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  1. Stepee is literally Eminem.
  2. !@#^!@%# I skip EGS for once and miss out on sunless skies. not that I needed another game I'd probably never get around to playing.
  3. I just can't imagine what a train wreck this was when the game came out, I'm going to have to go back and watch some launch reviews. The damn game didn't have NPCs originally! I find this more addicting than Starfield. Maybe it's just recency bias. It just seemed like Starfield, once you did several of the random things you'd bump into along the way on a planet, it'd all be the same. Which is kinda true for Fallout, but I enjoy the mindless grind more. I always set off to accomplish something, and I rarely end up doing it cuz I get hijacked along the way. Unfortunately, I'm neglecting my TV watching because all my time is spent watching YT videos and playing this atm.
  4. I would have sex with a lebanese.
  5. I'm in the same boat, using a Ryzen 3600 and 3060 atm, trying to decide what to upgrade. If I really had the spare money to do cpu/gpu/and ssd upgrade, I'd get a 4TB ssd now before the alleged price increases show up. I'm thinking atm I want a 4070 super in a few months and then should be able to upgrade the cpu at the end of the year, probably a 5800x3d. Was kinda thinking of getting a 5070, but then figured if nvidia follows their last schedule of putting out the 5080/90 in oct-nov of this year, the 5070 won't be out until this time next year. Unless they put out fewer skus and it comes out a few months early. I'm just annoyed the 4070 only has 12GB of vram. That microcenter 7700x bundle sounds interesting, but I may ultimately just go the cheapest route since I'm scraping up pennies.
  6. Doom 3 was the first game to give me motion sickness. I hadn't run into again until last year, from of all games, the turn-based card battler Midnight Sons. Specifically, running around the sanctuary would give me a headache after a bit. Part of the reason I never got around to going back to it. Watching videos of people play Pacific Drive recently made me feel sick, so I may have to skip that game.
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