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Harley-Davidson, Blaming E.U. Tariffs, Says It Will Move Some Production Out of U.S.

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Harley-Davidson, the American motorcycle manufacturer, said on Monday that it was shifting some of the production of its bikes outside the United States to avoid European Union tariffs imposed as part of a widening trade dispute.



Harley-Davidson said on Monday that European Union tariffs on its motorcycles had increased to 31 percent, from 6 percent. It estimated that the higher tariffs would add about $2,200 on average to every motorcycle exported from the United States to the bloc, so it said it would move the production of bikes bound for Europe outside the United States.


The EU's retaliation affects states Trump won:



The list included bourbon from Kentucky, the home state of the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell; as well as orange juice, which is made largely in the swing state of Florida; and motorcycles made by Harley-Davidson, headquartered in Wisconsin, the home state of the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan.


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1 minute ago, Jason said:

haha, suck it libz


Yes this hurts American workers, but most people in Europe are liberal (relative to Americans) so they will briefly have to pay increased prices until the new facilities are up and running. That is more than enough of a victory to offset the permanent loss of US manufacturing jobs!

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4 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Ryan's quitting. What does he care?



Wisconsin is one of the states Trump won with a razor thin margin to put him over the top.


Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan by just over 75,000 votes combined. Just 22,000 votes in Wisconsin, or .7 percentage points.

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57 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



Wisconsin is one of the states Trump won with a razor thin margin to put him over the top.


Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan by just over 75,000 votes combined. Just 22,000 votes in Wisconsin, or .7 percentage points.


So what you're saying is that there are foreign entities rigging our elections. :P 

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Insane. Truly. 

Trailer park welfare recipients.  Truly, a contributing factor to our glorious American economy, unlike those hard working deplorables taking our jobs while draining our economy! :^)

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7 hours ago, Komusha said:


It’s not a cult.

Honestly these pieces are just garbage, like the ones where they go to some podunk diner to talk to "real Americans" and they all still back Trump cause they're a bunch of retired old farts who go to diners, basically his base.  Meanwhile in the suburbs typical GOP voters are voting Dem and turnout in Democratic areas is surging to presidential year levels.

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