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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I would say my teeth are a normal white. Not the whitest since I don't bother with any whitening products. But I've dealt with mouth insecurities since I was 16 years old. That was about the time my jaw went a little wacky. Started to develop a slightly crooked underbite. Nobody can ever tell because I've kind of learned how to smile while using my jaw muscles to hold it back. When I go to the dentist, they are like "you really do have 2 bites". Never had the surgery to fix it yet. Had a whole 3D model of my jaw made when I was 17. Parents didn't go through with it because there was a chance the insurance wouldn't cover it saying it was "cosmetic". The specialist said with enough written letters the insurance would "probably" cover it. Didn't want to take a chance on a supposedly $50,000 surgery. It would be also be wired shut for weeks. Its one of those little things that nags me every day, I imagine the same way you feel about the color. I always tell people if I get in a car accident or a fight I'm going chin first into the airbag/punch Or if I hit the lottery I'll take a month off and get it fixed.
  2. My wife's friends took us to a paranormal circus (Paranormal Cirque) a few weeks ago. Turned out to be a huge ass circus tent in a mall parking lot. The seating was so close it felt illegal. Like your hips and shoulders were touching the stranger next to you the entire time. Maybe 20 people out of a couple hundred had a mask. I thought for sure I'm getting covid. 2 weeks later and multiple over the counter Covid tests all came back negative.
  3. He's definitely going to be into this. He has a PS4 that he plays most of the time, but when he remembers there is an Xbox in the living room it's either Flight Simulator or Lawn Mowing Simulator on game pass lol. Kid loves to fly and cut grass.
  4. I'm trying to understand why the police wouldn't have gone in sooner. Once the shooter was in the classroom, were they operating under the assumption that it was a hostage situation? And making a move could have resulted in more loss of life? Or was it really just cowardice?
  5. This story is so fucked I can only check in on it barely once or twice a day. The massacre itself was bad enough. I wasn't ready for the initial police response to be so questionable and anger inducing.
  6. My kids are both elementary age. When we were kids I remember the biggest fear was "don't talk to strangers", like a stranger is just going to grab you and take you. Or "don't do drugs", your life will fall apart. My kids have the very real possibility that a gunman in full body armor with an assault rifle could come into the school and blow them away. The best they have are the active shooter drills they take part in a few times a year. The best I can do is tell myself it won't happen here and block it from my mind.
  7. Very interesting. The more I try to think about what can be done to make society better just ends up making my brain hurt though. What could be done to identify these people sooner before they snap? Do schools need mandatory therapy classes? The problem comes from so many angles. Bad parents, bad home life, bullying, cyber bullying, mental illness, etc... It's all too much.
  8. Over 6 months since release and they are just now going to start what they call "Season 1". Map updates/redesigns due to their originally poor designs. The specialists have better beards and voice work but they don't want to commit to any gameplay redesigns yet. It really is leaving early access...
  9. I used to randomly wonder about it years ago. But now the stuff I hear from single friends about dating and hooking up sounds way too stressful and online dating sounds like it could be a nightmare.
  10. Just one. Met her when I was 17 and eventually got married. I freaked her out the other day when I said something like "our relationship is older than me when we first met." 18 years and only been with one person. What was I thinking...
  11. It baffles me even more that I don't know anyone personally that plays the online. My friend circle has always played popular games and been through the countless multiplayer fads at the time. GTA was never part of it. I wonder what the average age is of a heavily invested GTA Online player.
  12. No clue. Over the years I've owned the PS3 and PS4 version. I recently payed the fee to upgrade to the PS5 version. It doesn't seem as fun as I remember. The random npc/character dialog has really turned me off. The constant swear words as you are walking or driving around becomes grating. I only ever beat the PS3 version and I feel like it was longer than it needed to be.
  13. Sometimes I feel like these people are from a different planet.
  14. Not really thrilled with whatever that trailer was, but its Resident Evil. I'm going to click on it and watch some regardless when it comes out.
  15. I had a huge love for Tremors as a kid. Ward and Bacon were great together. I also liked him as the uptight controlling dad in Road Trip.
  16. So true. If all future gaming development just disappeared one day, I'm probably set for life. I'm around 470 games just on my Playstation account between purchases and ps+ games.
  17. I was at a Walmart about a week ago and walked past the formula section. It was totally cleaned out. I thought that was weird. A few days later I started seeing these headlines about it. Someone I saw interviewed on the news said they had been having such a rough time that they switched to a foreign brand from another country and having it shipped over. I'm not sure which countries off hand but I'm assuming they are reputable.
  18. Haven't had it that I'm aware of. I've been tested twice just because some strange ailment popped up for a day or two (probably allergy related) and were negative each time.
  19. I would like to see VRR in action sometime. Might be a few more years until I buy a tv that supports it though. This gen feels messy to me when it comes to graphical features. Like in Rocket League if I enable 120hz mode, it disables HDR. I don't remember if that's a game/engine issue or a console issue. I miss when the console did all the work and the tv was just the screen. Now I feel like you need to buy a new tv every few years if you want to keep up.
  20. 2 or 3 times a year mice come into our house and I always find them in the kitchen. Somewhere behind the cupboards and beside the oven they find their way in and out. Our oven has a storage tray that pulls out the bottom. I pull that out completely, set the trap way underneath the oven and I get them everytime.
  21. I'll 2nd @Ricofoleysentiment about Amazon being an absolute hell hole of bullshit and knock off products with 20,000+ 5 star reviews. Its gotten to the point I'll get turned off on Amazon and find the same product on Walmart or Targets website. I'd rather pay a little extra just to avoid the headache.
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