attacked by Shonen Bat and suddenly their problems are gone. The show introduces us to 2 characters per episode who become victim to Shonen Bat, and the story behind each character gets darker and darker. But like halfway through that's kind of it. It kind of reminds me of Twin Peaks when they find the killer but then there are still like 8 episodes left so they have to do something with it. So suddenly the show (Paranoia Agent) turns into a lot of self contained episodes, some (even they admit in the commentary) are parallel stories to the main story. The episodes aren't bad but when you have 13 episodes and you're getting into a groove halfway through it feels kind of frustrating to not have the juicy stuff from the beginning not come to fruition.


I think another issue is that Satoshi Kon usually blends in dreams with reality, but towards the end you can't really decipher between the two. Like the first part of the series is mostly grounded the last couple of episodes are very odd. From what I understand he only did the storyboards for the first and last episodes though in the commentary he says he did animations for some other episodes.


There is commentary for 3 episodes which I had hoped would bring insight into what was going on but the commentary mainly talks about the production of the show, and are interesting but don't give you a super big idea of what's going on. (Mainly it sounds like they didn't have a lot of ideas, some people quitting and replacing others in the middle of the season, some animators using fake names because they didn't think an episode would be good :lol:) I did like how it explained the intro and outro scenes though:



Kon says that since the show was aired at midnight he wanted the intro to wake you up. While when the outro came on (which is a lot more mellow) it was a cue to make you go to sleep. :p


The picture quality is kind of blurry in the first episode but I feel like the image gets better in the later episodes. Also, even though I feel like the story quality in the later episodes aren't as good I do think the last few episodes have better animation than the first ones.


With all that being said, and how it's somewhat frustrating, I give it a 7 with the possibility of greater enjoyment coming from a repeat viewing if I feel like doing so (the show does beg to be seen again with a lot of talk of various sound cues in each episode and the ending... well you'll have to se I guess)





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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

With all that being said, and how it's somewhat frustrating, I give it a 7 with the possibility of greater enjoyment coming from a repeat viewing if I feel like doing so (the show does beg to be seen again with a lot of talk of various sound cues in each episode and the ending... well you'll have to se I guess)






It has been a looooooong time since I saw Paranoia Agent. Not since I was in my early 20's (I'm 34 now). I loved it at the time, but also found it vert obtuse and confounding. I've been meaning to do a rewatch, but I think the skill with which the show is made is so good at the time I'd have given it an 8/10 or 8.5/10 for an anime. But it must be old now. :p 

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

 I've been meaning to do a rewatch, but I think the skill with which the show is made is so good at the time I'd have given it an 8/10 or 8.5/10 for an anime. But it must be old now. :p 


If you go by what they say in the commentary it sounds like they pulled off a miracle. Also, not that it's a bad thing (as Kon justifies it in his own words) but they recycled some animation from Tokyo Godfathers and put it in this show, so maybe that could make the quality seem like more skill was involved than a normal show.


But also reading the Satoshi Kon book you're right, back in the day anime shows weren't a big thing, high profile ones at least. Cowboy Beebop was a big one of course and then Ghost in the Shell show was a show based off a popular anime but this was kind of the equivalent of Alfred Hitchcock presents in prestige (Guy who did Rebecca and Rear Window making a show! :shock:) - Or something like that.

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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:

But also reading the Satoshi Kon book you're right, back in the day anime shows weren't a big thing, high profile ones at least. Cowboy Beebop was a big one of course and then Ghost in the Shell show was a show based off a popular anime but this was kind of the equivalent of Alfred Hitchcock presents in prestige (Guy who did Rebecca and Rear Window making a show! :shock:) - Or something like that.


A very apt comparison, I think!

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On 1/13/2021 at 12:17 PM, Keyser_Soze said:


If you go by what they say in the commentary it sounds like they pulled off a miracle. Also, not that it's a bad thing (as Kon justifies it in his own words) but they recycled some animation from Tokyo Godfathers and put it in this show, so maybe that could make the quality seem like more skill was involved than a normal show.


But also reading the Satoshi Kon book you're right, back in the day anime shows weren't a big thing, high profile ones at least. Cowboy Beebop was a big one of course and then Ghost in the Shell show was a show based off a popular anime but this was kind of the equivalent of Alfred Hitchcock presents in prestige (Guy who did Rebecca and Rear Window making a show! :shock:) - Or something like that.

It makes every feel very old that you felt the need to list a movie example in order to explain who Alfred Hitchcock is lol

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1 hour ago, Mercury33 said:

It makes every feel very old that you felt the need to list a movie example in order to explain who Alfred Hitchcock is lol


Well it wasn't to make anyone feel old it was because I was going to name some of his other movies, but it turns out his biggest movies (Psycho, North by Northwest, etc) came out after his TV show

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Napping Princess: 7/10 - Not sure if any of you have heard of this one but it gives off strong "Big Fish" vibes, you know two stories at once about the same thing but in this case there is a dream world where the real story is being told and the real world that the story is also being told. It's got some of that 3D hybrid animation style in it and actually I think the 3D looks better than the 2D which looks kind of plain, the characters at least. In any case not too bad, watchable.

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On 1/12/2021 at 10:42 PM, EternallDarkness said:

Bad Boys for Life  best of the series/10.   man I hope they make a 4th 

A fourth has been greenlit.  They just can't wait damn near 20 years to make it like they did with the 3rd film since Will and Martin are both over 50 now.

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Underwater 6/10

Decent enough horror film with interesting creature designs. Stewart is good actress when she is given good material but this aint it and TJ Miller plays TJ Miller better then anyone else. My biggest complaint was that the film looked so smudgey, everything kind of had a weird haze to it.


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On 1/16/2021 at 8:07 PM, Dre801 said:

Outside the Wire - about what you can expect  from these Netflix originals, something  watchable that you won't think twice about after the credits roll.

That's what I'm watching right now. I haven't even finished it yet and I've already forgot how it started.


4/10. Not aggressively bad, just completely forgettable. It would be the perfect movie to watch on a plane. Maybe Netflix should look into getting their library installed in airlines.

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Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski




I've had one of his art books for a long time and had been trying to find the right, calm time to watch this documentary. I found it fascinating and really just heartbreaking and profoundly sad. I have a hard time these days watching documentaries like this it seems. The fact someone had the foresight to actually film him for hundreds of hours before his passing was great.

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Hired Gun 2017


Documentary about hired musicians to fill band rolls. It sounds kinda of dumb but these folks get brought on to some of the biggest acts in the world, sometimes the bands give them the recognition they deserve sometimes they get dumpstered pretty bad.



Salad Days


Kickstarter documentary about 80 - 90's DC hardcore/punk scene

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets: 7/10 - There are two things I enjoy in life, Luc Besson movies and Sci-Fi movies, and the last time these two things combined great things happened. This time a bit more mixed. I really enjoyed all of the imaginative world and creature designs, the designs in the movie are like The Fifth Element turned up by a million. The movie looks quite good as well, the CG is some of the best out there. I feel like some criticism said Besson was kind of late to the party making a movie like this but I think he went a step above what the party had previously done. The biggest issue I had with the movie, however, was the two leads Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne. When I first saw them I thought no way could either of these people be older than 18, but turns out they are (DeHaan being 34 wtf?) DeHaan sounds like he's trying to do his best Keanu Reeves voice but I dunno the two were kind of so cold and stiff towards each other and in general it was kind of hard to like them. Which is a shame. Since it jumps us in the middle of this whole love thing it kind of makes it hard to get on board. Ethan Hawke, though breif, steals the show as usual. Damn jerk!

But anyway I give it a generous 7 because I want to like it more, I don't think it's bad I think it is pretty good, but the two leads put a damper on things.

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6 hours ago, silentbob said:

I too have been meaning to watch it myself. It’s been on some of my tv stations a few times, but I imported a UK 3D Blu-ray Disc to watch and I’ll make sure 3D is the first way I watch it. 


I don't think it's a 3D movie though. I was reading on Wikipedia that Luc Besson doesn't use 3D cameras because his film making style makes it hard to use them because they are so heavy.

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6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I don't think it's a 3D movie though. I was reading on Wikipedia that Luc Besson doesn't use 3D cameras because his film making style makes it hard to use them because they are so heavy.

it wasn’t filmed in 3D but he filmed it intending it to be seen in 3D. Plus, all the reviews I’ve read said that it’s the best way to watch the movie 

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6 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Maybe if you watched it on mute and in 3D :p

no way on that. I got an Atmos setup and a few ideas on what weed strain I wanna get fucking high on while watching such a trippy colourful movie. Might be a bad movie, but the sound, 3D images, colours and a strain that enhances all them. It will be amazing and I’ve done this with Fantasia 2000 and tripped balls watching Infinity War 3D on a great Cinderella 99 strain (still looking for that breeder)

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