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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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7 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Why not?


It's not like it's going to hurt him with his base.


His base couldn't save massive 2018 losses despite gerrymandering (even if they did help in places like Wisconsin). He needs to not scare off others heading into 2020.

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16 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Has any Republican actually spoken out against Trump's racism?*


*Of course not, cause they believe they same racist shit as him, they just don't say it.


Queen Lindsey tweeted about the great golf trip he had with Trump today, while also blaming the Obama Administration for ISIS.

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1 minute ago, MarSolo said:

Queen Lindsey tweeted about the great golf trip he had with Trump today, while also blaming the Obama Administration for ISIS.


Lindsey also said he's fine with people being kept in the concentration camps for 400 days. 

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8 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


His base couldn't save massive 2018 losses despite gerrymandering (even if they did help in places like Wisconsin). He needs to not scare off others heading into 2020.

Massive house losses with gains in the Senate. Lets not pretend it was a total democratic win. Trump isn't scaring off anyone, this is what his voters want, and theres still a damn good chance he wins 2020. 

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24 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

Massive house losses with gains in the Senate. Lets not pretend it was a total democratic win. Trump isn't scaring off anyone, this is what his voters want, and theres still a damn good chance he wins 2020. 


Gains in an extremely red Senate map where everything in play was in a red state, which also came with two losses including Arizona, and an Alabama Senate loss in 2017, plus many special election wins and a thumping in Virginia and New Jersey in 2017.


On the other hand, this was the worst Republican thumping since Watergate with gerrymandering in place, plus hundreds of state legislative seats and over half a dozen governors' mansions and a 10 point national vote win. It was Democratic domination. Trump scares many people away or else he'd be considerably more popular. He needed more than "his voters," who were outnumbered by 10 million on election day 2018.


He has a strong chance of winning reelection; that doesn't mean this somehow helps his chances.

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59 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Gains in an extremely red Senate map where everything in play was in a red state, which also came with two losses including Arizona, and an Alabama Senate loss in 2017, plus many special election wins and a thumping in Virginia and New Jersey in 2017.


On the other hand, this was the worst Republican thumping since Watergate with gerrymandering in place, plus hundreds of state legislative seats and over half a dozen governors' mansions and a 10 point national vote win. It was Democratic domination. Trump scares many people away or else he'd be considerably more popular. He needed more than "his voters," who were outnumbered by 10 million on election day 2018.


He has a strong chance of winning reelection; that doesn't mean this somehow helps his chances.

It certainly doesnt hurt. Not one republican is truly upset about his comments.

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Just now, TheGreatGamble said:

It certainly doesnt hurt. Not one republican is truly upset about his comments.


It certainly doesn't help, not hurt, or else huge gains would have been made nationwide as Republicans solidified their grip in 2017 and 2018, which didn't happen.

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24 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


It certainly doesn't help, not hurt, or else huge gains would have been made nationwide as Republicans solidified their grip in 2017 and 2018, which didn't happen.

Trumps approval rating is in the mid forties, and democrats are fighting amongst themselves. Republicans are still behind him bigly. These racist comments do nothing but cement his base. They love it. And he's also siding with centrists (pelosi) for one reason, because he knows by pushing back against progressives he can steal votes from the center if a far left candidate wins the nomination. 


But keep your blinders on, keep pretending this hurts him. The only people mad about his comments are the people who have always been mad about everything he says. 


2018 is not an indicator of 2020. Just like 2010 wasn't an indicator of 2012. Politics has never worked like that. 

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12 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

Trumps approval rating is in the mid forties, and democrats are fighting amongst themselves. Republicans are still behind him bigly. These racist comments do nothing but cement his base. They love it. And he's also siding with centrists (pelosi) for one reason, because he knows by pushing back against progressives he can steal votes from the center if a far left candidate wins the nomination. 


But keep your blinders on, keep pretending this hurts him. The only people mad about his comments are the people who have always been mad about everything he says. 


2018 is not an indicator of 2020. Just like 2010 wasn't an indicator of 2012. Politics has never worked like that. 


Low 40s. Republicans were "fighting among themselves" as well in 2016. Democrats were "fighting amongst themselves" as well in 2008. By admitting that 2018 isn't an indicator of 2020, you're already getting off the notion that 2018 wasn't Democratic domination because that's the only way your point works. If you thought that little about 2018, I don't know why you're making bold declarations about 2020. He needs more than his base. He didn't win with just his base in 2016.


Your last statement shows me you're not really listening to what I'm saying, especially since I've already said that on the board lol. You're simply subscribing to the low-thought notion that he's made of teflon, which requires Olympic leaps so extraordinary that you'll hurt yourself on the landing.

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Low 40s. Republicans were "fighting among themselves" as well in 2016. Democrats were "fighting amongst themselves" as well in 2008. By admitting that 2018 isn't an indicator of 2020, you're already getting off the notion that 2018 wasn't Democratic domination because that's the only way your point works. If you thought that little about 2018, I don't know why you're making bold declarations about 2020. He needs more than his base. He didn't win with just his base in 2016.


Your last statement shows me you're not really listening to what I'm saying, especially since I've already said that on the board lol. You're simply subscribing to the low-thought notion that he's made of teflon, which requires Olympic leaps so extraordinary that you'll hurt yourself on the landing.

His base is the republican party, and thats who won it for him, period. he'll get the same 60 million votes he got in 2016, because politics is like a team sport. It's hilarious that you think there is any "leaps" in what im saying. Also, lol at you saying he isn't Teflon. Do I have to list the shit he's gotten away with that no other president could? Fuck, Obama wore a tan suit and the republican party wanted his head. You know why? Because the republican party knows how to fight dirty, while the democrats only know how to fight amongst themselves while maintaining civility. "We need to be civil" is the biggest bullshit line ever. Being civil is only going to give Trump four more years. 


Trump won by being a bully and attacking every perceived weakness Clinton had, and he's going to do it again this time. 2018 saw a lot of house pickups, yes, but as you want to ignore, 2010 had far more republican house pickups, as well as 7 senate seats. Obama still won 2012. Unless you want to pretend 2010 wasn't a republican domination, because thats the only way your point works. Unseating a president, even one as ridiculous as Trump, is extremely hard. 

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23 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

His base is the republican party, and thats who won it for him, period. he'll get the same 60 million votes he got in 2016, because politics is like a team sport.


This may be the dumbest thing I've read on the board for the past week, and Dodger couldn't understand dripping sarcasm in my Paul Ryan thread. 


Nobody wins by just their party. There weren't 60 million Republicans voting for him, and there weren't 60 million coming out in 2018 (there were 60 million coming out voting Dem in presidential turnout style). You have no idea what you're talking about.


23 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

 It's hilarious that you think there is any "leaps" in what im saying. Also, lol at you saying he isn't Teflon. Do I have to list the shit he's gotten away with that no other president could? Fuck, Obama wore a tan suit and the republican party wanted his head. You know why? Because the republican party knows how to fight dirty, while the democrats only know how to fight amongst themselves while maintaining civility. "We need to be civil" is the biggest bullshit line ever. Being civil is only going to give Trump four more years. 


Trump won by being a bully and attacking every perceived weakness Clinton had, and he's going to do it again this time. 2018 saw a lot of house pickups, yes, but as you want to ignore, 2010 had far more republican house pickups, as well as 7 senate seats. Obama still won 2012. Unless you want to pretend 2010 wasn't a republican domination, because thats the only way your point works. Unseating a president, even one as ridiculous as Trump, is extremely hard. 


Obama faced no consequences for wearing a tan suit, so why did you bring that up? What do you mean "gotten away with?" Has a president gone to jail recently that I'm unaware of? He's consistently unpopular and his party got their teeth kicked in during the 2017 and 2018 elections; that means he's not invincible. Democrats won big in 2006. They also won in 2008. Republicans won big in 2014. They then won in 2016. Midterms are not necessarily indicative of the following election; that doesn't mean, "herp derp, the opposite gonna happen every time." Nobody should think Trump is gonna win. Nobody should think he has no chance. 


Republicans had an easier Senate map in 2010 (they weren't defending seats in Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, and California, which would be comparable to 2018 when Democrats had to defend Missouri, Montana and Indiana), and the House was less gerrymandered against them as well, and the economy was still in shambles. What does that have to do with their massive losses in 2018 in an economy that's supposed to be good? It was one of the worst losses in the House in recent memory, up there with 1994 and 2010 and Watergate 1974. That's not including the 10-point Democratic win in the Virginia legislature, and losing an Alabama Senate seat, the court seats that had been Republican for decades in Texas that flipped blue, and the massive gubernatorial wins, and the Orange County California Republicans who were uniformly unseated after decades of Republican domination.


You have already retreated from the idea that 2018 wasn't Democratic domination, and now you're incapable of admitting you were wrong about it. Your point was originally, "It wasn't a Democratic win he's not scaring anyone!" Now it's, "Well, yeah, they kicked ass, but 2010 was better and Obama won." You're changing goal posts in the span of 20 minutes with absolutely no historical literacy of US midterm elections.

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1 minute ago, Jose said:

Also, no one from the GOP ever commented on Obama's tan suit. That was a Fox News thing.


And it's not even relevant to the conversation! The logic is, "Trump gets away with everything, while Republicans [just Fox News] went after Obama for wearing a tan suit!"


wat? Now I want to know what Obama didn't get away with and what the consequence was.

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I've no doubt plenty of reluctant Trump voters are now firm Trump voters. We've also seen stories of ones who were Trump voters and turned away from him. Considering he's stayed in the low 40s with this economy (which most people understand isn't benefiting them), it hasn't led to a noticeable change in his approval. He needs to turn things around because someone like Clinton, who had similar infidelity issues and was mired in scandals like Whitewater, coasted to reelection with a strong economy. Obama killing Osama Bin Laden helped give him a bump for a little while, but the improving economy in 2012 helped him when he surpassed 50% approval. Trump's biggest concern besides his personality is if we see more signs of an economic downturn or if the economy sustaining itself doesn't win him more voters. Or if there's more to this Epstein scandal that involves Trump or someone close to him. Or maybe just things we aren't currently appreciating/haven't yet happened. The latter applies to whichever Democrat wins as well, and I'd say the biggest hurdle for Democrats is bringing more people to the polls since under-performance in Democratic areas were the death knell in the rust belt.


The quality of the candidates/campaign matter.

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