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Jupiter's Legacy

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1 hour ago, elbobo said:

this looks like most generic thing ever made

The book it's based on is most assuredly NOT generic. 


1 hour ago, Fizzzzle said:

So is this like Umbrella Academy or something?

No. Its about a group of explorers who find a mysterious island in the 20's, gain superpowers and become heroes. Their kids grow up under their shadows and basically become poorly behaving celebrities. That's pretty much where the story starts. It's kinda like The Boys except more serious and less of a statire. The Three series that the show is based on were very good. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

First episode down... not bad. Pretty good fight at the end of the first ep.

Just finished watching the first episode and pretty much how I felt. I don’t know if many caught the 2 different ratios used for the show. The before they had power scenes were all Flat 1.78:1 and then to when they do have superhero powers it switched to scope 2.35:1. I kind of like that and nice seeing shows use the wider aspect ratio. Much like the new CW Superman series which sort parallels in some ways with this series.

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2 hours ago, silentbob said:

Just finished watching the first episode and pretty much how I felt. I don’t know if many caught the 2 different ratios used for the show. The before they had power scenes were all Flat 1.78:1 and then to when they do have superhero powers it switched to scope 2.35:1. I kind of like that and nice seeing shows use the wider aspect ratio. Much like the new CW Superman series which sort parallels in some ways with this series.

Too bad a lot of folks are gonna miss out on this or discover it late after there's some buzz. The Comic it's based on is VERY good... like a more serious version of The Boys.

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Whatever potential this show had, the storytelling held it back like a freaking boat anchor. Kind of a frustrating watch. You know like when you're watching something that seems like it should be good, and you keep watching, waiting for that moment when it gets good? Yeah, that never happened; flashbacks and family drama, mostly. The flashbacks are dull, didn't need the whole season to tell their origin story, and the present day stuff is bogged down whenever the kids are the focus. Takes what little story there is and stretches it.


Not in the same league with "The Boys" or "Invincible."

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I liked it, but I think some people are going to have a hard time not looking at it as a facsimile of "The Boys" or "Invincible".  It's clearly going for it's own thing and I appreciate how a bunch of super heroes that have been alive since the 20's are going to be a little preachy and out of touch from the people of the 2000's .

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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

I haven't seen it (yet) but seems like a shame. 



Netflix hasn't officially had Jupiter's Legacy canceled, but Mark Millar confirmed the cast had been let go from their contracts, so it's done for now.


Damn I am positivelly SHOCKED. They have an ongoing relationship with Millar so the numbers for this must have been REALLY bad. Shame, but after finishing Invincible, they probably should have gone the animated route with this too. And stayed more faithful to the soure material like Invincible did.

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7 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

I haven't seen it (yet) but seems like a shame. 



Netflix hasn't officially had Jupiter's Legacy canceled, but Mark Millar confirmed the cast had been let go from their contracts, so it's done for now.



On 5/8/2021 at 9:07 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

Seeing as how its Mark Millar and they havea whole relationship with him and spent a lot of money for his I.P.'s I'm thinking "Not soon?" He probably has a two or three season commitment At LEAST.


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I really think Netflix is caught in a positive feedback loop with these cancellations. They've developed a reputation for cancelling shit left and right, so a lot of people are not willing to commit to watching their new shows until they see whether or not they get premature cancellations, which causes the numbers for new shows to not be great, which leads to new shows getting cancelled quickly, which just reinforces in people's minds that they were right to wait to see whether Netflix's new shows get cancelled. I just don't see a way out of this cycle for Netflix that doesn't involve just sucking it up and ignoring the viewership numbers on initial seasons of new shows.

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Damn I am positivelly SHOCKED. They have an ongoing relationship with Millar so the numbers for this must have been REALLY bad. Shame, but after finishing Invincible, they probably should have gone the animated route with this too. And stayed more faithful to the soure material like Invincible did.


Yeah, agreed. Seemed like peoples' biggest problem on this forum with the show was the budget (even though they spent a lot) so going animated would have saved them a lot. Especially given Invincible is killing it in ratings that would probably have been the better and less expensive way to go.

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Kinda sad there isn't at least a 2nd season to give us a payoff.


The show that this most reminds me of, for those 2 other people that watched it, was Powers, which was on the Sony Playstation network thang.  This felt like the first half of Powers, cuz Powers started off slow and I was just about to bail from watching the rest of it, and then Eddie Izzard kicked in and the second half got interesting.  Plus I'm always a sucker for Michelle Forbes.  Anyway, oh well.

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