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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Out of all the facets of my immigration experience, I've never viewed learning the language as part of assimilation. It's a fundamental tool and separate from your identity, beliefs etc. in my opinion. First and foremost, this should be for your own sake. "Your community" as an immigrant can be full of predatory vultures and you need to start learning to understand your new world, and the legalities that you're about to wrestle with for years, as soon as possible. This is all my personal experience but my pool of immediate friends here consists mainly of immigrants and we've had this conversation in group settings several times. The one fact everyone always agrees with each other on is that you have to learn the language. It doesn't matter if you like it, how it opposes your views, what historical beef you have with it, whatever it may be...it is what it is. Being an immigrant is incredibly isolating and mentally challenging and refusing to learn the language helps nobody at all and least of all yourself. Edit: And no, I don't believe you owe anyone cultural assimilation, least of all in the USA. The reason why being @Signifyin(g)Monkey's post. I'm nowhere near as smart as that dude.
  2. The difference is that while there are, and will always be, a segment of the population that are anti-immigrant anywhere, Germany knows it has zero room for cultural grandstanding or anything of the sort. Some other European countries have a similar attitude, or are strongly moving towards it at least in regards to its past, but not France. France has zero humility and seems to make zero effort to self-reflect on their antics based on my observation. I'm sure there are movements within the country like shown in this article but as an overall stance, it seems to be that.
  3. Let's also not forget that on top of all that, France is extremely up its own ass. Everyone in Europe regards them as cultural snobs of the highest order for a reason. This is all an absurd mix. Whenever I see France cry about shit like this, I just roll my eyes a tad.
  4. In the case of a country like France, I just see it as a case of you reap what you sowed. Can't complain about your culture being compromised etc. when you're the one who invaded and subjugated others in the first place and now cry when you see too many of them come back on the, originally one-way, bridge you built.
  5. I would've bought a black edition from the get-go, it looks a lot cooler than the white one, but I'm not buying a fucking cover for $55
  6. That puts it in better words yeah. I constantly thought the film felt truly "removed" from modern humanity and it felt incredibly well realized. The architecture, interior designs, costumes, everything was so thoroughly alien looking, it was fantastic. The story itself could've been shit and I would've still enjoyed being in that world for its runtime.
  7. I forget that this is just normal out West. I wasn't used to it whatsoever when I spent a year out in CA.
  8. I'm on my second playthrough of TLOU2 on Grounded right now and it's pretty brutal. I really enjoy the craziness of it but there are definitely elements of the game that don't lend itself to this mode as well as the first one. I just did the Hillcrest section and it was incredibly difficult.
  9. I'll give you a tip right now: Warm + public transportation = mentally unhinged weirdos galore The vast majority of people that don't drive in the States don't drive because they can't drive. And who can't drive? If you're looking for a place with good public transportation, it sounds like you need to deal with the cold of the Northeast or something. Anything in the South has public transportation where a bus ride to the local mall takes like 90 minutes and you'll be sharing the bus with three pedophiles, one guy jerking off in the corner and the bus driver decking toddlers regularly. Godspeed to you.
  10. So I just finally saw it earlier today. I've only ever seen about half of Lynch's version because it was abysmal and have never read the books for some background. Even going in blind really, the movie did a great job setting up the mythology, lore and plot and seemingly cut at a perfect point. I liked this SO much more than I expected. The trailers didn't do the atmosphere and amount of mystical gravitas (lol what a pretentious phrase) justice. I'm not sure besides Blade Runner maybe if I've ever seen a vision of the future or of another civilization that felt so 'different' yet natural and holistic. I absolutely loved the costumes, the machines and sets. All of it really. 9.5 for me and another fucking Villeneuve homerun. This guy has a crazy streak.
  11. The genre alone made me click just to trash it but this actually looks really cool. I really dig the aesthetics overall and the combat looks great. I love any game where you can dismantle robots like that.
  12. Based on where they took Alan Wake in the AWE DLC, I really think they'll tie all this together as well. At the very least, I think The Bureau and some of the objects of power will make an appearance. I actually really hope Remedy goes all in on this, I really liked the way they hinted at this interconnected lore in Control.
  13. I actually like the idea of it but whatever that 'gameplay' was at the end looked dreadful, especially that part where the dude kills the creature. It's probably really early footage so I won't judge it based on this but between that shit Butt Rock song and whatever that combat was supposed to be...not a good sign. Also lame to cock-tease with the whole Silent Hill thing like that in the beginning.
  14. Catching up on the reveals. Alan Wake II looks like the only particularly interesting thing to me. Slitterhead (sp?) looked cool at first and then it didn't...at all.
  15. Dated someone with a French accent once and thought it was really hot so that.
  16. My accountant's name is Donna and this lady is a total character, I love talking to her lol. Of course she recently bought a condo in Florida.
  17. Any older lady named Donna Sanginario from the Northeast is gonna be pure gold.
  18. What are you Bernie Mac in Bad Santa??
  19. Just when I think I kinda know some of you people, a thread like this happens and I start picturing that fucking kid with the bright dyed hair who shot up the movie theater on the other end.
  20. Trailer did nothing for me but I'd give this a shot just because Juliette Lewis is in it. She's cool
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