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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I'm really interested because Kojima but damn are the dramatics surrounding this game's release endless and tedious.
  2. This is how I picture Nioh's level design team going from having designed that one killer first stage to someone letting them know they have an entire game left to do:
  3. SC4 was the first game for me where I truly noticed a specific atmosphere, or where the concept of an atmosphere dawned on me rather. It holds a really special place for me because of that. I absolutely love that one stage where you're ascending the waterfalls to that serene soundtrack. I actually agree that purely gameplay-wise, it's not spectacular. Symphony is also way too easy but I just love the experiences of these two. Castlevania III is just fucking good all around and in general has my favorite aesthetic after Symphony. Good god is that game hard though. Even with the 10 lives cheat, it was a true test of will to beat that one.
  4. I saw Jurassic Park recently and couldn't believe how fucking good the CGI still looks. It actually works better for me than something like Lord of the Rings for some reason beyond me.
  5. Martial arts would be my #1 and has been for about 10 years. That might sound...not relaxing...but I find it a very much needed break from modern life in general in many aspects. The demand for discipline, different social structure and so on really erase a shitty day's worries for me. After that, definitely reading. Now that the weather has turned, I love to lay in the grass at my local park and read.
  6. See for yourselves. I can't believe the fucking dojo/training stage is even 1:1 copy/pasted. If I hadn't eagerly waited for this game, it'd almost be funny how little change there is. And let's play I Can't Believe It's Not DLC!
  7. Some rustic bread, BUTTER and NUTELLA...yes please!
  8. I thought this thread was going to be about some hot chick in a burger costume blowing you. PS: Peanut butter is one of the few American-isms I just cannot get behind even after 20 years here. Just revolting.
  9. I'm hungry and this pic just got my dick hard, seriously.
  10. Probably something like this: 1. Symphony of the Night 2. Castlevania III 3. Super Castlevania IV I think Rondo is a great game but I never found it as enjoyable as these to play. I also really dig Circle Of The Moon. The magic system (or whatever they call it) and actual difficulty are great.
  11. Reading Alpha impressions now and it's being called Nioh 1.5 left and right. Lots of recycling down to the UI, level gimmicks like water barrels, enemy movesets. I don't wanna shit on it before trying it myself but I rhought that game needed a huge overhaul in terms of encounters, level design and variety, not more of the same shit we already had a boatload of.
  12. Never heard of that actually, what should I check out? This is yet another favorite of all time tracks and probably my favorite Aphex track actually. Just brilliant, he has a knack for making these really beautiful yet eerie pieces.
  13. Damn, thought so. My most anticipated game currently, bastards. Edit: Someone already streamed it somehow and it looks identical to the first one pretty much. The level of asset and enemy reuse is off the charts. I thought it was just some DLC I hadn't played at first. Pretty much the exact opposite of what that game needed.
  14. What he said, yes. I do however unapologetically wear tracksuits with Adidas sandals and socks so I'm an honorary Slav. According to ourselves, we're simply Silesian.
  15. I love Boards Of Canada and (older particularly) Autechre. Honestly, I got into this kind of stuff in my "drug experimentation" days. A great friend of mine who is a painter and tattoo artist used to drop acid and paint for like 10 hours to all this kinds of stuff and I thought it was fascinating. One of our go-to albums was this compilation Artificial Intelligence:
  16. I would recommend this to start with as it covers a lot of...bases...of his sound. Some heavily Ambient-veering tracks mixed with great percussion. Besides, the opening track is one of my favorite songs of all time. Or maybe this as it's also kind of a perfect cross section while his later albums are a bit too "glitchy" for me personally. This is my personal favorite:
  17. I'm originally East German. Then West when the wall fell (I was born in '83), then emigrated to NYC a bit later when my mother married a GI. My family history is complicated though, we're originally farmers from nowadays-Wroclaw, Poland before WWII. So Breslau in Silesia back then.
  18. He's done anything from very stripped-down and tranquil Ambient to borderline pure noise but definitely nothing like Come To Daddy funny enough.
  19. I'm not sure this has ever happened to me but I'm actually feeling apprehensive about watching this show. I've been meaning to a few nights in a row night and I keep backing away from the play button like a scared kid. The whole Cold War nuclear fear of my childhood must've really done a number on me, who knew!
  20. Ironically that song was apparently made as a parody of Heavy Metal, as a joke essentially, and became his most well-known song. Basically everything else he's done in his absurdly vast catalog and musical variations is nothing like that song. Edit: Assuming we're talking about Come To Daddy
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