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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I had stopped watching at pretty much the same spot as Derek at the beginning of this thread. Always felt like I should go back and watch the rest that I've missed. TWD was a pretty hot topic years ago. Maybe now that a bunch of episodes are streaming I'll just fast forward my way through the slow parts.
  2. Keep us updated @brucoeand don't be afraid to vent. We're here for you.
  3. Kind of feel like if we were all in a room talking to one another right now, there wouldn't be any beef. Words typed out can be taken the wrong way. Definitely doesn't mean anyone here is anti trans. I'll even say I appreciate @Fizzzzlepoints whether they are right or wrong. I enjoy reading everyone's perspectives since we are all coming from different places. Stick around @Kamusha. We are all learning as we go.
  4. I swear I had this exact thought last night. Sometimes I wear a posture corrector for fun. Makes me realize how shitty I carry myself.
  5. Did any of you have The Wall music store in your areas? The mall in my area had 2 stores in the same mall which seemed odd. There really aren't many pictures on Google image of the physical stores. Just a couple people posting the blue sticker with the lifetime guarantee.
  6. Suncoast was one of my favorite stores as a kid. Didn't realize until I got older how overpriced they were. One time a lady in front of me in the checkout line collapsed, hit her head on my shoe, and had a seizure.
  7. Some days I was drinking maybe the equivalent of three 16oz bottles of water I also go through "cheat months". Coming off one now lol.
  8. I lead a pretty busy life between work, house stuff, and kids. I've been dealing with random elbow and knee pain every few days. Off and on for the last 2 months. It dawned on me about a week ago how little water I had been drinking everyday. Maybe it was the weather, but I'm just never thirsty. The last week I made sure hydration was a big part of my routine along with stretching my whole body. And holy shit I can already feel a huge difference. Tldr: hydrate and stretch EVERY day. It will keep the pain away.
  9. I opened Chrome on my phone yesterday and it had recommend articles there. The very first one said "Elon Musk arrested at Gigafactory rave in Berlin". Sounded legit to me haha. Of course at the end it just says April Fools. I was more mad that Google is surfacing fake news to people.
  10. The last couple days or weeks of a sickness won't compare to the years of fun loving memories.
  11. As someone with no mine experience, do these explode if you pick them up? I remember that video from a few weeks ago where the guy smoking a cig picked one up and moved it off the road.
  12. Sad to hear I kept seeing Klipsch advertisements on a website and was surprised to see they still make the 2.1 version. I haven't kept up with PC speakers for years. I wonder if their quality is still as good. My Logitech Z 2300's are still going strong since 2004.
  13. I tried to read through some info quick but didn't see an answer to this. If I was already paid up on PS+ for the next year and and a half but want to try out the highest tier plan, how does that work? Do you get billed monthly for the difference?
  14. Some stuff she says just makes her sound really inexperienced in life or she is just lying, I can't tell. First off, it would have to be one big ass microwave to even fit a pasta pot inside of. Second, it would be super easy to burn a hole through a thin metal pot, especially on an electric stove top if you forgot to turn if off and the pot was empty. Obviously the metal is going to be discolored and burned afterwards. But sure, they were making meth....
  15. I didn't know there was a video out there. Curiosity got the best of me............ yikes.
  16. Did you catch the voicemail dump truck podcast 2 or 3 episodes ago where they listened to a voicemail about Silent Hill and she accused the guy of "mansplaining" to her about Silent Hill? I would have to listen to it again to even remember what she was whining about, but I think the following episode she "called in" and left an apology. She apologized and then IMMEDIATELY started some dumbass story about how she scratched her nose really hard while taking a shower and it started bleeding in the shower. Sounded made up as hell and all it did was make the apology seem worthless.
  17. I payed the $10 upgrade for the new graphics. It's alright. I doubt I'm going to get far in the game. I always forget how much they swear in the game. Like a ridiculous amount. Can only play with headphones at this point. Crazy to see this game will have a monthly subscription option. I still don't know anybody personally that even plays the multiplayer.
  18. I just payed $200 to have a plumber remove a giant hair clog from our pipes in the bathroom. Our tub has a drain plug that unscrews and can be removed so I put this in its place: The hair and lint this thing catches is unreal. Best $5 I spent in a while.
  19. They will have to make it like Madden and Fifa. Put the year in the title of every movie.
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