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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Heads up, the free DLC expansion is out today and apparently it's quite meaty. No reviews yet from what I've seen. Honestly a great excuse for me to replay this for the third time now. Absolutely love this game.
  2. I kind of want to play Lost Legacy despite not liking this series at all. From what I've seen you guys say about it on here, it actually sounds a lot more interesting than the other games and I'm on a TLOU2 high.
  3. Started a new playthrough of TLOU2 on Grounded+, let's see how this goes... I thought Hard was a bit easy especially in regards to resources. I was loaded up on stuff so I'd like to see how this game plays in full-on Survival Horror mode. Edit: Also, made the mistake of checking the game's sub-reddit to see if there's any dialog about difficulty modes and so on and my lord, people hate this game passionately. Almost the entire sub-reddit consists of posts about how fucking awful the game is and on and on. I had no idea it was this badly received lol
  4. Maybe not the exact thread for it but since I take this as the general "Movie Nerd" thread, I really liked this little interview with Tarantino and Colbert discussing Carpenter's The Thing that I happened across earlier. I don't know much about Colbert so it was fun to see not only does he dig the original story but apparently loves Carpenter's movie.
  5. I haven't seen Phantom Thread actually, I totally forgot he made that. I was gonna see it in the theater and...forgot? But yeah, I did watch Inherent Vice again just last month I think. How much he misses his lady kills me every time and the last scene is absolutely perfect.
  6. This is pretty much how I felt about Inherent Vice the first time I saw it, I was trying to find the logic to why it affected me so much because it seemed so loose and incoherent at times. It still is that but there is a devastating emotional core and character study at the heart of it all and it truly does feel like spending time in his world, or more precisely in his head even, and I thought it was an achievement really. I'm actually really happy to hear that this one is of a similar ilk, your comments on it make me more excited to see it. As a side note, PTA also has an uncanny knack for bringing that era to life on screen without any cloying or hokey elements. Same with Boogie Nights, I really buy the era fully in his films.
  7. Had some friends over last night who also appreciate some shitty-ass 80s Horror and we watched this train wreck. Wow. Nothing in this movie even vaguely makes sense from the editing, the lighting the (almost complete lack of) "acting", the asinine use of the soundtrack. All of it. It's incredible how bad this movie, very entertaining and funny.
  8. Bloodporne

    I'm 31.

    Happy birthday though and congrats on the Elden Ring gift. Cheers Sir
  9. This is true. I've seen Inherent Vice like four times in the last couple years, really excited for this and somehow didn't know it existed actually.
  10. I have quite a bit of time in the DC version and currently playing, I'll second that it definitely is worth the $10. There are small additions that improve the pacing noticeably, at least to me. Stuff like them introducing a bike with a small cargo trailer in between the bike and truck, the addition of a location and a full stealth mission in the first chapter and so on.
  11. Bloodporne

    I'm 31.

    Was my birthday last month and I didn't get shit!
  12. Just finished The Last Of Us 2. I'll be replaying this for a long time I think. Incredible gameplay, I could keep playing this for who knows how long. It's a LONG fucking game and I still didn't want it to end.
  13. I have yeah, it's a really good show. I'm watching the second season right now. I love the sets and costumes but just in general, the characters and dialogue are gold.
  14. That sure is a lot of annoying sounding stuff... Was really looking forward to this one but I'll wait for a deep sale.
  15. I was making a joke about white guys celebrating that just this once, it's not a white dude despite all signs pointing that way. It was a Shyamalan plot twist for me that it wasn't some white dude from Saskatchewan.
  16. I'm unfortunately aware of it a bit. I skype with my father every so often these days and he's very on top of stuff like this. Also, he lives in Bavaria for quite some time now which is, again unfortunately because it's a breathtaking part of the country, very high on the conspiracy/anti-vax scale.
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