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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

So why do we care about SDEs and not pledged delegates? I'm genuinely curious.


Do we even understand the difference? I sure as fuck don't and I love this stuff.


All I know is I am told that SDE's are basically all that matters.

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Carville is scared to death. :shock: 






Carville on 2020: "There is only one moral imperative in this nation right now and that is to beat Donald Trump. That's the only moral imperative. It's the only thing I want to hear. Until we understand that -- we win every argument. We win the argument on anything. We don't win elections because we talk about stuff that is not relevant. We had a great experience in 2018 and the day after we started all this goofy stuff. So, hopefully, we have time to jerk this thing back and be about healthcare, prescription drug prices, education, infrastructure, climate, diplomacy, rejuvenating whatever it is. But this is not happening so far. We can't act like this is going well. We can't come out and put three wonderful talking points. These campaigns have got to be more relevant."


Carville advice to Warren: "For God's sake, Senator Warren, get real out here. Let's move this thing along."


Carville on Warren's path to the nomination: "The best bio I've seen in a presidential campaign and she had a very good critique which is that corruption is holding the country back. For some reason, I don't know why, she decided to chase Bernie's left tail all over the country and became known for exotic positions, to put it mildly. And if she can get back to what she's about. I don't know her well. Obviously she is very smart. I think she understands what is happening in the country."


Carville on Biden coming in fourth place in Iowa: "He has had an honorable life in politics. This is just not the time. What's happened is he blocked out access for my guy Michael Bennet, for Gov. Bullock, blocked out access to Senator Booker, probably some people that were going to run didn't run because he was in the race. Maybe he'll come back, but he's going to have a difficult time. This is not a very good night for him to say the least."


Carville on who should chair Democratic party: "I don't know, ask Nancy Pelosi. That's my idea. Come on, Speaker, get somebody in there. I think this thing in Milwaukee (convention) is not off to a good start. I see all kinds of things that are very concerning there. Also, I'm just looking at the mega polling averages. I'm looking at popular opinion right now and frankly, we've got to snap back and get this thing going or -- I don't want to even think about if we had four more years of Trump. But this is so far not so good, that's my analysis."


Carville on Bernie Sanders: "Of course I'd vote for him, we don't have a choice."


Carville on how the Democratic platform is unappealing: "Look at the British Labour Party. We're like talking about people voting from jail cells. We're talking about not having a border. I mean, come on, people. Every day there are people out there struggling. We're trying to get votes."



That's literally what Sanders is doing.

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2 minutes ago, Jose said:


Do we even understand the difference? I sure as fuck don't and I love this stuff.


All I know is I am told that SDE's are basically all that matters.

I think from what I read the SDEs elect the pledged delegates to the national convention. So in effect Bernie and Booti tied in the pledged delegates (so far) but Booti is currently winning with the kinda meaningless SDEs, but not the popular vote.


That's my understanding anyway. SDEs are what used to matter before they kept count of both rounds of actual voting.

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1 hour ago, Anathema- said:

Maybe I'm crazy but I think all the chaos in Iowa is best for Warren. She'll have to follow on with wins though. 


She really needed better than 3rd place in Iowa. Bernie is going to dominate in NH and then it gets into the less white states which she does not poll well in.

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9 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I think from what I read the SDEs elect the pledged delegates to the national convention. So in effect Bernie and Booti tied in the pledged delegates (so far) but Booti is currently winning with the kinda meaningless SDEs, but not the popular vote.


That's my understanding anyway. SDEs are what used to matter before they kept count of both rounds of actual voting.


Ok this is my understanding too, but I wasn't sure. Way too convoluted.

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2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

It's definitely looking like curtains for Warren after New Hampshire.  Heck, it might be over for her now.


I disagree. If Biden continues to do this poorly, she could end up getting a lot of his voters.


Also with a contested convention seeming very possible, she would be insane to drop out.

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32 minutes ago, Jose said:


I disagree. If Biden continues to do this poorly, she could end up getting a lot of his voters.


Also with a contested convention seeming very possible, she would be insane to drop out.


I'm just excited to stop getting 20 emails per day from her campaign if she drops out. I don't have the heart to unsubscribe. Feels like cutting off my grandma or something.

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34 minutes ago, Jose said:


I disagree. If Biden continues to do this poorly, she could end up getting a lot of his voters.


Also with a contested convention seeming very possible, she would be insane to drop out.

She's the third most popular choice of second choices for Biden voters



Any contested primary is going to Bloomberg, or another centrist establishment type. They hate Bernie but they also don't like Warren (just not as much as they hate Bernie)

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

She's the third most popular choice of second choices for Biden voters



Any contested primary is going to Bloomberg, or another centrist establishment type. They hate Bernie but they also don't like Warren (just not as much as they hate Bernie)


That's one poll and Bloomberg and her were within the MoE on each other. You are putting way too much stock into those numbers.

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Just now, Jose said:


That's one poll and Bloomberg and her were within the MoE on each other. You are putting way too much stock into those numbers.


Also I'm not arguing that will or is even likely to happen, just that it's a possibility. She would be out of her mind to drop out anytime soon. 

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19 hours ago, Massdriver said:

I'm having a hard time believing Iowa is going to matter much. I bet Biden does really well Super Tuesday.


If he doesn't win South Carolina, I doubt it. He doesn't get the small donors, and big donors would probably look elsewhere after that (if they're not already looking at Buttigieg or Klobuchar since Bloomberg doesn't need the money).

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These early state contests are less about voter momentum and more about donor momentum. The big money people in particular will stop tossing cash around to all the candidates to hedge their bets and will instead zero in on the person they think has the best shot at winning.


When campaigns get tight on money, they cut staff, they cut campaign stops, they cut advertising. That is what really kills them because most people aren’t dorks like us who keep up with the news and have a good grasp on the candidates platforms and history. The door knocking, phone banking, and town-halling capture people who are likely to vote but don’t pay a whole lot of attention to this stuff.

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2 hours ago, Jose said:


Also I'm not arguing that will or is even likely to happen, just that it's a possibility. She would be out of her mind to drop out anytime soon. 


I honestly think she'd drop out for the good of the progressive cause if she were to do worse than Sanders in NH and SC, and I'm not just saying that because I'm voting for Bernie. With the two of them agreeing not to go after each other in the debates (and even in the last debate, she went after him after it was over and was caught on the mic), I feel they think the movement is most important, especially since they tag-teamed at least once or twice from my memory.


But that's if she doesn't surprise; she did pretty well in Iowa and has a good organization.

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I don’t get the sense that Warren is a true believer like Sanders. I think she drops out only if she doesn’t see a real chance at victory, not for the sake of the movement.

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18 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I don’t get the sense that Warren is a true believer like Sanders. I think she drops out only if she doesn’t see a real chance at victory, not for the sake of the movement.


orly then why did I just have this exchange with her via text


Me: Hey liz sblfilms says you're not a true believer in the progressive cause

Warren: He lies, when he visits you in Florida drop him off in the everglades and then drive away LOL < 3 < 3

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37 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


orly then why did I just have this exchange with her via text


Me: Hey liz sblfilms says you're not a true believer in the progressive cause

Warren: He lies, when he visits you in Florida drop him off in the everglades and then drive away LOL < 3 < 3

You better take me some place nice when I visit you or else no :kiss: for you!

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5 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Pete Buttigieg       38,699             26.7%

Bernie Sanders     37,999             24.4%


84.82%* of precincts reporting (1,497 / 1,765)



Bernie seems to be losing the popular vote now, unless I'm reading this wrong.

Sanders remains ahead on first ballot

Buttigieg moves slightly ahead on realignment 

Buttigieg remainsahead on SDE

Both likely tied in national delegates

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