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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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9 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


I’ll go out on a limb and say you’re on lockdown and bored then :p I feel ya :hug:

I'm finally feeling comfortable enough with this situation that I'm finishing Midnight in Chernobyl (finally) and my God the relative competence of the Soviet state, compared to the US now, is jarring.


Next up is Capital from Piketty

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I'm finally feeling comfortable enough with this situation that I'm finishing Midnight in Chernobyl (finally) and my God the relative competence of the Soviet state, compared to the US now, is jarring.


Next up is Capital from Piketty

I might actually finish The Witcher 3 :sun:


5 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

My bad @Spork3245 :lol:


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Texas company wants to dock workers' pay by the amount they would receive in stimulus cheques



“The form says they are preemptively deducting funds from our paychecks. That number is based on what they’re anticipating the government relief fund to be,” a worker for the company told KXAN. The worker asked not to be identified in this investigation so as not to impact his company’s ability to continue doing business.

The worker said his company emailed a form titled “Employee Acknowledgement of ‘Government Assistance’ Pay Reduction” to some staffers on Wednesday. “In response to the economic crisis that is affecting all of us due to the coronavirus pandemic…(company name redacted) are hereby enacting the Employee Emergency Compensation Fund,” the letter stated.


The company would also take half of the $500 stipend allotted for dependants under the bill.



“The company that I work for is a national company and they make hundreds of millions of dollars in profit a year and instead of making sacrifices at the higher levels, they’re passing it on down to everybody else,” the worker said.


Also want to take 1/2 the pay that employees' dependants will get.


We need the guillotine reaction back for this post!

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5 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

How do we know this isn't fake since they won't even name the company doing it?

They need to name and shame the company. Failure to do so just makes them complacent in their actions. The fear of job is bs because if they’re willing to steal from their employees then they’ll gladly fire you when you get covid.

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Biden out there getting Obama numbers being nominated but I'm supposed to be worried about "enthusiasm"? It's pathetic. Bernie stans are no more than four weeks from crying (again) for the smoke filled rooms to nominate their boy even after years of campaigning against that as a moral abomination.

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3 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

Biden out there getting Obama numbers being nominated but I'm supposed to be worried about "enthusiasm"? It's pathetic. Bernie stans are no more than four weeks from crying (again) for the smoke filled rooms to nominate their boy even after years of campaigning against that as a moral abomination.


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If you're not concerned about enthusiasm for the nominee, you're nuts. Negative ads thrive on killing enthusiasm, which in our world of voter suppression means reducing the likelihood of someone showing up and following through with voting.


Fact is Trump is going to be able to truthfully run to the left of Biden on criminal justice and that might either reduce black turnout or even get him a few votes, reducing a key margin.  And when you're talking tens of thousands of votes difference in WI and PA, this matters. 


Every single piece of shit legislation in the past fourty years he's been key in getting it passed. If you don't think that won't kill enthusiasm among another key block of voters you've lost your mind. 



But hey, he could still win and we'd still be setting up a Weimar republic situation (regardless of the Dem nominee tbh) because of our broken constitutional system.

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55 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If you're not concerned about enthusiasm for the nominee, you're nuts. Negative ads thrive on killing enthusiasm, which in our world of voter suppression means reducing the likelihood of someone showing up and following through with voting.


Fact is Trump is going to be able to truthfully run to the left of Biden on criminal justice and that might either reduce black turnout or even get him a few votes, reducing a key margin.  And when you're talking tens of thousands of votes difference in WI and PA, this matters. 


Every single piece of shit legislation in the past fourty years he's been key in getting it passed. If you don't think that won't kill enthusiasm among another key block of voters you've lost your mind. 



But hey, he could still win and we'd still be setting up a Weimar republic situation (regardless of the Dem nominee tbh) because of our broken constitutional system.

 Ok I have to respond to this... you are INSANE if you think Trump is gonna win the election because of the black vote. INSANE. Black voters have been the Dems most reliable block of voters consistently even when we don't particularly care for the candidate. The bigger worry is a bunch of Bernie's key block either A. Staying home and not voting in Key states or B. Voting for Trump. That's it. We didn't get Trump because black people didn't show up We got Trump because of... "economic anxiety"


I get that you guys are disappointed that Bernie is likely not gonna get the nomination but my god, can we get back to reality for a second? The truth of the matter is that Bernie did nothing to expand his base, thought he could win in a crowded field with only 30% of the vote (his base) and it backfired on him because his supporters just didn't show up to vote when it mattered. That's it. Now if beating Trump is the main priority then let's focus on THAT. OR, since the primary season isn't over, focus on getting your candidate to stage an impropable but not impossible come back since this current crisis fits right into his wheel house. I mean come on... his campaign alienated A.O.C. for god's sake!

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

 Ok I have to respond to this... you are INSANE if you think Trump is gonna win the election because of the black vote. INSANE. Black voters have been the Dems most reliable block of voters consistently even when we don't particularly care for the candidate. The bigger worry is a bunch of Bernie's key block either A. Staying home and not voting in Key states or B. Voting for Trump. That's it. We didn't get Trump because black people didn't show up We got Trump because of... "economic anxiety"


I get that you guys are disappointed that Bernie is likely not gonna get the nomination but my god, can we get back to reality for a second? The truth of the matter is that Bernie did nothing to expand his base, thought he could win in a crowded field with only 30% of the vote (his base) and it backfired on him because his supporters just didn't show up to vote when it mattered. That's it. Now if beating Trump is the main priority then let's focus on THAT. OR, since the primary season isn't over, focus on getting your candidate to stage an impropable but not impossible come back since this current crisis fits right into his wheel house. I mean come on... his campaign alienated A.O.C. for god's sake!


A defining feature of Bernie bros is to only think of the black vote as a resource and not a constituency. 

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14 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

 Ok I have to respond to this... you are INSANE if you think Trump is gonna win the election because of the black vote. INSANE. Black voters have been the Dems most reliable block of voters consistently even when we don't particularly care for the candidate. The bigger worry is a bunch of Bernie's key block either A. Staying home and not voting in Key states or B. Voting for Trump. That's it. We didn't get Trump because black people didn't show up We got Trump because of... "economic anxiety"


I get that you guys are disappointed that Bernie is likely not gonna get the nomination but my god, can we get back to reality for a second? The truth of the matter is that Bernie did nothing to expand his base, thought he could win in a crowded field with only 30% of the vote (his base) and it backfired on him because his supporters just didn't show up to vote when it mattered. That's it. Now if beating Trump is the main priority then let's focus on THAT. OR, since the primary season isn't over, focus on getting your candidate to stage an impropable but not impossible come back since this current crisis fits right into his wheel house. I mean come on... his campaign alienated A.O.C. for god's sake!

Moving the democratic margin among black voters from 90-10 to 80/85 - 20/15 is entirely possible and enough to swing some Midwestern states

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Moving the democratic margin among black voters from 90-10 to 80/85 - 20/15 is entirely possible and enough to swing some Midwestern states

It's possible but unlikely given what we've seen electorally in the last couple of years including 2018. Do I think Biden is a lock to beat Trump? NOPE. Do I think he has a chance? Yes. But I have NO reason to believe that Bernie would do better against Trump than Biden has. I could be wrong but I'll never know because once again, he couldn't win the primary despite having more money and a more presence in more states than Biden did. I thought Biden was dead in the water two months ago and had resigned myself to Bernie being nominated. How he is losing to Biden who had NO MONEY by the time Super Tuesday came around is amazing to me. 

Can you answer a question for me and I'm really not trying to be a smart ass because I would rather have the Bernie guys with us than against us... why did Bernie's support stay the same/shrink since 2016 and why didn't his clear enthusiasm translate at the polls? He was underperforming in pretty much all of the contests to date based on 2016, no?

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4 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


📣 Black people vote for civil rights protections not fucking left wing promises 📣



1 minute ago, Anathema- said:

Especially not left wing promises from Republicans! FUCK



That's not a promise that's history

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

It's possible but unlikely given what we've seen electorally in the last couple of years including 2018. Do I think Biden is a lock to beat Trump? NOPE. Do I think he has a chance? Yes. But I have NO reason to believe that Bernie would do better against Trump than Biden has. I could be wrong but I'll never know because once again, he couldn't win the primary despite having more money and a more presence in more states than Biden did. I thought Biden was dead in the water two months ago and had resigned myself to Bernie being nominated. How he is losing to Biden who had NO MONEY by the time Super Tuesday came around is amazing to me. 

Can you answer a question for me and I'm really not trying to be a smart ass because I would rather have the Bernie guys with us than against us... why did Bernie's support stay the same/shrink since 2016 and why didn't his clear enthusiasm translate at the polls? He was underperforming in pretty much all of the contests to date based on 2016, no?

He lost the anti Hillary vote but the progressive wing largely came behind him, and some bad choices by Bernie himself cost him the nomination. It's important to note the democratic party is not progressive or left, but gives the trappings of left identity politics while advancing a corporate agenda

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Yeah he can use that... it't not gonna mean much and he won't gain significant ground with Black voters but okay I'll give you that. That is gonna be overwhelmed by all of the other stuff that he and the republicans are doing to erode civil rights in this country and the black folks you're worried about losing experience that stuff DIRECTLY. They don't need policy papers or articles to tell them what's happening to them every day.


3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He lost the anti Hillary vote but the progressive wing largely came behind him, and some bad choices by Bernie himself cost him the nomination


Why didn't he build his base and expand his tent?

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7 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Moving the democratic margin among black voters from 90-10 to 80/85 - 20/15 is entirely possible and enough to swing some Midwestern states


It already happened in 2016.



How much difference did these shifts in voter composition and turnout make? Here we must keep in mind that Michigan is not a hard state to hypothetically flip, because the election was so close there—just a 0.2 percentage point margin, or about 10,000 votes, separated Trump and Clinton.


Our estimates indicate that if black turnout had remained at its 2012 level, Clinton would have carried the state. For that matter, she also would have carried the state if white non-college-educated turnout had remained at its 2012 level, instead of going up. And it would have probably been enough to flip the state if Latino turnout had remained stable across the two elections.



Across these three key rustbelt states, then, black turnout went down everywhere. In Michigan and, especially, Wisconsin, if black turnout had held at its 2012 levels, Clinton would have captured those states’ electoral votes. In Pennsylvania, on the other hand, the decline in black turnout did not appear to matter to the outcome.





One exception was Justin Babar, who said he voted for Mr. Trump as a protest against Mrs. Clinton. He blamed her husband’s policies for putting him in prison for 20 years.


As for the claims of racism that have dogged Mr. Trump, Mr. Babar wasn’t so worried. “It’s better than smiling to my face but going behind closed doors and voting against our kids,” he said.


I'm sure someone like that will be very happy with Biden.

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Important to note this will at best close margins on the periphery and may not appear! But it's the risk of running crime bill Biden 

Bernie voted for that bill too so Trump would be able to use it against him as well.


1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:


I'm sure someone like that will be very happy with Biden

Again, Bernie voted for the same bill. I could be wrong, but talking to folks and being in discussions on black social media about this very topic, I just don't see Joe having the same problems Hillary had. Younger black voters are definitely not as solidly behind Biden as they were Obama and I know a BUNCH of Bernie supporters... some who are very vocal. But NONE of them are saying they are just NOT going to vote or write Bernie's name in. If anything a lot of people who stayed home in 2016 have learner their lesson seeing what that decision has brought which is why turnout in these primaries has been up.



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7 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Bernie voted for that bill too so Trump would be able to use it against him as well.


Again, Bernie voted for the same bill. I could be wrong, but talking to folks and being in discussions on black social media about this very topic, I just don't see Joe having the same problems Hillary had. Younger black voters are definitely not as solidly behind Biden as they were Obama and I know a BUNCH of Bernie supporters... some who are very vocal. But NONE of them are saying they are just NOT going to vote or write Bernie's name in. If anything a lot of people who stayed home in 2016 have learner their lesson seeing what that decision has brought which is why turnout in these primaries has been up.




Bernie has a much better history on criminal justice than Biden, and the support of the bill was significantly more complicated than the Clintons, who touted the whole thing.



While the Clintons have defended the 1994 crime law until quite recently, Sanders was always careful to point out that he saw the law as a compromise — and regularly stated his concerns with mass incarceration.


In 1994, for example, he said that he would support it because it included the Violence Against Women Act, which helped crack down on domestic violence and rape. 


Props to Biden for that provision.


In 1991, Bernie on the death penalty:



"Let us be honest: This is not a crime prevention bill. This is a punishment bill, a retribution bill, a vengeance bill.


All over the industrialized world now, countries are saying, "Let us put an end to state murder, let us stop capital punishment." But here what we're talking about is more and more capital punishment."



But in other instances, Sanders voted against tough-on-crime measures. He voted against the 1991 crime bill. He voted against banning Pell grants (for college) for prisoners. He voted to amend the 1994 crime law to ban the federal death penalty. And he voted against the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which stripped defendants and prisoners of their ability to contest court rulings — even when the rulings may be unconstitutional.


It's not just the crime bill; these are issues all of my black friends/acquaintances with whom I've talked politics bring up, and Bernie was 1000 times ahead of the game (and on busing).


Biden may have it better, though. Doesn't look like resentment toward Biden's 1970s busing policies exists and many trust him because Obama also trusted him. Least that's what I've been told. I hope it's not another 2016 where the person who attracts more black voters under their tent can't do the same in the general.

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10 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Yeah, I just don't see any circumstance where the black vote even marginally shifts away from Biden, regardless of the past.


I think it's very likely Biden's association as Obama's VP is more tangible and recognizable than Hillary's as Sec of State in his first term and probably more meaningful.

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