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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

People are still on the Buttigieg train at this point? My mind can always change but a lot is stacked against him. The debates will be interesting.

Well, in terms of the alternatives to Sanders and Biden, Warren and Buttigieg are the only ones who have shown a growth in recognition/momentum.


At any rate, Warren/Buttigieg (Or vice versa) is a stronger ticket than Biden/Sanders.  (Or vice versa)


But Trump’s going to have a far more effective machine in place this time, plus all the advantages of incumbency.  Unless there’s a recession, I think it’s gonna be tough for any of the current crop to beat him if he runs a tight campaign, even though 60% of the country doesn’t really like him.

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12 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Well, in terms of the alternatives to Sanders and Biden, Warren and Buttigieg are the only ones who have shown a growth in recognition/momentum.


At any rate, Warren/Buttigieg (Or vice versa) is a stronger ticket than Biden/Sanders.  (Or vice versa)


But Trump’s going to have a far more effective machine in place this time, plus all the advantages of incumbency.  Unless there’s a recession, I think it’s gonna be tough for any of the current crop to beat him if he runs a tight campaign, even though 60% of the country doesn’t really like him.


Buttigieg is as empty a centrist, corporatist Democratic suit as Obama and O'Rourke are, and it's so plainly obvious at this point ("I don't believe in policies, I believe in values . . . while I accept corporate donor money") that it mystifies me people would excited about a paid to lose opposition party centrist corporate Democratic candidate at this point. Then again that's also Joe Biden so . . .

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24 hours after Warren says she's open to decriminalizing sex work, Sanders says he also is.



Less than 24 hours after Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren said she would be "open" to decriminalizing sex work, the Bernie Sanders campaign told VICE the candidate believes it's a policy that "should be considered."


"Bernie believes that decriminalization is certainly something that should be considered," Deputy Communications Director Sarah Ford said in an email Thursday morning. "Other countries have done this and it has shown to make the lives of sex workers safer."



Both Warren and Sanders have both endorsed Queens district attorney candidate Tiffany Cabán, who has made sex work decriminalization core to her campaign. If elected, Cabán has said she wouldn't prosecute sex workers or their clients, nor would she prosecute anyone charged with "promoting prostitution."


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5 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


He's young, handsome, well spoken, and has mainline Democratic positions. That's why there is hype.


I will rephrase: I don't understand why there is any hype from people who ought not care about superficial qualities. Or hype that goes beyond "I think he can win votes" to "I think he'll do a good job."

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