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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I play mostly Playstation and I think their refund policy only applies if you have never fired up the game. How was I supposed to know Battlefield was launching unfinished? It is more of a Sony console problem. But between Anthem, Mass Effect, and Battlefield, there is no way I'm giving money to this game without solid impressions beforehand.
  2. With the track record of EA and Bioware games, I really wish/hope nobody preorders this game. These companies have such a shit track record. I'm still pretty burned by Battlefield.
  3. I have faith the game isn't going to be a disaster. All these years since the original, they know what they need to fix and change. I feel like this game would be best to have a media blackout. They are probably going to show 50-75% of the game online before its even released.
  4. Headache mostly gone, had a dry itchy cough yesterday that has turned into a wet productive cough today. Fever just comes and goes. Hasn't gone higher than 100 yet. Feel energetic, I just hate getting coughs because I would sometimes get bronchitis as a kid. Hoping it doesn't get much worse, only 3 days in though.
  5. I do wonder how far obesity is going to go in this country. In the 90's/early 2000's when I was in school, there wasn't many obese kids. I see the children now when I drop my kids off at school and I'm like damn.... The high school is right next door and I see plenty of kids walking home that are just huge, both boys and girls. A couple of the girls are easily 250-300 pounds. Imagine how they might be when they are 30-40 years old after kids and metabolism starts to slow.
  6. I believe she had shut the door but probably didn't realize it had been unlocked previously, maybe from a janitor or something. A door with a pushbar on the inside can be set to an unlock position and you would never know by looking at it. I've seen a ton of ridiculous comments online about the door in question, from people that have no understanding of a commercial door.
  7. Just need to get a little closer to get the perfect selfie....
  8. How are you holding up @SaysWho? About 5 days ago I remember sharing a spoon with my daughter while eating a little snack she had,and she wanted to "feed me". Well today before school she had a headache, and about half way through the day I got muscle aches and a headache suddenly. Came home and tested positive almost right away. Daughter tested negative. I'm slightly bothered because my resting heart rate is reading 100-110 on a little blood pressure machine I have. No fever yet, just headache, some muscle ache, still have taste and smell.
  9. Man I don't know... I thought everything about that trailer looked bad. Anybody else in the Supernatural universe would have made me more excited for a prequel. Not the damn Winchesters. I thought the trailer had more of a teen drama/comedy feeling to it also. Not the demographic I would picture for any long time Supernatural fan.
  10. When you all saw the movie, did your theater show a trailer for a movie called "Smile"? It was pretty quick and short but also creepy. I've been searching for a while now but I can find the trailer anywhere online. Paramount Dates ‘Smile’ For Fall DEADLINE.COM Paramount Dates 'Smile' For Fall https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/smile-69989
  11. About a year and a half ago, a friend of mine just fell over dead at his work. No prior conditions. I forget now if it was a blood clot or aneurysm. Definitely makes you think.
  12. Wife and I decided to see the movie on a whim last night. Holy shit what a movie to see in theater! She wants to see it again.
  13. Enjoy it. Those hours fly by way too quick.
  14. I would say my teeth are a normal white. Not the whitest since I don't bother with any whitening products. But I've dealt with mouth insecurities since I was 16 years old. That was about the time my jaw went a little wacky. Started to develop a slightly crooked underbite. Nobody can ever tell because I've kind of learned how to smile while using my jaw muscles to hold it back. When I go to the dentist, they are like "you really do have 2 bites". Never had the surgery to fix it yet. Had a whole 3D model of my jaw made when I was 17. Parents didn't go through with it because there was a chance the insurance wouldn't cover it saying it was "cosmetic". The specialist said with enough written letters the insurance would "probably" cover it. Didn't want to take a chance on a supposedly $50,000 surgery. It would be also be wired shut for weeks. Its one of those little things that nags me every day, I imagine the same way you feel about the color. I always tell people if I get in a car accident or a fight I'm going chin first into the airbag/punch Or if I hit the lottery I'll take a month off and get it fixed.
  15. My wife's friends took us to a paranormal circus (Paranormal Cirque) a few weeks ago. Turned out to be a huge ass circus tent in a mall parking lot. The seating was so close it felt illegal. Like your hips and shoulders were touching the stranger next to you the entire time. Maybe 20 people out of a couple hundred had a mask. I thought for sure I'm getting covid. 2 weeks later and multiple over the counter Covid tests all came back negative.
  16. He's definitely going to be into this. He has a PS4 that he plays most of the time, but when he remembers there is an Xbox in the living room it's either Flight Simulator or Lawn Mowing Simulator on game pass lol. Kid loves to fly and cut grass.
  17. I'm trying to understand why the police wouldn't have gone in sooner. Once the shooter was in the classroom, were they operating under the assumption that it was a hostage situation? And making a move could have resulted in more loss of life? Or was it really just cowardice?
  18. This story is so fucked I can only check in on it barely once or twice a day. The massacre itself was bad enough. I wasn't ready for the initial police response to be so questionable and anger inducing.
  19. My kids are both elementary age. When we were kids I remember the biggest fear was "don't talk to strangers", like a stranger is just going to grab you and take you. Or "don't do drugs", your life will fall apart. My kids have the very real possibility that a gunman in full body armor with an assault rifle could come into the school and blow them away. The best they have are the active shooter drills they take part in a few times a year. The best I can do is tell myself it won't happen here and block it from my mind.
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