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Keep cars out of cities

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It's a real thing. The reason I don't drive is because when I was 16 I almost hit this little girl who ran out into the road, so I swerved and ran my mom's car into a storm drain, nearly totalling it. Ever since then, I can't get behind the wheel without having a little bit of a panic attack. The thought of "I'm operating a 2 ton murder bot" does not leave my head and I freak out.


I don't care if people judge me for it (some do), but there's something fundamental about the fact that I could kill someone and not have any control over it that makes me frightened.


I can ride motorcycles just fine, because mainly the only person I'm endangering is myself, and that doesn't bother me. But in a car you're operating a system with a hell of a lot of inertia and ultimately not that much stopping power. It's terrifying to me.

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I hit a Chinese immigrant in lower Manhattan once. It was very low speed, but enough to roll the guy over my hood. He was okay and I spent a few minutes begging for his forgiveness before he gave a deep look of disgust and just walked away. I still have some mild PTSD from that incident. The idea that any regular person can just drive one of these things into a dense city is beyond nuts the longer you think about it

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Nearly was killed myself (and, you know, the rest of my family) when some douche canoe in west virginia went the wrong way on interstate 64 and decided to just....keep driving instead of stopping and turning around to go the right way.


Was nearly hit too many times to count as a pedestrian, following all the laws. unlike one time the prick on their cell phone turning left who nearly had a can of chef boyardee go through their windshield (a second or two before I would have followed) if they didn't pay closer attention after I left the grocery store

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Before covid times, I swear I nearly got hit every day on my walk to work. It's a densely populated area with slow streets, so it's not like it would have been too dangerous, but it's just people not paying attention, ignoring stop signs, rubbernecking, etc.

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11 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Before covid times, I swear I nearly got hit every day on my walk to work. It's a densely populated area with slow streets, so it's not like it would have been too dangerous, but it's just people not paying attention, ignoring stop signs, rubbernecking, etc.


I had a 15 minute on for commute for a decade, that walk to work was easily the most dangerous thing I did. I had a 200 years stretch where I had to cross the street of an off ramp for 93 near Boston and people did. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Red arrow, meaning they can’t turn? I have the walk signal? I get honked at, people would bomb down the hill and slam on the brakes because I had the audacity to be there. I had cars back into me and hit me twice out of the Dunkin parking lot on my way, a garbage truck hopped a curb to go down a side street / avoid a red light down the block, ran over and killed a cyclist, kept driving, and wasn’t prosecuted because he “didn’t realize” he had run the guy over.


Cities are so hostile to pedestrians.

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On 5/3/2021 at 4:39 PM, Jason said:


i was in an accident that wasn’t my fault, but i was the one who hit the person. she pulled out right in front of me and i slammed into her. i did nothing wrong and everybody was fine but that shit still sits with me. if it had been a split second later i would have smashed into her driver side door and not her front wheel and who knows what could have happened. 


i still get uncomfortable when i see cars pulling out in front of me. or even just inching forward i’m like “are they gonna go?!”. i definitely hit my brakes more now. my ex (who was in the passenger seat) criticized me once for starting to brake when i didn’t need to. and i’m not fully stopping or anything, just slowing down a bit so if they do pull out i can stop and avoid an accident. 

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8 minutes ago, johnny said:

i was in an accident that wasn’t my fault, but i was the one who hit the person. she pulled out right in front of me and i slammed into her. i did nothing wrong and everybody was fine but that shit still sits with me. if it had been a split second later i would have smashed into her driver side door and not her front wheel and who knows what could have happened. 


i still get uncomfortable when i see cars pulling out in front of me. or even just inching forward i’m like “are they gonna go?!”. i definitely hit my brakes more now. my ex (who was in the passenger seat) criticized me once for starting to brake when i didn’t need to. and i’m not fully stopping or anything, just slowing down a bit so if they do pull out i can stop and avoid an accident. 


This almost happened to me on Saturday, but I was able to avoid the accident by paying attention to the car and slowing down as fast as I could. The other driver wasn't even looking when he decided to pull in front of me.

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On 5/6/2021 at 10:04 AM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

California gonna run out of people to clean toilets and work at Whataburger


And we're exporting our housing crisis around the country.



Growing up in Montana, a common explanation for the sometimes idiosyncratic nature of politics is that “Montana is a libertarian state.” Right off the bat, I am always skeptical of people and places with a supposed ‘libertarian streak.’ In my experience, these people support ‘small government’ whenever regulations threaten to affect them personally, and...


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On 5/4/2021 at 6:47 AM, Kal-El814 said:


I had a 15 minute on for commute for a decade, that walk to work was easily the most dangerous thing I did. I had a 200 years stretch where I had to cross the street of an off ramp for 93 near Boston and people did. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Red arrow, meaning they can’t turn? I have the walk signal? I get honked at, people would bomb down the hill and slam on the brakes because I had the audacity to be there. I had cars back into me and hit me twice out of the Dunkin parking lot on my way, a garbage truck hopped a curb to go down a side street / avoid a red light down the block, ran over and killed a cyclist, kept driving, and wasn’t prosecuted because he “didn’t realize” he had run the guy over.


Cities are so hostile to pedestrians.

At least now we know who the oldest person alive is!

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I’m in VA at the new drive in and am staying in Winchester. They have an area of the old downtown area where they converted a decent section of it to pedestrian only and it is really nice. Would like to see more places like this.

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I’m in VA at the new drive in and am staying in Winchester. They have an area of the old downtown area where they converted a decent section of it to pedestrian only and it is really nice. Would like to see more places like this.

There are sections of Portlands old town that get converted to pedestrian only on weekend nights. Or at least it did before covid. I used to like watching the tow trucks line up to start jacking cars at 10:00. There would be a line of tow trucks like 3 blocks long.


I wish more places did stuff like that

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I’m in VA at the new drive in and am staying in Winchester. They have an area of the old downtown area where they converted a decent section of it to pedestrian only and it is really nice. Would like to see more places like this.

Head to Charlottesville just down the way they also have one that's really nice. Take 522 to 29. Beautiful country through there.

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2 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

I really want an e-bike.


My son just picked up a Segway C80. He loves it. He put a motorcycle truck on it and uses it all about town. He said there was no point driving a car everywhere in a town that is just over a square mile in size. 

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1 hour ago, Uaarkson said:

Thursday was just another day in "Cycle City," as cars, trucks and those who prefer to get around on two wheels struggle to share the streetscape.




Big Bird is a fucking moron.

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Clad in a green tie for Earth Day, Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to herald a set of environmental regulations he was expected to sign later Monday."We are actually making the Green New Deal come alive in New York City," the mayor crowed.The MSNBC appearance from de Blasio…


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