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Kingmakers - a game which so utterly defies explanation that...just watch the bloody trailer!


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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:



YUUUP! I bought it the first week I moved to Montana and spent the next year just keeping that beast running. A truly terrible investment, and I miss her all the same! :lol: Ever since I moved to NY in 2001, I've stuck to small, 4 cylinder vehicles with good fuel efficiency. My next car will be electric. 

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kingmakers - a game which utterly defies explanation

Pondering why Kingmakers is such a breath of fresh air.




All of which is to say: Kingmakers, a game whose trailer I saw for the first time earlier this week when it dropped. Total Film, back in the day, used to do this chart of your potential interest while watching a film: a line that rose and fell as time passed, the whole thing often employed as a joke. A good joke. Maybe they still do it! But for real: I would love to see a chart of people's interest while watching the Kingmakers trailer. Is it one of the best trailers of all time? Almost definitely. Is this game instantly propelled into Game of the Year territory? Millions of views and counting. The people have spoken. They have watched and rewatched. They want Kingmakers pyjamas to sleep in at night. They are stripping the walls. They want Kingmakers wallpaper!


And it's so simple. Here we go. Medieval action. Knights. Castles. Masses of soldiers. A little light strategy - placing towers and walls? All fine. But we're building to something. A dragon? No. Dragons are nothing compared to this. That roaring on the soundtrack. Here comes a pickup truck. I know right. A pickup truck riding through the middle of Henry V Part One or whatever.


Cue much collective losing of it. Cue a sudden burst of oxytocin or whatever it is as we all fall in love at once. It's medieval knights on one side, but on the other side is a guy with a rattly old Mazda Barracuda (precise model might have been plucked from the air by me). And he's getting out of the Mazda. And he has a shotgun. A sniper rifle. A grenade launcher. He has an attack helicopter.


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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kingmakers - a game which so utterly defies explanation just read the bloody thread

Reminds me of an anime I saw called Gate. Some relm of middle earth like thunga came through a gate and attacked modern day Japan. Japan sent their a defense force through the gate and it went about as well as you might expect for an army of sword and bow wielding guys with chainmail to go against modern day automatic rifles, attack helicopters, and tanks.  

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Kingmakers - a game which so utterly defies explanation that...just watch the bloody trailer!
9 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Because this looks far too stupid to be a scam!

I just wonder, because many people thought Palworld looked too stupid a mash up of ideas to NOT be a scam. It obviously isnt, but now that it has been widely successful it will tell people, “hey there’s a hunger for ideas that almost look too stupid to be true”. Especially now that everyone is on to the “looks like a AAA open world game” or AAA MMO but being made by a small group of devs scam. 

i hope its not a scam. Im just managing expectations and taking a wait and see approach. 

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3 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

Evil Dead Ash GIF


gives off a bit of an Army of Darkness vibe


22 hours ago, silentbob said:

That whole thing gave me a big Army of Darkness vibe. You know, minus the whole demonic possession/monster thing. I’d give a demo a whirl 


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2 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:



:lol: can you tell I rarely read all the replies? 


Well I was mainly pointing out that you aren't alone in that thinking. It definitely has those vibes. Looks awesome lol.

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