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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Is it some sort of long form improv class? I feel like we’re all a part of a joke that’s gone on a little too long.
  2. I could really go either way at this point. At the very least, I promise not to add to the population. Edit: dammit, Engel with the snipe.
  3. Fox cuts a scene featuring the wrong kind of Predator.
  4. If you think about it, humans are the most invasive, destructive species. I'm starting to understand why the Purge is such a good idea. We need to cull. That would actually solve most of our problems. We could all eat as much meat as we wanted if there were a lot less of us.
  5. I'm constantly bouncing between games. It helps that I generally don't care about finishing them.
  6. I’ll be working overnight next week to help setup our Halloween area. Nothing sucks the joy out of holidays like working retail.
  7. Hey, what happens between myself, my wife, and our big black friend Tony in the bedroom is none of your concern.
  8. I'll admit that I'm not the biggest fan of The Witcher, but in my memory of those games, Geralt is either deadpan growling dialog or slaughtering a bunch of dudes/monsters. I feel like that is exactly what a Henry Cavill can deliver.
  9. I was going to pick up at copy at work today, but apparently Target didn't get any. No store in the greater Cincinnati area had any copies on hand, which I have never seen for a new release of this size. Instead of being patient and using my discount, I'm downloading it on PSN now.
  10. I bought a copy for $10, but haven't got around to it yet. My gaming plate is pretty full right now.
  11. It’s the last day that King’s Island is open for their regular season, so I’m going to get in my last fix of my favorite rides.
  12. I’ve been playing Chrono Trigger on my phone during work breaks. It’s obviously not the ideal way to play it, but I’m more or less comfortable with the touch controls now. It it works surprisingly well as a game you can play for 15-20 minutes and feel like you’ve made some real progress.
  13. When I tried a bunch of Oktoberfest beers last year, Sierra Nevada made the one I liked the most. Apparently it’s different every year, and I haven’t tried the 2018 yet.
  14. I feel like they've been advertising this for at least 10 years. I let my Prime expire a couple months ago. I'm sure I'll resub at some point and watch this.
  15. One of the core weaknesses of Blue Is the Warmest Color was lack of lightsabers. I like the sound of this.
  16. I would probably enjoy this (I'm sucker for a well made rom com/chick flick) but I pretty much only see movies alone these days, and I have my limits.
  17. brb padding my resume so I can get hired onto the team that's gonna remake this trilogy
  18. I think it's because I just recently played through Sunset Overdrive, but I'm not really in the mood for another open world action game like this just now. Not a slam on this game or anything, but I can wait for a big sale. I've got plenty of other games to play.
  19. I’ll see it, but the trailer makes it look a lot like your standard, kinda boring Oscar Bait.
  20. Two of the last games on the system I wanted to play but weren’t already on the service. I knew that Halo was coming since they mentioned it at E3, but I’ll also happily download Quantum Break. Oh, and Onrush. I heard that game was fun, but more or less DOA. I’m sure being added to Game Pass will give it a player base. Sweet.
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