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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. If my horse had any self-respect, it would have run away from me days ago. It is stuck in a terribly abusive relationship.
  2. Vox by Christina Dalcher. It's about a utopian version of America where the government has told women to shut up and get back to the kitchen.
  3. Whoops: if you try to open a door before you've fully stopped running, you'll bust it open and make a bunch of noise, alerting the people on the other side of the house that you're trying to rob them.
  4. Whenever they mention Greendale, it just makes me want to watch Community.
  5. I've tried feeding my horse while standing next to it, but each time that option was grayed out. No idea why (and trying to use a grayed out option is a perfect time for a tooltip to pop up, but not here). And it's usually when I'm riding that I realize he needs fed. This game kinda feels like if the Harlem Globetrotters never really learned how to dribble. The big flashy stuff is impressive, but you can't forget your fundamentals.
  6. Feeding your horse is a perfect example of how dumb this game can be. Hold L1, hit R1 twice to bring up the "horse menu", use the right stick to aim at the food, hit L2 or R2 to cycle to food you want (while still holding L1 and the right stick), let go of L1, THEN let go of the right stick. It's something I've only had to do maybe once every hour or two, but each time it feels massively stupid. Infomercial voice: "There's gotta be a better way!"
  7. The legendary bear pelt, after you sell it to the trapper, counts as 3 legendary pelts (it's weird). With one of those, you can craft the hat. The other two can be used to craft other pieces, but those pieces each need another "perfect" pelt from a different animal. And from what I can tell, these pieces aren't any better than other common gear, just unique cosmetically. It doesn't give the immediate impression of "OMG this is the most perfect game ever!!!" so naturally it's overhyped, overrated garbage. I'm liking it so far. It definitely has some problems (highlighted plainly in the last few pages of this thread) but overall I'm digging the world.
  8. The trapper station I went to was a bit south-east of where you kill the bear. Stumbled into it by accident while roaming around after that hunt. I'm going to ride back there and dump this legendary beaver pelt (which luckily doesn't take up my whole horse). And I think the stuff that you can't take because your inventory is full is more generic stuff like "big game meat" or whatever, nothing exclusive or rare. And NH is New Hanover, I believe, the name of the territory you start in. I heard someone mention going north to Upper Montana, so I think it's somewhere in that area. Which would make sense, if you have to cross those mountains to get back to the real "West", which I heard someone else say they missed.
  9. You sell it to the trapper, then you can buy the unique gear. I had to Google this stuff to make sure I wasn't wasting it. For all the tutorials, there's a lot of crap they don't explain.
  10. I think the legendary pelts need to go to the Trapper, who has stations scattered around. He can craft you unique gear with them. I got a bear head as a hat.
  11. Because they didn't endure 100 hours work weeks just so you could skip their meticulously crafted dumb cutscenes.
  12. I only just recently watched the first season and loved it. I made the mistake of starting to watch season 2 while eating dinner. Haven't gone back to it yet.
  13. The Honor system seems weird. Killing half a town in the course of a story mission doesn't seem to hurt your honor. But then I found a guy who had set up a camp out in the wilderness. I stood too close for too long and he started shooting at me. So I killed him and looted his corpse (obviously). No witnesses. Boom, Honor goes down. My one death so far was classic: riding through territory where I'm Wanted, and apparently I get spotted by the Law. Suddenly I have 20 dudes charging me. I get off my horse to take cover behind a boulder, but they're surrounding me. I make a run for it, taking bullets left and right. I find a path down a sort of cliff. I jump down from some rocks onto the path, no more than a foot, and that's what kills me.
  14. Tropical Freeze was one of my favorite Wii U games. Definitely worth picking up, especially if you liked Returns.
  15. Yeah, messing with the controls outside of a mission, I must have had my gun already drawn when I shot that dude. I don't remember doing that, since the prompt seconds ago said "draw weapon" and I didn't do that. Maybe my unquenchable bloodlust is so strong that I drew my gun without realizing it.
  16. It seems like a lot of what's coming is either ports/remakes or new iterations of long-running franchises (Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem etc.) There are titles like Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3 that might be exciting, but at this point the titles are pretty much all we have (I wouldn't expect them anytime soon). I'm inexplicably hyped for Yoshi's Crafted World Maybe it's just been a while since I've played a CUTENESS OVERLOAD game.
  17. I think you're onto something. I keep seeing the "wrong" button prompts and "accidentally" shooting people. It's a sickness. The end of that story, btw, is that the first shot didn't kill that guy. The next shot did, and then of course I had to finish off his buddies. Couldn't be sending mixed messages, you know?
  18. So maybe I'm a dummy, but I'm having trouble with the controls. When I was attacked by wolves, it was L2 to focus on one, hold R2 to ready my shotgun, let go of R2 to fire. That tripped me up. Later, I'm given the option of sparing three dudes or killing them. My options are "Threaten (triangle)" or "Draw Weapon R2 (I think)". I went with Threaten, which was apparently was the spare option. As they're leaving, I'm pretty sure it said "Aim Weapon R2". I figured I would do that to sorta keep threatening them, but no. I immediately shoot the dude closest to me, without letting go of R2. I guess maybe because it was my pistol and not the shotgun, but it doesn't make sense why they would operate differently. It also messed me up at first that when using the rifle, you have pull the trigger again between each shot, but I figured that out quick enough. Shit, maybe I'm the problem, the reason why we have all these tutorials. I might actually need more!
  19. Loved it. I really appreciated the overall structure of the season. Having an episode dedicated to each kid for the first 5 was really useful. Getting to really know all these characters makes all the reveals so much more satisfying. A couple of the jump scares got me, but I mostly just delighted in the constantly creepy atmosphere.
  20. I'm only playing it because I won a copy. I'm trying to spend less on games these days.
  21. I loved the first one when it came out, and still admire it today as an excellent piece of blockbuster film making . For some reason, I never bothered to watch the others. I was even working in a movie theater when Dead Man's Chest came out.
  22. I would be interested in a decently spec'ed Mini. I have no real use for one, but for some reason I've always wanted one.
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