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WSJ: Nintendo to release new version of Switch in 2019

Commissar SFLUFAN

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2 hours ago, ort said:

Nintendo charging me $115 to fix their poorly designed shitty system has resulted in me forever slagging their good name from now until the end of time. Hope they get their moneys worth. Hope that was worth $115 to them.


I won't be buying any more Nintendo systems. They can go to hell. Fuck em.


If my kids didn't like the system and I hadn't already sunk a bunch of money into it, I would use a hammer to break the piece of shit console up into tiny pieces and mail it to Shigero Miyamoto so he could cram all the broken sharp bits of glass and plastic up his smug smirking asshole.


Ask me how I really feel.


DON'T BUY A SWITCH. DON'T BUY THE OLD ONE AND DON'T BUY THIS NEW ONE. It will break. It's poorly made. It's a piece of shit and they will charge you lots of money to fix their shitty design.





I am not being a jerk here and I am not trying to stir the pot.


I honestly don't know what happened with your Switch.


So what happened?

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I answered it later in the thread.


Obviously I'm blowing off some steam and using hyperbole for comedic effect, but yes, I am in fact very annoyed at Nintendo.


I know my youngest can be rough on things, but I don't think that's what happened to me. If I had to assign blame it would be something like 75% Nintendo for making the thing to fragile and 25% my youngest son for not knowing how to treat electronics.


That said, any other Nintendo device would have survived under the same conditions. As soon as I held a Switch in my hands, my first reaction was... uh oh, this thing feels super duper breakable. Every other Nintendo device has felt like a tank and acted like one too.

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Other than the Game Boy, the first rev of all Nintendo’s handhelds has been deeply flawed in some way, and sometimes more than the first rev.


The GBA didn’t have built in lighting. The original DS was the ugliest piece of shit I’ve ever seen, and the DS Lite hinges broke when you thought about opening the system. The original 3DS screen rubbed against the other side of the system when closed.


The Switch is probably the best 1st rev portable they’ve released in decades.

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