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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. QAnon? Canada? Crazy right wing shit? White guys everywhere after seeing that article:
  2. Fuck it looks awesome but reviews on Steam are awful. I saw the words catastrophic and dumpster fire. Apparently the gameplay is a total mess and it's loaded with bugs.
  3. Used to be a total pothead but mostly stopped smoking years ago with a joint once in a while. Ironically now that it's fully legal, I don't smoke anymore at all. I stopped doing drugs in general some years back, I prefer alcohol if I wanna be altered.
  4. It's like they had an internal challenge to see how much less I could possibly be interested in that game.
  5. I wanted to nominate this shithead until I realized his face already looks like he did a round with Tyson and had to have plastic surgery involving cottage cheese fillers.
  6. This reminds me, I still need to see Dunkirk. I don't really like watching war movies much but it seems interesting and this reminded me that Zimmer also did the score for that.
  7. I watched it again on YouTube real quick actually to remind myself but yeah, it's the mounting levels of absurdity and then the combo of the kid's "freak out" delivery and camera angle that makes it really funny to me. Abrupt is the right word. The image of a floating Toni Collette sawing her own head off with wire (or whatever it was) is so over-the-top to me that it kind of looks like parody, then you're hit with the naked old folk sex cult about to gangbang the poor kid who has been Monty Python levels traumatized already and THEN there's the bizarre cut to his face simply going "AHHH!" and silently turning around and awkwardly sprinting out of the VERY fake looking window. The kid totally reminds me of George Michael Bluth's character in that moment, the body language and delivery. It's not like "Italian Horror from the 70s, so insanely weird/bad that it's funny" but I think the scene legit plays out like ultra-black slapstick humor. Maybe it was intentional? The rest of the movie didn't point to it at all which is why I found it extra funny and jarring. I actually really liked other aspects of the film's family drama. The sequence of the car accident especially is fucking harsh. It's just the weird heel turn into over-the-top absurdity in the last act that made me actually laugh and baffled me majorly. I couldn't tell if it was intentional or not but I remember thinking that it probably wasn't?
  8. Actually Doom 2016 was one of the worst compression blanket sounding mix I had heard up till then. All the weapons had a noticeably over-compressed muffled 'thud' instead of a sharp sting. Also very 'soupy' mix. Doom Eternal sounds a lot better but the music tracks themselves are still absurdly compressed to shit. And yup, I recall that first reboot Wolfenstein sounding like total ass too and I didn't even play it that much.
  9. I was actually about to reply to another comment with something like this. I used to work at a small recording studio in Jersey and nothing ever left there without the 'shitty computer speakers' and 'car stereo' tests. I would also attribute some of these modern film mixing issues to the Loudness War, I've definitely seen some movies in recent years where I thought fuck everything is just crushed into mush and turned up to 9.5/10. It's exhausting to have to listen to. Not movies but this truly baffles me in Arkane's games. Their audio mix is always noticeably bad with panning that makes no fucking sense, bizarre mixing, heavy-handed compression on everything. It's especially bad on headphones which is 90% of the time how I play games. Also my girlfriend watches everything with subtitles and it drives me nuts. I don't get it personally. I'd rather miss a few words here and there and not have them distract me constantly. My eyes are unwillingly glued to the subtitles and I find myself missing acting nuances and set designs etc. regularly.
  10. "Awww man..." could be defined as "not great". And I don't blame the dude. Their collaboration on Interstellar is incredible.
  11. I mean, I think he's a mega-cunt but even besides that point...has there ever been a human face more engineered as a fist receptacle? There's so much fucking flabby cheek space and such a tiny nose within that whole mess to actually jack up your hand on. As someone who boxes a lot, I reckon punching that face would be an orgasmic experience.
  12. Yeah this is close to RE4 levels of 'how does this keep delivering'. I'm way past that encounter now but the shopping mall with the flooded first floor was incredible encounter-design-wise. Made me feel like I was going full Apocalypse Now. The game really puts you into a total guerilla warfare mindset somehow, it's so good.
  13. @CitizenVectron is lying, here is the real footage the government DOES NOT WANT YOU TO SEE
  14. I'm only funny to fellow horrible people, I'm cool with that.
  15. My favorite Thanks Giving movie is Addams Family Values and my ex-wife and I watched it religiously every year. I've pushed the same tradition on others now.
  16. It really is a shame. I used to listen to his podcast frequently because he'd get highly interesting people and mostly let them go off for literally hours unedited. I thought Rogan himself was merely...there...and I didn't care about his presence either which way because the guests were able to just freely talk. I don't remember when I tuned out but whenever he started fucking talking ALL THE TIME would be it, not sure when that was. There was some 'Hollywood elite healthy big brain guys with mega money' circle jerk and I turned it off. I hear that's basically the standard format now. PS: I'll also add I love martial arts so that used to take up like 30% of his rants so for those I DID actually like listening to him. Whatever dumb garbage he spouts, his skills and knowledge in that field were always legit.
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