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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I saw @Boyle5150 pop up and immediately knew this shit was gonna git gud
  2. Well...no...but it wasn't as brutally disappointing so I'd have to say I hate DMC2 less overall unfortunately
  3. I apologize, I couldn't control myself because I hate it.
  4. Really enjoyed the demo when it came out (yes, PS4), thanks for reminding me to pick this up!
  5. I'll probably eventually pick it up on sale way down the line honestly. I kind of want it as a B-movie guilty pleasure thing so I'll see when I'm ripe for that kind of entertainment.
  6. I would've actually picked this up for the sheer trashery if it wasn't yet another "massive open world". It looks fun enough for an on-sale buy gameplay-wise but ultimately looks like a huge time sink due to the open world to me.
  7. The quick translation is as follows so you can spare yourself reading this person's harebrained explanations:
  8. Don't we all know at this point that this dude is untouchable in his brazen disregard of basically anything somehow?
  9. I'm really rooting for this one to be good. The setting and theme is incredible but will wait for reviews to see what the gameplay vs. cutscenes/story balance will be and general impressions on the combat and so on. It looks great overall but the Euro Jank is definitely strong with this one based on the combat footage where she fights the armored knight with a mace in an enclosed space for example.
  10. I always loved the variety in this game. Lots of cool moves, platforming segments and everything all wrapped into a cool brawler.
  11. I'm so torn. I wanna mock this shit but the game is awesome so...let's make a poll?
  12. I've been cheated on and been "the other man". I've never been able to cheat on anyone I was with.
  13. I really liked Bone Tomahawk but haven't seen Brawl... nor Dragged... yet. The titles are so bargain bin that I find them thoroughly attractive again so I've been morbidly curious. I didn't realize it was the same guy that did Bone Tomahawk. I need to get back into my movie nerd modus operandi, I'm slacking. I didn't even know Quentin Tarantino had a new movie in the works until yesterday
  14. True, yeah. I grasped it now. Edit: You're going to hell for calling coffee non-essential.
  15. I'm aware, I just don't see how it's relevant to our current living standards here.
  16. This list basically amounts to: Living life is just for millenials who are bad with money. Anything that's not directly linked to working and being in debt is a waste of money.
  17. Was totally outraged when I hit this bullet point. Git fukt, study. Also gym nonessential, k.
  18. What's the gameplay loop in What Remains... like? It looks interesting but is it a full-on walking sim or does it involve puzzles or anything at all? I'm trying not to spoil myself with videos in case I want to get into it so figured I'd rather ask.
  19. I hadn't heard this band since maybe the early 2000's and man, that video is fucking hilarious! I'm not even sure which aspect to rag on first, geez.
  20. Oh I saw this dude and noped the fuck out immediately. Ended up fighting him from behind...which sounds slightly sexual. I think @Biggie is on the guy after Ogre though.
  21. I think he's talking about the General right after the Ogre actually unless I'm mistaken. That one has a huge arena surrounding him. I think you might be thinking about Seven Spears in front of the moonlit tower, skillz. But you're totally correct in that you have to power through the tough shit, even if they're technically optional. You'll just trip yourself up later not engaging early on. I had that problem.
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