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Worst video game you've played


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2 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

I’m sure the actual worst video game I’ve ever played is some borderline non-functional Newgrounds horseshit from decades ago, but in terms of an actual commercially released product I paid for and genuinely hated?



Also, I’m objective enough to know that it doesn’t actually qualify, but I fucking hated almost every moment I put into Fallout 4.  The only game I ever finished out of pure spite.  What a piece of shit.  


To this day I still find it kind of crazy that my boss though it was a good idea to buy up the rights/team to finish up and publish State of Emergency 2. It was a massive flop and nearly killed the company (the company eventually did die a few years later).

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I'm sure the actual worst game I've played is some garbage shovelware commercial every 30 second iPhone game I downloaded from an ad and deleted 2 minutes later...


But the game that annoyed/disappointed me the most (yet I also beat) was easily Perfect Dark Zero for the 360. What a mountain of hot shit that game was.

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I’m somewhat surprised to see games like L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain, Assassin’s Creed III, True Crime: Streets of LA, Red Dead Redemption II and Perfect Dark Zero mentioned here as I kind of like all of those, and can’t imagine them being the absolute worst games that someone has played unless they don’t play a lot of games. If you all want to experience a truly bad game then I would suggest playing The True, it’s one of the worst games that I’ve played in recent memory.

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13 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

I’m somewhat surprised to see games like L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain, Assassin’s Creed III, True Crime: Streets of LA, Red Dead Redemption II and Perfect Dark Zero mentioned here as I kind of like all of those, and can’t imagine them being the absolute worst games that someone has played unless they don’t play a lot of games. If you all want to experience what a truly bad game is then I would suggest playing The True, it’s one of the worst games that I’ve played in recent memory.


I know you like less than stellar games but PDZ and True Crime were genuinely bad. ACIII was also not good (but not the worst game ever)

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14 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

I know you like less than stellar games but PDZ and True Crime were genuinely bad. ACIII was also not good (but not the worst game ever)

I’ll be the first to admit that I like some bad games, but I don’t personally consider games like Assassin’s Creed III, Perfect Dark Zero and True Crime: Streets of LA bad. I don’t consider them good, either. I would say average to below average maybe. But that’s me, and if others consider them bad then that’s fine. And if they consider them to be the worst games that they’ve played then that’s fine too as everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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On a more personal note my brother and I could never beat Batman Forever for the SNES. We played it a bunch growing up, but it was way too difficult, bad controls, convoluted systems, and really just a bad Mortal Kombat beat-em-up knock off. Even trying to cheese it didn't always work. The circus level, and some tram level were just infuriating to try and get through. Plus if you died and lost all your lives, too bad you have to start all over again from the very beginning because there was no level select. 

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15 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

I’ll be the first to admit that I like some bad games, but I don’t personally consider games like Assassin’s Creed III, Perfect Dark Zero and True Crime: Streets of LA bad. I don’t consider them good, either. I would say average to below average maybe. But that’s me, and if others consider them bad then that’s fine. And if they consider them to be the worst games that they’ve played then that’s fine too as everyone is entitled to their opinion.

All of these choices are going to be tilted because most people will put down a truly awful game in minutes and forget about it.  I’ve played Custer’s Revenge, an objectively worse game than State of Emergency, but I also played it for less than a minute and never thought about it ever again.  In my emulation days I played more roms than I can possibly remember and I’m sure some were relentless trash.  

People are going to remember games they invested actual time and money in.  

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One more regarded game I would say for me is Myst. One of the two games (other being Sword of Sodan that I mentioned earlier) I can remember from childhood that I disliked so much it made me want to cry and that one was when I was like 12 or 13. I didn’t realize it was just moving around to different still pictures. I was used to Kings Quest and some other graphic adventures and soon after would fall in love with Under a Killing Moon, but this was so static and vague it was the antithesis of fun to me. 

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20 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

I’m somewhat surprised to see games like L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain, Assassin’s Creed III, True Crime: Streets of LA, Red Dead Redemption II and Perfect Dark Zero mentioned here as I kind of like all of those, and can’t imagine them being the absolute worst games that someone has played unless they don’t play a lot of games. If you all want to experience a truly bad game then I would suggest playing The True, it’s one of the worst games that I’ve played in recent memory.


Heavy Rain’s “pilot twist” is one of the worst moments in storytelling in any medium I’ve ever encountered, to say nothing of the fat that there’s very obviously cut content and threads in the game, the initial hooks for which were just left in and end up going nowhere. It’s not a poorly made game per se, but the execution of the story is so fucking bad.

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    As someone old enough to have played the Atari 2600 version of ET and can easily say that is the worst video game I have ever played. That has held true to this day, That game was the most infuriating mess ever released and yes I know it's well documented as being so too. It's just I lived through that time as a young kid when you didn't have access to 1000's of games on any given day for pennies on the dollar. They were expensive especially PC games!! What a world we live in now huh?

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Uggg. I continue to struggle with this topic as I have played some pretty bad games but I just don't remember what game it was. Like I've played ET on an actual 2600 back in the 80s and I still don't think that is the worse. =/


5 hours ago, stepee said:

Actually my main answer might be one of those tiger lcd games, probably one I can’t remember the name of, but let’s just say Batman Returns because I do remember that. Those were so unplayable. 

Ooooo.... That's actually a not bad answer.

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This might be up there. My friend had one of these when they were actually new and "cool". Even back in the day it was not fun. But we tried... (there was a lot less to do back then)


Perfect Dark Zero is far from the worst game of all time, but the context is important. It was the big hyped up launch title for a new console... a long awaited sequel to a much beloved game that had skipped an entire generation... and it was so underwhelming and bugging. The screen tearing was so bad iI think my TV is still showing the bottom half of a frame from that game.

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I also remember these. They were so bad. There was a kid at my summer camp who had this watch and would give kids turns playing it in exchange for lunch items. You would have to give up a Swiss cake roll or something for 5 minutes of play. Kid was a hustler.

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Yeah I had a bunch of watch ones. All the lcd ones were all trash, I tried so hard to have fun from them and it was like pulling teeth trying to get an ounce of fun. There was this one small Sonic one that was almost ok but still not actually playable as a game. Any time they tried to go beyond game and watch mechanics it was a mess.


The only one I had that kinda was fun was:




But part of that is probably because we were a sms/genny house until Super Nintendo came out so it was the first Mario game I got to play at home. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

I'm surprised I'm not seeing more Superman 64. I was hyped for that and Holy fuck was it absolute trash. I couldn't progress in the 2nd level because Superman kept falling through the ground. Clipping x a million.

I doubt many people actually played it at the time, maybe a handful of people emulated it out of curiosity. 

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2 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

I doubt many people actually played it at the time, maybe a handful of people emulated it out of curiosity. 


I guess. I was in HS when it was released and I remember playing it at Funcoland on the day it released. Wouldn't you think I thought it was a terrible game at the time but I was having fun flying through the loops! So I was like hell yea let's buy this shit!



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