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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. When I checked the app early Friday morning, I saw that every showing of Fallout was marked as surge pricing (even the 10am shows) for every theater in my area except for one tiny local chain that does e-ticketing. I was able to go to that one no problem. After that and Leave No Trace (which I saw today), that brings me to 48 movies I've seen with Movie Pass in the 10 months I've had it. Even if it goes away next week, that's a pretty damn good run.
  2. You still have things to look forward to. There is a cold open in season 5 that had me laughing harder than just about anything I can remember. It aired right after the Super Bowl that year, and I was at a friend's house with a bunch of people (we were there to watch The Office, not The Big Game) so that definitely added to the enjoyment. We collectively lost our damn minds.
  3. Man, this delivers on pretty much everything you could want from a MI movie.
  4. If/when we sail together, y'all are going to have to carry me hard. I tried sailing around in one of the little boats by myself. It did not go well.
  5. I should be available. I work early mornings, just FYI, so I'm generally not up late.
  6. A tiny part of me is still hoping that there's going to be a new Box with Half Life 3, Portal 3, and Team Fortress 3, and they're just waiting until all three are done before mentioning any of them. And it's going to stealth release on my birthday and GabeN will personally deliver me a Steam key for it, etched into one of his beautiful knives.
  7. DS games usually ranged from $30-40. I think $40 was mostly for Nintendo and Square-Enix "flagship" titles.
  8. I also just bought an Xbox One S, and I don't really plan on buying games for it. It came with a code for Rare Replay, which was one of the few non-Game Pass games I would have bought. @brucoe Sunset Overdrive is included in Game Pass
  9. If I saw this earlier this morning, I probably would have bought it. I went with the "starter bundle" from Amazon for $229.
  10. Sorry to Bother You - I didn’t love every place this movie went, but man does it go places, and I admire that.
  11. I live right down the street from a local place that does a great pizza, but I usually end up getting Dominos because it's easier and a lot cheaper.
  12. My first reaction was “Whaaa?” I’ve only seen him play characters that are nothing like Yorick, but he’s a good actor and FX generally seems to know what they’re doing, so this will probably be good.
  13. I enjoyed the demo well enough, but my history with this type of game leads me to believe that there is a 5% chance I actually get to the end of it, 95% chance I’ll get bored of it after a few hours and never touch it again. So I’ll wait until I can grab it at a deep discount.
  14. Just this morning I heard a coworker talking about how H1H1 was so much better than Fortnite. It was the first time I had heard someone out in the wild mention that game.
  15. Def is pure sexy, no doubt, but Kal has that unassuming girl next door vibe that drives me absolutely wild.
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