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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Firecrackers become super useful especially later on, definitely get on that shit. Aaaand...I totally forgot where/how you even get those. It basically stuns most enemies for a decent time window. Also, animals hate loud noises.
  2. Speaking of fire crackers, what does the charged-up version actually really do compared to the normal one? I never really notice. The stun doesn't seem longer? Does it to posture damage?
  3. The Dirt - 7.5/10 An oddly charming and somewhat ambitious feeling flick despite its obvious not-too-high budget...or maybe it just looks that way because the wigs look like from fucking Party City? I had read the book prior and consider Motley Crue a guilty pleasure of mine so what the hell...very entertaining and trashy in some good ways.
  4. Best strategy is run like a fucking lunatic the entire time. It's like they decided to pound in your head that you don't have a stamina bar this time and can actually do that.
  5. I just beat Owl yesterday I think and played some more and felt what I said about it afterwards. I'm not stuck really, just exhausted and disinterested instead of feeling satisfied after hard bosses. Gonna take a week break or so to see if I'll finish the game.
  6. I admit the late game bosses are making me disinterested in the game. The reliance on perfection and near-OHKO attacks is so grating at this point that I've kind of stopped caring, I've seen most of it anyway. I really think it's a great game but has some heavy balancing flaws overall. I really didn't like how easy and few enemies there can be in an area between crushing boss fights. It feels odd and sometimes barren, as in not very engaging.
  7. I lived in Cali for a year and was bombarded with "holy shit you haven't been to In N Out" for like two months before I was taken there by some clients on the way to a job. To this day I have no idea what the fuck their obsession with this joint is over there. The fries are hands-down the worst fries possible, even worse than Burger King which is insane, and the burgers are just...generic burgers at best. In N Out is stupid. Also, if your fries aren't salty and I have to ask for extra salt, go play in traffic.
  8. I know your post is a few days old but: Hands are a great way to deal stamina damage (or whatever that bar is called in GoW again) which opens enemies up for a critical attack/finisher. This will become apparent later in the game when you do challenges that require taken on tons of enemies at once, stamina damage for finisher is the way to go there as it breaks way quicker than damage sponge-y life bars. The game is really good at putting you into scenarios that kind of subtly teach you the value of most moves, or at least for me it was, so you'll get the hang of everything sooner or later. Throwing the ax can freeze/stun certain enemies like those burrowing assholes who can otherwise escape, enable you to unlock combo moves with ax recall damage and so on. I think the combat in general is very well thought-out in terms of how each facet works in tandem, you'll see. It was also way better than I expected.
  9. This is one of the most entertaining rants I've read on this board, cheers! And what if you're a Nietzschean devotee and actually enjoy the act of gazing into the abyss and therefore you worship at the altar of seasoned slinky fries? I, for one, won't be held down.
  10. My brother-in-law's fiance is a manager at a Chik-Fil-A and is massively into her job. There's definitely a weird cult thing going on there.
  11. When two equally stupid people with an equal amount of time to waste finally meet. How anyone would play this for longer than 20 seconds and not just go drive off is beyond me.
  12. I personally prefer pussy really.
  13. In-N-Out has the shittiest fries ever
  14. Why would anyone with a job eat at either of them in the first place? Fast food is for poor people.
  15. I mean, you read shit like this and suddenly wish medieval Inquisition tactics would come back. Imagine this being your ultimate fate as a human being.
  16. Haven't been able to play nearly as much as the first few days lately but I'm getting near the end-game I believe. Game is still fucking good and the combat really clicked. It feels great to return to the castle and essentially fight regular dudes that were mini-bosses earlier on and crushing them.
  17. This is something my Italian neighbor says about his nephew just released from a stint in Rikers
  18. One of my favorite series ever but I'm assuming this won't be more than the Wii bundle with upped resolution most likely, right?
  19. I like that he's probably white as fuck yet I keep assuming he's black because of his avatar.
  20. So "St. Louis" is a synonym for "like a fucking moron", who knew?
  21. I really hope this "Myspace" hookup story took place in like 2017 by the way.
  22. "Afterwards, I took this selfie ya'll:"
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