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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. First to cum wins. Last to cum loses, because he has to eat the cookie everyone was aiming at.
  2. I really don't understand the microwave. If you need to add time or adjust something on that, aren't you standing right there looking at it? You can't tell from the other room that your Lean Cuisine needs another minute.
  3. But you had already come to this conclusion before seeing this, right? That's all I'm saying.
  4. I've watched the first couple episodes. They're a lot of setup and world-building, but I'm really digging the look and feel of it.
  5. This is less "I may not be on the boards for a week" and more "fuck y'all, I'm cruisin'"
  6. I loved the first Phoenix Wright, but I didn’t need any more after that. I didn’t make it very far into the second game. I partially came back to the series for the Professor Layton crossover, but the PW sections didn’t do it for me there either.
  7. I don’t understand how this makeup would change your opinion on this project in any way.
  8. I mean, yeah, my hair gets messed up after wearing a headset all day. Luckily, I don't give a shit what my hair looks like, because I'm sitting at home wearing a headset all day.
  9. I never answer them, but I get a ton of calls from my "local" area code, sometimes as often as 3-5 a day. I haven't lived there in 8 years, but I just never got a new number. It's nice because I can look at it and immediately know that nobody from 765 ever needs to talk to me about anything and I can just block them. Of course blocking them doesn't matter because a few days later they call with a different number.
  10. Really though, this whole thing is a waste because it can't play Ape Escape.
  11. I grew up in a house that had a NES and a SNES, but the Playstation was the first console that was "mine". I loved it, have a lot of fond memories of it, but today, I can't think of many games on it that I would care to revisit.
  12. I love that a Blockbuster Video is the signal that this takes place several years in the past.
  13. It’s on Netflix in a couple weeks. I’m skipping this trailer so I can go in fresh. I’m excited. I only heard about this movie a couple weeks ago, and it’s almost out. That is refreshing.
  14. Hard to keep track of all of that quality
  15. The Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest for this year is disappointing. It doesn’t have any of the fun spice of last year.
  16. Are the Air Pods the same size/shape of their other earbuds? If so, I couldn't use them. Those things fall out of my ears constantly. I use earbuds all day at work, and it's an active job. I just know that the first time I climb a ladder while holding a box, one of those things would fall out and shatter on the concrete floor.
  17. Whenever the idea of regular internet checks comes up, there's always that one guy that's stationed on a nuclear sub and can't play his games 'cuz he can't get online. This is extra sad because the Switch is otherwise the perfect system for that guy!
  18. When I bought the Switch, I expected to buy a couple big Nintendo games a year, and maybe a couple other indies/exclusives here and there. I've got Smash in a couple months, Yoshi and Fire Emblem next spring. I'm content. I have other systems for everything else.
  19. I use an Aeropress, but I'm also usually using really cheap coffee because I'm cheap, so it's not quite the quality experience it could be.
  20. Aw man, all I wanted was FFVIII. Way to screw me, Squeenix! EDIT: I suck at roman numerals
  21. I'm not seeing much that excites me, but I'm gonna be all over that Yoshi game.
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