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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I would totally move to a shittier neighborhood temporarily for a better SAT score. Just kidding, immigrants don't go to college.
  2. I actually never really listened to that one somehow. My favorites are Selected Ambient Works Vol. II and ...I Care Because You Do. I recently discovered all those "leaked" Soundcloud (or whatever service it was) tracks people have made various compilations of. Some of that stuff is really fantastic. I was just listening to Richard D. James Album and felt compelled to make this thread after enjoying the fuck out of Fingerbib several times in a row.
  3. I've been on my annual massive Aphex Twin binge and was wondering if there are any other fans on here? What are your favorite, most memorable, whatever tracks by Mr. RDJ? His catalog is so fucking vast, I always find new tracks so I'm curious.
  4. I'm really just salty as fuck that there's no convenient collection for all those killer GBA/DS titles.
  5. My house is ancient and has shit water pressure, yeah.
  6. I finally finished the engine work a few weeks back and have been enjoying the, sometimes, nice weather starting up again
  7. I was more thinking William Shatner style "DAMN YOOOOUUUUUUUUU THROOOONNNEEEEEE".
  8. Surely that's 100% the case or otherwise they wouldn't keep releasing these but I'm speaking for myself and not most people. I would imagine for most customers these are nostalgia-based impulse buys and that's that. These definitely work in that context.
  9. Nope. "You have no right to speak!" to "Yeah alright dude, pick a new king who then will obviously fucking exonerate you " within the span of about 23 seconds was an entirely better choice.
  10. It's like a gathering of leftovers. All the cool folks are dead.
  11. This is seriously one of the funniest fucking memes I've seen in a long time, I can't get over it
  12. I mean, maybe it's not an issue per say, it's just funny to me that the dramatic ending of the last episode showed her ride out of the city victoriously after all this hardship...only to appear BACK IN IT the next time we see her. Like many little details, it just comes off as silly and half-baked to me. The whole thing felt rushed and goofy.
  13. Konami releases weak product, shocking. These endless, incomplete piecemeal "collections" are so lame to me. Package the whole shebang for the collective price tag and I'll buy it at $60 or whatever to have it all in one convenient place, until then I'll continue to emulate them for that exact reason.
  14. I loved how the dragon suddenly had a degree in psychology and deduced that Jon Snow isn't really at fault here but the motherfucking GAME ITSELF!!!! *BURNS THRONE* I thought this part was fucking hilarious in an episode full of goofy shit. Can anyone explain to me why Arya somehow teleported back into the city/battlefield that she just harrowingly escaped from the last episode's ending...on a horse that was never to be seen again? Also, endless talk about "breaking the wheel"...elect a dude with three wheels, k.
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