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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Hell no. I don't even like peeing in a shower. The smell of hot water and urine going down the drain is nasty.
  2. This is the shit that scares me the most. We already had that gas pipeline hacked last year in the US. We start trading cyber attacks back and forth it's going to effect so much for us
  3. @CitizenVectron @sblfilms My wife and I have been trying to decide on some sort of cardio machine for the house. Don't have the space for a treadmill. A bike was a possibility. Bowflex has a smallish elliptical that we considered. I never thought of a rowing machine though. Just watched a YouTube video of a Waterrower though and I LOVE the sound of that water. And being able to stand it up out of the way is awesome. I feel like I would love it. My wife was intrigued by it, but a little unsure. I feel like she would want to try it out before buying.
  4. Peloton Sold Rusted Bikes to Customers and Allegedly Tried to Hide It GIZMODO.COM The company calls it "cosmetic oxidation" and claims the corrosion doesn't impact performance. Documents seen by the Financial Times reveal the Tinman project made it a “standard operating procedure” to conceal corrosion by using a solution that would form a black layer over rusted bike parts. "Several warehouse workers tasked with inspecting the bikes told FT that some were sold with “severe rust,” and one person sent a photo of a rusted bike to the new outlet as recently as last week. “Even for Bike-Pluses [products that cost $2,495] that were rusted internally, they were still delivering them,” a current employee said. “Sometimes bikes had stuff on the outside, so we couldn’t deliver them, but . . . [there were] a lot of bikes that were rusted on the inside that they still sold.”
  5. Gotcha. I feel like I read an earlier rumor that only the next 2 games would be guaranteed. That made me wonder if this news would effect that at all.
  6. I buy almost every Souls game at release, feel good for about 2 days, then regret sets in knowing I'm not committed to putting in the time to learn /finish it. This game looks so good but this might be the first time I stay strong and don't buy.
  7. Where did we stand with Microsoft buying Activision and the threat of Call of Duty not being on Playstation? I feel like I read different things and now I don't remember.
  8. Bunch of whiney babies. They showed a post interview on the news where the guy said he felt like he was in danger because the other guy grabbed his arm at the beginning. Sure...... Or maybe none of the people involved are good at controlling their emotions. That was the goofiest looking slap punch I've seen in a long time.
  9. Asking because I'm a noob when it comes to all this. If there were cyber attacks, what do you think they would be targeting? Major stuff like pipelines and power grids? Electronic payments companies? Anything and everything?
  10. Anytime my 9 yr old son sees an advertisement for this movie he keeps saying "Peter Parker is in this?". Then I showed him a video of Tom Holland speaking in his British accent and I think it broke his brain.
  11. If it popped up right now on a streaming service I have, I would still have a hard time hitting the play button. I'm not even opposed to the actors in the movie. It's like the feeling of "unnecessary" is so strong I feel like I shouldn't watch it.
  12. Sometimes I'm so oblivious to things. I watched the half time show live, saw Eminem kneel down at the end of his song but just thought it was whatever. Only on a second viewing did I see he was still kneeling after his song ended while Dre was playing the piano.
  13. Thanks for the input so far. Yeah she's on her own with this. I think the most they would ever do at this point is help store her possessions in their garage if she got sent away. My sister and the guy basically make enough to pay the bills because she just doesn't want to work. In a perfect world, I wish she would get into at least a 30 day rehab. No substances, alcohol, and most of all take her phone away from her. She's very addicted to it. She needs a big reset on life, needs more guidance or something. 28 years old and just seems like she's lost any and all drive to do anything in life.
  14. Tldr: Sister charged with Misdemeanor 2 simple assault and Summary Offense Harassment in Pennsylvania. Do you think jail time is a definite? My sister has been on a downward trajectory for about 3 years now. Can't hold a job for very long and claims she is addicted to weed and spends all her money on it (she mentioned "dabs" before which sounds like maybe it can be addictive?). Anyway, she's been living with a boyfriend for almost 2 years. I think they have been mostly broken up the last 6 months just trying to ride out the rest of their lease agreement. Things got violent this morning (with her being the aggressor). Supposedly she got so mad she threw his xbox controller "at the wall", but ended up hitting the guy directly in the face with it.......He was bleeding badly, she took him to an urgent care center and he required stitches. Police came to the center and took her away in handcuffs. She was fingerprinted and released shortly after(no bail) since it was a first time offense. Currently being charged with a misdemeanor 2 simple assault charge and a summary offense harassment charge, court date is March 1st. My parents have basically been bled dry financially trying to help her over the years. This news was shocking to hear today, but not that big of a surprise I guess. Our family really has zero experience with legal trouble like this. She's pretty much on her own and accepted it. I was curious if anyone here has had any similar experiences or has known anyone with similar charges. I guess my question is, is jail time a definite for a first time offender in a case like this? In Pennsylvania Google says the maximum penalty is 1-2 years prison/$5,000 fines for the M2 charge.
  15. "After he left the police station the day after the shooting, Gibson said, FedEx put him on the same route on which the shooting happened. After two days of doing that route, he said, he started having anxiety and almost had a panic attack, so he went on unpaid leave February 2." Forced to work the same route on which the shooting happened, or take unpaid leave. At that point, the 2 men hadn't even been arrested yet. Fuck you FedEx.
  16. Petition · Allow Refund for Battlefield 2042 on All Platforms · Change.org WWW.CHANGE.ORG EA’s release of Battlefield 2042 was a mockery of every customer who purchased this video game for $70 (USD) due to EA’s false advertising.Battlefield 2042 has cost... Over 165,000 signatures so far. I'm sure nothing will come of it but I wouldn't mind having my $99.99 back.
  17. What a sad and unexpected way to go. I have known 2 people that hit their head and have died. They were both in their early 70's. One was a woman who went out to get the mail. She fell and hit her head, came back in told her husband what happened. Laid down on the couch and died before the ambulance got there.
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