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Abbott and Desantis are scum, News at 11

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33 minutes ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


Hamlet was a white supremacist that perpetuated euro-centric ideals onto pure indigenous story-telling. Even mentioning the play Hamlet in the same sentence as monkeys is incredibly racist and you should be ashamed of your ignorance!


There! I'm a 2022 guy now. All I need next is the crippling depression and I'll fit right in. 




The Rock Wrestling GIF by WWE

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3 minutes ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


Here's a protip: conservatives outside the strawmen y'all have created don't really care.

Except you’re wrong, or just dishonest about it. I feel like you only talk to conservatives online to have this low level of understanding, kind of like your inability to understand fascism as right wing or that the people in this story arrived legally.


Besides, considering the contempt you have for most of the country that recognizes abortion rights as vital and the disdain for the legal immigrants in this story, it’s weird that you’re pretending to be pro life when you care little about the life outside the womb.

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1 hour ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


Hamlet was a white supremacist that perpetuated euro-centric ideals onto pure indigenous story-telling. Even mentioning the play Hamlet in the same sentence as monkeys is incredibly racist and you should be ashamed of your ignorance!


There! I'm a 2022 guy now. All I need next is the crippling depression and I'll fit right in. 



A Rembrandt of a strawman if there ever was one! You have a gift.

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1 hour ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


Hamlet was a white supremacist that perpetuated euro-centric ideals onto pure indigenous story-telling. Even mentioning the play Hamlet in the same sentence as monkeys is incredibly racist and you should be ashamed of your ignorance!


There! I'm a 2022 guy now. All I need next is the crippling depression and I'll fit right in. 



Touch grass

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The American right has morphed into the Voltron of all the worst internet discussion groups/styles of the first 20 years of the internet.


Conspiracy addled religious zealots gish galloping their way through non-sequetorial arguments and if all else fails admonishing you for being too literal or serious if you pin them down on an argument.

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

The American right has morphed into the Voltron of all the worst internet discussion groups/styles of the first 20 years of the internet.


Conspiracy addled religious zealots gish galloping their way through non-sequetorial arguments and if all else fails admonishing you for being too literal or serious if you pin them down on an argument.


Talking to these guys is like someone trying to explain the Valiant-verse to me. Like, my ears perk up when I hear Bloodshot and I think "Oh, I know who that is" and then I'm lost for the rest of the conversation even though I'm 100% sure I still understand English.

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3 minutes ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


My only interest in any of this is calling a shovel a shovel and a spade a spade. 


I understand the novelty and interest of calling men women and women men, and seal clapping like it's the bravest thing ever. I'm just not interested in it. Sorry. 


I honestly don't understand why y'all so sad though. And that's what gets me. Y'all won. Not just the election and stuff, but the culture war, the education war, all of it. You, the left, have a near perfect institutional control across industry, academy, politics, and entertainment. What more do you need? Official declaration that anyone slightly critical of your despotism is an official enemy of the state? 


You give Republicans and conservatives too much credit. They've got no power, no juice. Regulated to a few AM stations, rando podcasts, and old episodes of the Sopranos. The puritan Christian Mafia that terrorized the 80s is well past dead, the neo-cons power coupled with the DNC, the fiscal conservatives are out to dry. And Trump, as evil as you think he is, is done. He's got no power move, so you might as well kick a dead horse. 


Honestly, the board is getting worked up over nothing. If I can burn your day down so completely that I inspire meetings for rule changes, I don't know what you are doing with your lives. It's comical. 


We want your heads, that’s why the Big Man let ya know he’s comin for ya :)

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2 hours ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


You won't miss much. Within a generation, you'll be considering them whiter than white people. Y'all already complained about the "rise of the far-right Latina"


Here's a protip: conservatives outside the strawmen y'all have created don't really care. Spanish culture has already been well assimilated out West and in the South. In less than an election you'll be bitching about their adherence to Christianity and strict opposition to baby murdering "abortion"


I know how much y'all like to change definitions to suit your beliefs, so I figured I'll throw a soft ball 😊

Ok cool, could you now at least, like, engage in a conversation and turn this


Yep, deporting the illegals further to the suburbs surely is "compassion" 


Kinda like trafficking them across a 600 mile desert to get raped and sold to the highest bidder doesn't make them "victims", you've renamed them to "refugee"


Love the word play that y'all are allowed to get away with

Into something coherent?  It’s hard to even discern what you’re arguing here.  Perhaps if you clarified we could do more than just trade shitposts.


Or, if you’re not interested in doing more than drive-by shitposts, at least man up and admit it.


This board could use more contributions from conservative voices to balance things out; it’s annoying that we only ever get troll-ish hit-and-run tirades.  So if that’s all your interested in, rather than something approaching a conversation, at least be honest and stop wasting our time.

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3 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

This board could use more contributions from conservative voices to balance things out; it’s annoying that we only ever get troll-ish hit-and-run tirades.  So if that’s all your interested in, rather than something approaching conversation, at least be honest and stop wasting our time.


What even is a "non-deranged Republican" at this point? People who want kudos for being never-Trumpers while still being proud of supporting W?

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29 minutes ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


My only interest in any of this is calling a shovel a shovel and a spade a spade. 


I understand the novelty and interest of calling men women and women men, and seal clapping like it's the bravest thing ever. I'm just not interested in it. Sorry. 


I honestly don't understand why y'all so sad though. And that's what gets me. Y'all won. Not just the election and stuff, but the culture war, the education war, all of it. You, the left, have a near perfect institutional control across industry, academy, politics, and entertainment. What more do you need? Official declaration that anyone slightly critical of your despotism is an official enemy of the state? 


You give Republicans and conservatives too much credit. They've got no power, no juice. Regulated to a few AM stations, rando podcasts, and old episodes of the Sopranos. The puritan Christian Mafia that terrorized the 80s is well past dead, the neo-cons power coupled with the DNC, the fiscal conservatives are out to dry. And Trump, as evil as you think he is, is done. He's got no power move, so you might as well kick a dead horse. 


Democrats can burn down cities with riots, allow an unchecked and unguarded border, call economic migrants "refugees" that traveled several countries (that also could house them but didn't) to get to America, where they know immigrating illegally gets them a tax-free existence and free ice cream, wreck the economy, force everyone to call pedophiles "MAPs", and hold political prisoners indefinitely. 


I mean, there's a reason why the FBI is stealing phones from a pillow salesman and not going after everyone on the Epstein list. 


Honestly, the board is getting worked up over nothing. If I can burn your day down so completely that I inspire meetings for rule changes, I don't know what you are doing with your lives. It's comical. 

I love reading what you write. Your whining. Your victimization. Your assumed reality. LIke "democrats buring down cities" is a fact in your world. Or "unguarded borders".  I live 3 miles from the border and thats simply untrue but you aren't interested in reality. Democrats consistantly condemmed the violence from the protests in 2020 and simply by the nature of these protests its unclear who exactly started the violence. Hell it has been proven in many of them there were far right instigators https://docs.house.gov/meetings/JU/JU00/20200610/110775/HHRG-116-JU00-20200610-SD019.pdf. Meanwhile the former president led the mob and many members of Congress prased the Jan 6 insurrection, downplayed it or simply lied about it. But none of these distinctions matter to you because it doesn't fit your cry baby narrative. 

You are uninterested in learning about transgenderism and instead prefer to misrepresent them. This pretty much applies to everything about you . Anything you can't honestly debate you misrepresent because you are incurious and willfully ignorant in an effort to protect your fragile alternate reality. For instance in a previous thread you said something about "cutting of the genitalia of 5 year olds". Now of course this is completely bullshit but you aren't interested acutally learning anything.

You are sad little coward that can't come to grips that the people you hate aren't meekly sitting back and allowing themselves to be marginalized like in "the good ol days". 

I truly get enjoyment on how much rage that causes you and people like you.

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1 minute ago, Jason said:


What even is a "non-deranged Republican" at this point? People who want kudos for being never-Trumpers while still being proud of supporting W?

I don’t know, just a Republican willing to have a conversation.  An Iron-And-Wine-type maybe?  The last of them left awhile ago and it’d be nice to have more.


It would help if we resolved not to make ‘why are you deranged?’ the starting point of discourse lol.


But maybe I’m hunting unicorns and we’re truly at the point now, culturally, where the two sides of the political spectrum are too far apart to ever have a friendly disagreement.  



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Whatever control the so-called "American Left" has over the fundamental levers of power is so very tenuous at best that it's practically non-existent.


All of those institutions would gladly roll over in favor of the right-wing if their financial and/or political interests were even remotely threatened with compromise.

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16 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I don’t know, just a Republican willing to have a conversation.  An Iron-And-Wine-type maybe?  The last of them left awhile ago and it’d be nice to have more.


It would help if we resolved not to make ‘why are you deranged?’ the starting point of discourse lol.


But maybe I’m hunting unicorns and we’re truly at the point now, culturally, where the two sides of the political spectrum are too far apart to ever have a friendly disagreement.  


I'll be completely direct and honest: I'm not even remotely interested in having them as part of this community at all.  And seeing as how I pay the bills, then that's the end of that notion :p


If that creates an "echo chamber" here, then so be it.


Hell, I've purged just about every conservative acquaintance from my personal life - do you honestly think I'd bat an eyelid about not wanting them on my message board?!?

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11 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I don’t know, just a Republican willing to have a conversation.  An Iron-And-Wine-type maybe?  The last of them left awhile ago and it’d be nice to have more.


It would help if we resolved not to make ‘why are you deranged?’ the starting point of discourse lol.


But maybe I’m hunting unicorns and we’re truly at the point now, culturally, where the two sides of the political spectrum are too far apart to ever have a friendly disagreement.  



They're unicorns and even then, the stuff they say makes very little sense. I have some of them at work. Super nice folks. Believe Trump is an idiot and lost the 2020 election and is just being a sore loser baby about it and giving conservatives everywhere a bad name. Sure maybe a couple of Internet weirdos believe the election was stolen, but the vast majority of conservatives don't believe that and anyone saying they do is performative just to upset liberals. Polls saying it's a popular belief among Republican voters is also fake news. Just as they are 100% sure there's no racism on their side of the aisle. It's all fake news the media drums up to increase strife and division for more views.


Literally living in a an alternate bubble universe where Republicans and Democrats are largely the same and Republicans don't REALLY want to ban abortions are so away with gay marriage. That's all performative to rile up the religious wing of the party.

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To answer my own question, I just saw a conservative guy I know say on Twitter that both Democrats and Republicans (in that order) are using these asylum seekers as a political ploy and call it an episode of VEEP that someone tweeted that Martha's Vineyard got crushed by Hurricane DeSantis. So I mean yeah, you still really can't have a conversation with that. 

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4 minutes ago, stepee said:

It’s amazing that these “people” have the nerve with the Hunter stuff after they just gave us the ultimate presidential failson, George W Bush.


There's an entire MOVIE about Hunter Biden starring a would be Disney regular who'd have her own show if she could have just stopped being racist for a little while. The GOP Extended Universe is super weird.

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5 minutes ago, eViLgReEnMoNkEyS said:


Who cares about Bush?


I promise you, the right has no love for him or the Neo-cons (Liz Cheney got the boot for a reason). So that doesn't detract from Hunter's misdeeds, especially not in the toxic environment y'all created. 


Crazy....we feel the way about the Clintons...Lock her up?  Oh no please don't....stop....she's so great.... :|

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