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Everything posted by Nokt

  1. Torchlight III Critic Reviews OPENCRITIC.COM Torchlight III has been reviewed by 12 critics and currently has a 'Fair' rating. Read and browse them all to learn what the top critics in the video game industry are saying. Looks like its still pretty middle of the road.
  2. I guess this just seems weird to me. Remastering for the 4K release and then another 1080p remaster the next year?
  3. Crossplay is in the works along with a custom games browser, which is what I’m really excited for. Tour de Walsh, midship, 1 hour ffa, yes please.
  4. BestBuy still up for anyone looking.
  5. "Not available on other consoles for a limited time. Also available on PC" - from the end of the gameplay trailer
  6. Its a ton of fun at the start. Once I had to start googling how to complete puzzles or took 30+ minutes it kept me from coming back
  7. According to the wiki it’s 6-9 cm per second and could be set by the user. Apparently they have to let atmospheric gasses through the shield otherwise the user would suffocate.
  8. As happy as I am for this mod, it makes me sad that so much of the original was lost.
  9. While Cel Shaded graphics usually do hold up better over time, its not like they don't benefit from updates. Granted Wind Waker was a much older game, but its upgrade was pretty large. I don't see why PoP couldn't benefit from the same upgrade.
  10. I don't normally drink sugar drinks, but I like trying all the mountain dew flavors. I enjoyed it. Can't remember what it tastes like though.
  11. World of Warcraft.... again... for like the 20th time. Buddy started telling me about how he is grinding for one of the allied races and it got me interested.
  12. That was the biggest complain when our friends and us got out of the movie. I never had that big of a problem hearing what they were saying (looking at you bane), but it was absurdly noisy. Especially in places where nothing was even going on. I went in with no expectations, it was a fun flick, but nothing memorable. Wouldn’t watch it again.
  13. 17th for the 3080 and 24th for the 3090. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/graphics-cards/30-series/?nvid=nv-int-gfhm-10484#cid=_nv-int-gfhm_en-us
  14. My first real card (that I didn't buy from bestbuy) was a 6950 from some dude on Myspace who helped me build my first build. Good dude, good memories.
  15. Halo CE's depth/sandbox, with Halo 2's movement system, and Halo 3's art style in a modern experience. A semi-perma death in a persistent online world. Take Escape from Tarkovs system (if you die you lose whatever you had on you), mix it with some PUBG/Warzone for PvP, but also have like a PvE system like Destiny. Worlds to roam, missions, raids, dungeons. Would like a crafting system for weapons and gear to make it unique to you. Megaman Battle Network 3 remaster.
  16. I remembered we had this thread awhile back. Wanted to throw out a recommendation for Virgo vs The Zodiac. Kind of a retro RPG game, play as Virgo who is tasked with going out and defeating the other Zodiac signs (I don't really understand a lot of whats going on right now in the game). The combat reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG, but instead of it being like an extra bit of damage or damage reduction for hitting a button at the correct time its more of a requirement. Any time you have a shield up you get a counter move, every move takes time to recover depending on how strong it is. I'm fairly early in the game and I already have plenty of attacks to choose from that give a wide variety of buffs. Some give me health back, other give me shields, some break their shields or remove any bonus from enemies. It also has a combat triangle I think its Green > Red > Purple > Green. They have names, but I can't remember what they are, I just remember by color coding. Anyways, its fun, the first boss gave me a run for my money and I had to retry 4-5 times just to beat her. It got some bullet hell areas mixed in just to mix it up when you are traveling through space. The soundtrack is bangin' too. The Holy Queen The Long Way Home The Time Keeper The Sacred Forest
  17. Virgo vs The Zodiac. It reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG. Combat plays very similar with pressing A during an attack for a crit and A again during defending to take less damage. It also has a counter function and combat triangle. It has a banging soundtrack so far
  18. For me, I have a lot of my watch list, but sitting around to watch some shows is never high on my priorities. Though I find that a lot of anime just doesn’t appeal to me. It’s rare that I’ll stick with a comedy like I did with FLCL. Shonen Jump-esc shows get old fast especially when you have hundreds of episodes to burn through. Sports, nah. I have been wanting to jump into some darker anime like Garden of Sinners and Parasyte.
  19. This is the first time I’ve ever seen Terror in Resonance mentioned ever. No particular order - Princess Mononoke - 5cm per second - Mushishi - Evangelion - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex I haven’t watched a lot of these shows in years. I need to rewatch them to get a better memory of them. Cowboy Bebop is probably over GitS, but I decided to mix it up
  20. I actually really liked the premise before the plot twist in the first season. Humanity is on the brink, people getting massacred, just has this bleak outlook. It was intriguing to me, then the plot twist happened. I held on about halfway through the second season I think and then dropped it.
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