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Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games; Update - Riot employees say company has made "real progress" in fixing its sexism issues


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Hiring a woman into a leadership position proved impossible for Lacy, she said, and she left the company in part because of the sexism she’d personally experienced. She said her direct manager would ask her if it was hard working at Riot being so cute. Sometimes, she said, he’d imply that her position was a direct result of her appearance. Every few months, she said, a male boss of hers would comment in public meetings about how her kids and husband must really miss her while she was at work.


One day, Lacy conducted an experiment: After an idea she really believed in fell flat during a meeting, she asked a male colleague to present the same idea to the same group of people days later. He was skeptical, but she insisted that he give it a shot. “Lo and behold, the week after that, [he] went in, presented exactly as I did and the whole room was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is amazing.’ [His] face turned beet red and he had tears in his eyes,” said Lacy. “They just didn’t respect women.”




This seems to be all too common and it pisses me off.

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 Two former employees said they felt pressure to leave after making their concerns about gender discrimination known. One former male employee said that Riot’s “bro culture” is more pronounced behind closed doors, and hurts men too: One of Riot’s male senior leaders regularly grabbed his genitals, the source said, adding, “If he walked into a meeting with no women he’d just fart on someone’s face.”


A truly professional organization.

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4 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

 Two former employees said they felt pressure to leave after making their concerns about gender discrimination known. One former male employee said that Riot’s “bro culture” is more pronounced behind closed doors, and hurts men too: One of Riot’s male senior leaders regularly grabbed his genitals, the source said, adding, “If he walked into a meeting with no women he’d just fart on someone’s face.”


A truly professional organization.

I'm surprised the farting on peoples face thing happened more than once.  I cant fathom a work environment where people have such low self esteem that they wouldn't stand up to someone doing that to them.


Sounds like a terrible culture.  

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Then came the final straw. At a work dinner, it came up that I thought I’d been paired in a hotel room with a male Rioter. It turned out to be a typo in the name, and, as was standard, I was paired with another woman. A senior staff member proceeded to repeatedly call me sexist for not being willing to room with a man I’d never met before. At first, I thought he was kidding, but he continued to make arguments to his point. I explained why I would be more comfortable sharing a room with another woman, and told him I wasn’t enjoying the conversation and would leave if I was continued to be called sexist. The conversation continued, with him eventually saying that my unwillingness to room with a man was the same as not hiring a woman due to her gender. I left the table in the middle of dinner, unwilling to take any more after six months of such behavior. I submitted my resignation shortly after.


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2 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

Yeesh. Just terrible stuff, but it's good she came out and spoke. I have been active in some of these toxic comments sections. There are so many men that just plain suck. Women are still facing shit in the workplace, and there is a sizable chunk of men that are very actively denying this reality everywhere online. Anyone that disagrees is a snowflake, SJW, or insert whatever else and they move on. 



Ok, I get the gist of the story, but honestly...you are oversensitive. You challenged the company on your first week and expect people not to laugh?

Besides, men like to talk, look and even have sex with good looking women. We like to talk nasty, to stroke our ego. Also, men are more ambitious than women. Women are more passionate than men. That's why you don't see a lot of strong men complaining. I understand that some people don't like to be called "c*cksucker, p**sy, b***h, etc..", then you need to stand up and tell them to knock it off. Not to wait years, and then come and say things like .... "my feelings were hurt". If you let people belittle you, don't complain, stand your ground when it happens. People talk behind other peoples back. Usually that happens when people are jealous.



You get comments like this. What gets me is the people that are denying misogyny is a factor are the same ones proving it is in their own comments.

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Former employee Shurelya mentions that she didn't experience sexism while working at Riot, but given the fact that it was about 7 years ago before she quit.  Something must have happened during those years where this started becoming an issue.  


Also not a fan of Kotaku, but both r/leagueoflegends and many of current/former employees of riot are confirming this.  Can't say much otherwise. 

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On 8/9/2018 at 11:46 PM, ALIEN-gunner said:

That article was disgusting to read mostly because it's Kotaku, overly long, poorly written and does not contain a shred of factual information. 


Care to point out where it doesn't contain factual information?

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9 minutes ago, Brick said:


Care to point out where it doesn't contain factual information?

Don't bother.  As much as I hate Kotaku, this one was legit enough based on the confirmation of current/former employees at Riot. 

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On 8/13/2018 at 9:00 PM, Kal-El814 said:

Bitches wouldn't be harassed so fucking much if they knew how to control mid lane.

Well it isn't dysfunctional enough if no one is inting down mid lane with their livelihoods.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why I Left Riot Games by Barry Hawkins


The sexual references by straight men directly towards other straight men were a more complicated issue. It would often be homosexual in nature, but could also be sexually aggressive toward your significant other. You might be talking to a leader about conflict with a peer, and they’d respond with “man, you’re acting like he had sex with your wife.” Or they might start a paragraph by saying “Now for instance, if I fucked your wife…” and then segue into what they were actually supposed to be saying. The homosexual variants would be things like “well if he sucked your dick, would you feel better about this?” or “it’s not like I’m asking you to suck my dick, but I’d be OK with it if you did.”

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  • 6 months later...

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