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Resident Evil 4 Remake - Information Thread, update: 6.48 million units sold (fastest-selling game in series history)

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4 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

Killed the chainsaw guy and all i got were some pesetas. Wtf Capcom.


I better get a ruby in the full game or I riot.

It gives money because that's the "score" in the demo, which is how you're graded at the end.


1 hour ago, best3444 said:



It's basically just the original Gamecube demo. Which was also from leaving truck to the bell ringing. Exact same thing. It's a nearly 20 year throwback to a preview disc very fond to many of us!

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I had weird stutter while turning on PC. steady 120 frames locked in, walk straight fine, but it gets  weird when I turn. Didn't try with a mouse, just series X controller. 


Overall, super excited to play this. I knew exactly when to expect when I saw "Chainsaw Demo" and was extremely ready for it!

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29 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I tried to play the “original” that was on last gen consoles and holy shit the controls suck. I haven’t even found the shotgun in the demo but I’ve only tried it a couple times.

I had nostalgia on my side, but I really enjoyed the OG remaster. 

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19 minutes ago, best3444 said:

I was extremely impressed with the demo. It definitely didn't look washed out or "blurry" and it actually looked fucking great! I thought the gun play was tight and had great impact. Great stuff. 

I'm assuming you played it in the 30 FPS mode, because there's no way in hell a human could think it didn't look blurry in FPS mode.

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3 hours ago, Dodger said:

I tried to play the “original” that was on last gen consoles and holy shit the controls suck. I haven’t even found the shotgun in the demo but I’ve only tried it a couple times.

I preferred to play it with mouse and keyboard which is pretty rare for me for like a console designed third person shooter thing. 

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Holy shit, more secrets to be found. There's a goddamn TMP!



Discard ALL items in your inventory after beating the guy in the basement, then run all the way to the well in the village without picking up ANYTHING and it'll be open!

(There'll also be a bunch of ammo and the knife from RE7's kitchen demo I believe! "Kitchen Knife")


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15 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Holy shit, more secrets to be found. There's a goddamn TMP!


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Discard ALL items in your inventory after beating the guy in the basement, then run all the way to the well in the village without picking up ANYTHING and it'll be open!

(There'll also be a bunch of ammo and the knife from RE7's kitchen demo I believe! "Kitchen Knife")



Secrets like this feel like a Sheng Long level style of secret you'd read about back in the day. :p

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I do like this Leon but still #notmyleon.


RE4 HD fails the ultrawide test with flawless wide screen. Not sure what's causing it but there is a stutter to the in game cutscenes. I am using the HD mod. Gonna try it without the widescreen fix and see if that resolves the issue. 


Ah ok I think it's shader stutter.


Edit: Gonna get high and beat the game on normal and pro after.

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6 hours ago, Bacon said:

What causes the bell to ring? I don't get why it rings early sometimes and other times I can be in there for what feels like 10 minutes.

On Standard, it's kills or time. As in, you can hit a certain number of kills (I think it was 15 in the original) or you can stall for time.


On Mad Chainsaw, it seems to be whenever you kill chainsaw boy + a minimum amount of time. (I killed him pretty quick once but died because I thought the bell would instantly ring but despite making 2 full laps around the village it didn't, I took a lot longer a different time and it rang as his dying animation started.)


2 hours ago, Zaku3 said:

RE4 HD fails the ultrawide test with flawless wide screen. Not sure what's causing it but there is a stutter to the in game cutscenes. I am using the HD mod. Gonna try it without the widescreen fix and see if that resolves the issue.

I actually did the same thing and installed RE4 HD last night! Rather than flawless widescreen, hit F1 to use RE4_tweak's built-in widescreen support, including adjusting the FOV. I'm assuming you hit yes when it asked if you wanted re4_tweaks, as it's almost an essential companion to the HD mod, if not you can just download it separately off github or whatever. There's lots of little fixes and tweaks in there that make it great.


Also be sure to turn off the in-game motion blur setting, as all it seems to do is make the entire image ghost weirdly as things move, looks like total ass.

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9 minutes ago, stepee said:

I wish games always made it clear in options which type of motion blur it is because I usually turn it off first thing along with CA and film grain but I don’t want to turn it off if it’s per object.

It's worse when it's both in a single option. One is terrible and one is great!

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Mass Effect on the 360 was the first time I learned what film grain was. I was wondering why the citadel looked fuzzy. I didn't notice it in darker or colorful areas, but the bright, pure white citadel? Oof I hated it.

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