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White ethnonationalist terrorist murders 11/injures 6 at Pittsburgh synagogue

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According to some redditors listening to the police scanner, he reportedly said, ""All of these Jews need to die."


For some context, Squirrel Hill is the city's historical Jewish neighborhood, and over the past decade and a half it has seen a heavy influx of refugees/immigrants (particularly of Asian descent) because the Jewish community has a strong network of social service agencies. It's also very economically-mixed, ranging from multi-million dollars homes to old, shabby apartment complexes filled with students (this synagogue is in a wealthier part of the neighborhood, across the street from a children's rehabilitation hospital). It's one of the best neighborhoods in the city, and also one of the safest. Even without knowing what the shooter allegedly said, I could say with 100% certainty that it was a targeted attack.

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For the context of John 8:44


The description of Satan as the "father of lies" comes from a passage in the gospel of John. Jesus was addressing a group of religious leaders in Israel, who were accusing him of being from Satan. He responded by telling them that they were liars, and that proved that they, not He, were of the Devil. Jesus said: "When he (Satan) lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44c). He also told the group of accusers that they were the children of the Devil because they were spreading lies about Him and refusing to see the truth. So, Satan is not only the father of lies, but of those who suppress the truth. 

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32 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Take this with a grain of salt:



HIAS is a national refugee organization.


I hate to bring this back to Trump, the Republican Party, and conservative media, but alas here I go.


One of my biggest issues is how casually they all use bombastic adjectives and verbs. The list of examples is massive, but I'll focus just on the recent "caravan." I regularly hear things like "invade" "defend" "break-in."

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15 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


He's not wrong though.  Until we learn more about this guy, it's not fair to say gun control laws would have prevented this.

What's the Jewish equivelant to arming Nuns to keep their congregation safe?


Clearly the answer to guns is always more guns. Lots more guns. We see time and again, especially in Florida where an armed society is a polite society. God bless guns. 


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43 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

What's the Jewish equivelant to arming Nuns to keep their congregation safe?


Clearly the answer to guns is always more guns. Lots more guns. We see time and again, especially in Florida where an armed society is a polite society. God bless guns. 



Lots of synagogues do have armed security, and for good reason. This people group have been the target of all manner of violence.


Catholics have far more often had members of their community lead the violence, almost never being the victims.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:


He's not wrong though.  Until we learn more about this guy, it's not fair to say gun control laws would have prevented this.

So true, not a weekend doesn’t go by without someone shooting up a synagogue here in Canada. 

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3 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

I've heard the word invasion used about the caravan several times from Trump supporters around here. I can't help but think this sort of rhetoric is not only ridiculous, but it contributes to events like this.


Yep. I said this in bomb thread, but the casualness of Trump, Republicans, and conservative media to use bombastic adjectives and verbs has absolutely contributed to the current political climate. 

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