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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Def is pure sexy, no doubt, but Kal has that unassuming girl next door vibe that drives me absolutely wild.
  2. American Animals - 8.5/10 Great cast, clever take on retelling a true story. I figured that there would be riffs on other heist movies (they get a lot of fun out of assigning Resovior Dogs code names) but I was really caught off guard by a shot that evokes the opening scene of The Dark Knight. So, look for that, I guess.
  3. There are people out there that will be disappointed if at least 75% of the cast and crew of a movie aren’t queer women of color. Can’t please everyone.
  4. She absolutely killed it for years on The Americans. I can’t wait to see her in this.
  5. I saw a brief mention of this on the my local news this morning, but had no idea just how insane of an operation this is. Absolutely incredible.
  6. If I got particularly gross/sweaty during the day I’ll do a quick rinse before bed, but my main, regular shower is always in the morning right before I go to work.
  7. If I need to leave my apartment at all that day, I’ll take a shower before going out. If I have a day off and I’m in full recluse mode, I’ll still take a shower because I’m not an animal.
  8. You lost 30 hours out of one paycheck? That’s insane. I would start looking for a new job.
  9. When I was first on my own for a phone plan, T-mobile was running a deal for unlimited text and data for $30 a month. I only get 100 minutes of talk, but I barely use that in a month, and when I do go over it’s still way cheaper than other plans from major carriers. I’ll be their customer for as long as I can keep this deal going.
  10. Hearthstone has been my “game to play while also focusing on another thing” for years.
  11. I played this game. I even finished this game, which is something I can’t say about many games recently. You can probably find people more qualified to take about this game and its place in the series as a whole, but I’m here.
  12. My “new” game is Shadow of the Colossus on PS4. Gosh is it pretty, and runs like a dream. My only negative is that I seem to remember this game way better than most, so I instantly know how to solve each encounter (at least so far).
  13. You know I don't like to share you, but I think we can make some room.
  14. I do miss Left 4 Dead. If this is half decent, I could probably get way into it.
  15. Apparently I own Alienation already. I don't remember playing it.
  16. I don’t remember having any choice. It’s just Wiimote+Nunchuck, which happens to be an ideal way to play those games.
  17. Oh yeah, I forgot that I downloaded Black Ops 3. I don't think I played that one at all when it came out.
  18. Third party. They apparently also work for Wii and Wii U, which could be nice if you still have those systems around.
  19. My Target got 80 systems. By the time I left at 12:30, we had sold 5. They might not be ridiculously hard to find this time around. But yeah, we only received a few extra controllers, both wired and wireless.
  20. I'm glad that movies like this can be made, but personally I have zero interest in seeing this. I remember feeling the same way about Beyond the Black Rainbow.
  21. I play on Switch with the pro controller. Love that rumble. This is my favorite game to play when I just want to completely zone out for 45 minutes or so.
  22. I saw it months ago and I have a shitty memory, but I remember it being basically supernatural, but they came up with BS "real" explanations for everything. Like And of course all the completely unrealistic booby-traps in that tomb, but that's more or less accepted as a thing in movies.
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