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Waves 4/5 


could definitely see people not liking this at all. This movie is turned on its head at the halfway point and you might not fuck with it. I loved the music (if you have a sound system this shit BUMPS). But I do think the instrumentals of some of the songs without the lyrics would have been better. 

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 9


I'm four episodes in and...there's something really off for me. S8 was one of my favorites but this kind of feels like a boring band reunion too often. Of course it still makes me laugh here and there but all the gags have been done and there's some "magic" lacking I can't put my finger on. I'm not enjoying it either way and have no desire to finish it, not sure what I'd rate it right now. 

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54 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 9


I'm four episodes in and...there's something really off for me. S8 was one of my favorites but this kind of feels like a boring band reunion too often. Of course it still makes me laugh here and there but all the gags have been done and there's some "magic" lacking I can't put my finger on. I'm not enjoying it either way and have no desire to finish it, not sure what I'd rate it right now. 


Season 10 is better (so far) so I'd stick with it.

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sundance stuff


The Night House - kind of silly and comes off like a sly parody of the dead spouse/haunted house thriller/horror what have you. I was rooting for it, especially with Rebecca Hall giving another great performance that mixes unbearable grief with dark out-of-left-field humor. Third act wastes most of the good will, particularly when it makes Hall perform an impossible task that just looks absurd. // C


The Climb - an improbably good comedy that tracks two guy's friendship over the course of about 10 years. I say improbably because the movie is done in a collection of long takes. . Todd Barry's minor role was a delightful surprise. // B+


Impetigore - left with maybe 5-10 minutes left to catch another screening, but it was pretty good. A lot has been made of the opening (which is great), but the vast majority of it is just as enjoyable, taking a vaguely similar tactic as The Night House, but more consistent in its tone and approach. Also possibly stumbles at the end from what I saw, but didn't follow it all the way through, so can't fully judge. // tentative B


The Nowhere Inn - The St Vincent fan in me left the theater more than satisfied. The film lover was a lot more conflicted, seeing its shortcomings and how it could have been so much better. A standard example of two talented people exploring another medium to less-than-impressive results. Best in its diversions from the overall thrust of the script. Thankfully for me, there were enough diversions that allow for their personalities to shine through to make this enjoyable. // APPROVED


The Nest - Martha Marcy May Marlene, upon second viewing last week, is a movie I absolutely adore and means a lot to me, so I was excited to check out Durkin's follow-up feature. Unsurprisingly, it's excellent. Takes a much more comedic tone to his first, while still adhering to his established formal touches (all those slow zooms!) and overall dramatic mood. All four family members are top-notch. // A-


Never Rarely Sometimes Always - strips away so much, and is all the better for it. A prime example of building character through action, which is entirely how the cousin is established. // A-

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Finally watched the entire movie at home. I imported a 3D copy from Germany, but I watched my 4K copy cause family didn’t want to wear glasses. This is one fucking beautiful looking disc and WOW! are them colours pretty. (Also on some Cinderella 99 and Pineapple Express. . . which was to get through a different movie below) I enjoyed the movie much better on a 2nd viewing and it looked so much better at my 4K projector then the theatre one. The Atmos track is always engaging and I was really loving the soundtrack this go around too. Easy recommend and try to see it in 4K to enjoy the HDR colours and Atmos track (but the DTS-HDMA track is no slouch either)


Tried to watch a streamed copy of CATS. I said I would only watch this stoned off my ass (same with my cousin and her husband, mom was not) and still was barely enough to get any of us 4 through roughly 22 minutes of the film. Memories I swear is the only good song with the terrible songs we got in that 22mins of film. It just looks horrible and still didn’t look finished in some areas. I would rather watch an alley of real feral cats for 90 minutes then this hot mess of a movie. That , or I need a really psychedelic strain to fuck me 2 ways sideways to enjoy 

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THE ADDAMS FAMILY (2019) 3.5/5


It wasn’t bad and I’m happy to hear them green light the sequel. Now I’m a huge fan of the live action movies (Family/Values) and hold them dear to my heart. They are the voices of these characters, and delivery of the lines was also key. These animated voices aren’t them but some are close enough for me, especially the dry delivery from Wednesday. The animation is good but also kinda simple looking to the likes of Pixar or Dreamworks. Just really wish they could of released this movie in 3D somewhere (some scenes scream 3D)  or at least a 4K disc. Still a charming quick 85min romp for the entire family

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Watched Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (EE) tonight. First time I’ve seen it in over a decade. I’d forgotten most of it. This is a really great fantasy film. You can tell some of the CGI isn’t that great by today’s standards, but nothing that detracts from the film. 9/10. 

Going to watch the others, but it’s gonna be more like one per weekend. 

I’d like to watch The Hobbit movies at some point, too. I’ve never seen any of them. 

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3 hours ago, elbobo said:

Uncut Gems


It was good but not as great as the internet made me believe it would be, I wonder if people are just getting overly hyped because of the ending and the fact that Sandler did a serious role.



I mean you just gave it an 8/10. You think it’s a stretch for many to give it a 9 or even a 10? 

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On 2/3/2020 at 5:20 PM, Greatoneshere said:


Season 10 is better (so far) so I'd stick with it.

Okay, the last few episodes of S9 got really good and funny actually, like they shook off the rust and now the first two episodes of S10 are fucking great. That first episode with the MAGA hat especially was fantastic. 


Also Jeff being confused for Weinstein is great. 

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Okay, the last few episodes of S9 got really good and funny actually, like they shook off the rust and now the first two episodes of S10 are fucking great. That first episode with the MAGA hat especially was fantastic. 


Also Jeff being confused for Weinstein is great. 


Agreed - see, sometimes it's worth sticking with it! 

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John Carpenters - Vampires

A team of Vampire slayers who work for the Vatican hunt down groups in the desert. 

This film is at the bottom half of the list of great Carpenter films. JC does well with his own stuff or revamping older sci fi / horror stories and putting his own spin on them. This film is based on a story that was very recent and feels like a poor adaption. James Woods is the leader of the slayers, he is good actor but he wasnt made for action film leading man.


Visuals- Its 1080p scan is 4/5, clean and no noise.

Audio- The 5.1 DTSHD is slight above average.


My biggest fault with this movie is soundtrack. Its sounds rehashed from They Live .Normally I love all or most of his soundtracks but this one is disappointing.




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Last night I got a wild hair and decided to watch a movie on Amazon I have been putting off....



The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension




If you have not seen this movie, you need to watch it RIGHT NOW. This is one of the wildest, most fun, smartest, in-on-the-joke movies I've ever seen. It's wacky. It's got a stacked cast (Peter Weller, Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Lloyd, John Lithgow, Ellen Barkin... The story just assumes you know what's going on and runs with it full speed ahead. The universe in the film is so incredibly fleshed out. This movie was ahead of its time. 


It was an absolute riot and has some incredibly quotable lines. 


For pure, sincere, 80s fun this movie cannot be missed. It's pretty plot dense, and it doesn't care if you think it doesn't make any sense. It's a hell of a ride. 9/10. 



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1 hour ago, CayceG said:

f you have not seen this movie, you need to watch it RIGHT NOW. This is one of the wildest, most fun, smartest, in-on-the-joke movies I've ever seen. It's wacky. It's got a stacked cast (Peter Weller, Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Lloyd, John Lithgow, Ellen Barkin and Clancy Brown... The story just assumes you know what's going on and runs with it full speed ahead. The universe in the film is so incredibly fleshed out. This movie was ahead of its time. 


It was an absolute riot and has some incredibly quotable lines. 


For pure, sincere, 80s fun this movie cannot be missed. It's pretty plot dense, and it doesn't care if you think it doesn't make any sense. It's a hell of a ride. 9/10.

Fixed that for you 


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TOY STORY 4 (2D/3D) 3.5/5


Well this was my 2nd viewing tonight of the film and I liked it, but not love it like the 2nd and 3rd movie. The first I know was ground breaking but is still my least liked of the four films. This one is just above that, with 3 and then 2 being my favourite of them all. What can be said is that this is one beautiful looking movie whether it be the blu-ray, 3D blu-ray and especially the 4K disc. I think what bothers me is the creepiness of that antique shop and the dummies which walk it, and not the more consistent brighter/cheerful look of the past three films. Yes they all had some darker moments too but not as consistent as this one. Still doesn’t mean this movie doesn’t offer some great laughs of past, as I have had to rewind “Plush Rush” 6-8 times for friends/family because of the laugh it brought. It was the Open Sesa-Bees weirdness that paid off so well in Ralph Breaks the Internet. So good movie overall but it is a little creepy 


oh on my viewings. Tonight was in 3D, it was pretty great showing depth but only a few minor pop outs. If you have a 4K setup, then this is one to show off to friends/family to impress

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Sonic - It's a good 6.5/10.  Perfect length and plenty of soul into making the movie.  I can respectfully applaud for it.

On 1/31/2020 at 9:13 PM, EternallDarkness said:

The Good Place is over :cry:


I've someone that got me into this show.  Now you're making me dread my marathoning session.

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On 1/19/2020 at 10:31 PM, Greatoneshere said:


I haven't seen it yet but I'll definitely discuss once I do. Which others of his have you seen?

I didn't notice you had a follow-up question LOL



I think I've pretty much watched all of his full-length movies?


5 cm Per Second

The Place Promised In our early Days

Those Who Chase Lost Voices

Garden of Words

Your Name


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9 hours ago, darkness35 said:

Sonic - It's a good 6.5/10.  Perfect length and plenty of soul into making the movie.  I can respectfully applaud for it.


I've someone that got me into this show.  Now you're making me dread my marathoning session.


I'm just bummed the show is over. I could have continued watching those characters for several more years.

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