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2022 Midterm Thread

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Yeah. A lot of black people who become rich go Republican when the tax man comes calling. Floyd Maywhether did. So did 50 Cent and Wesley SNipes went full on Libertarian and dind't pay any taxes and ended up going to jail for that shit.


My dad (not that he was rich) voted republican for a bit, but then said that "republicans are crazy" and stopped voting for them. This was when George W Bush was in office. He never lived to see the madness that was Trump. At least he saw the writing on the wall.

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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:

Interesting that the latest Maricopa ballot drop actually increased Hobb's lead again, they should start becoming more Lake friendly but thats not a good sign for her, if the next drop is also even or adds to Hobb's lead she might actually win it.

I mean, its not called, but with what im hearing from analysts is that Lake is done for. 

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I'm still upset over the election in Texas. I don't think it's completely the voters' fault. The Texas Democratic Part is incompetent.

If you can't win a meaningful election in almost 30 years, and lose an election by DOUBLE DIGITS because you STILL can't get your base to vote after a power grid failure, a school shooting, and losing abortion rights maybe it's not completely the voters' fault. Maybe you just suck at motivating your base to get out and vote.

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Surprisingly Laxalt is basically saying hes going to lose and its on the level.



"Here is where we are — we are up only 862 votes. Multiple days in a row, the mostly mail in ballots counted continue to break in higher DEM margins than we calculated. This has narrowed our victory window. The race will come down to 20-30K Election Day Clark drop off ballots.

If they are GOP precincts or slightly DEM leaning then we can still win. If they continue to trend heavy DEM then she will overtake us. Thanks for all the prayers from millions of Nevadans and Americans who hope we can still take back the Senate and start taking our country back."

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3 hours ago, CastletonSnob said:

I'm still upset over the election in Texas. I don't think it's completely the voters' fault. The Texas Democratic Part is incompetent.

If you can't win a meaningful election in almost 30 years, and lose an election by DOUBLE DIGITS because you STILL can't get your base to vote after a power grid failure, a school shooting, and losing abortion rights maybe it's not completely the voters' fault. Maybe you just suck at motivating your base to get out and vote.

Texas, from what I hear, is like its own culture unto itself. I'm not sure what's going on there but I think its gonna be trending purple but still go red for awhile. I'm not saying give up, but when the voters of a certain place keep doing the same thing, maybe you SHOULD accept that its the voters and not the people trying to get them to vote. I've said the same thing about the general American electorate as well. On the flip side, Texas has been under Republican control for so long , their inequites and suppresion tactics for the opposition are kinda baked in. Again, I'm not saying its hopeless, but like you said, after the power grid failure and school shooting after school shooting, it shouldn't take much outside prompting to get people to vote the existing power structure out of office yet they don't. Why? Maybe because TEXAS :shrug:

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1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:




GOP telling its idiots to end the "stop the steal" nonsense?

They see the writing on the wall. That strategy cost them a midterm elcetion year they should have won handily and it was all because of ONE MAN'S ego. They HAVE to pivot away from him and this nonsense because this elections has showed them that the general electorate is not here for this stupid shit and at the end of the day, Americans don't want a dictator, orange or otherwise. Gonna be interesting seeing what the G.O.P. becomes moving forward... they had the right idea in 2012 with expanding the tent, but got derailed first, by Sara Palin and the Tea Party and then by Trump and his MAGA bullshit. They were playing to an America that no longer exists and that was never going to be a winning strategy because Gen Z'ers aren't going for it and they are more politically active than any young generation since the baby boomers in the 60's? The G.O.P. has to evolve or die, plain and simple. The irony is Republicans USED to be the progressive party in this country.

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4 hours ago, CastletonSnob said:

I'm still upset over the election in Texas. I don't think it's completely the voters' fault. The Texas Democratic Part is incompetent.

If you can't win a meaningful election in almost 30 years, and lose an election by DOUBLE DIGITS because you STILL can't get your base to vote after a power grid failure, a school shooting, and losing abortion rights maybe it's not completely the voters' fault. Maybe you just suck at motivating your base to get out and vote.

The Texas Democratic Party pretty much ignored 2 of the 4  main issues poll after poll showed Texans were concerned about which were the border and inflation/the economy. They went all in on abortion, the grid, and school shootings. But Abbott successfully painted Beto as weak on the border and Democrats barely fought back. There were no seriously funded commercials with Democratic solutions to the border or inflation. Zip. They just ignored it so independents ignored them.

No one believes Beto anymore after he defined himself in a primary if he says he is going to be tough on the border. A winning Texas democrat needs to be a blank slate and they will have to sound different than a typical national democrat. 


Texas Democrats need a firm message on the border and the economy. Inflation will go away eventually with the Fed taking action, so figure it out and stop losing. 

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41 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

They see the writing on the wall. That strategy cost them a midterm elcetion year they should have won handily and it was all because of ONE MAN'S ego. They HAVE to pivot away from him and this nonsense because this elections has showed them that the general electorate is not here for this stupid shit and at the end of the day, Americans don't want a dictator, orange or otherwise. Gonna be interesting seeing what the G.O.P. becomes moving forward... they had the right idea in 2012 with expanding the tent, but got derailed first, by Sara Palin and the Tea Party and then by Trump and his MAGA bullshit. They were playing to an America that no longer exists and that was never going to be a winning strategy because Gen Z'ers aren't going for it and they are more politically active than any young generation since the baby boomers in the 60's? The G.O.P. has to evolve or die, plain and simple. The irony is Republicans USED to be the progressive party in this country.


I'm very amused at Republican politicians, pundits, and strategy-makers looking at the numbers and thinking "Trump is a liability", and then turning around and believing they can make the average Trump supporter see it their way. Yeah, just go to the folks you've spent six years riling up nonstop, the folks with the golden Trump statues posting facebook memes about how Jesus selected Trump personally to save the Earth from the evil Jews globalists, and tell them Trump's just not going to win again. I'm sure the base you built up into a frenzy over this cult of personality will happily accept that and transfer all that momentum onto another guy, no problem.

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4 hours ago, CastletonSnob said:

I'm still upset over the election in Texas. I don't think it's completely the voters' fault. The Texas Democratic Part is incompetent.

If you can't win a meaningful election in almost 30 years, and lose an election by DOUBLE DIGITS because you STILL can't get your base to vote after a power grid failure, a school shooting, and losing abortion rights maybe it's not completely the voters' fault. Maybe you just suck at motivating your base to get out and vote.

Dude, just stop. It's not a blue state, and whining and pissing off sflufan isn't going to make it better in the end . He already asked you to stop.

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6 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:


I'm very amused at Republican politicians, pundits, and strategy-makers looking at the numbers and thinking "Trump is a liability", and then turning around and believing they can make the average Trump supporter see it their way. Yeah, just go to the folks you've spent six years riling up nonstop, the folks with the golden Trump statues posting facebook memes about how Jesus selected Trump personally to save the Earth from the evil Jews globalists, and tell them Trump's just not going to win again. I'm sure the base you built up into a frenzy over this cult of personality will happily accept that and transfer all that momentum onto another guy, no problem.

It's not the die-hard Trump supporters people are thinking they can turn... those people ar going to ride with him no matter what. It's EVERY ONE ELSE. There's more of Everyone Else out there than Trump supporters. Republicans have "Played to the base" for three election cycles now? They have either lost or not done as well as they should have in those three because of Trump. He's a drag on the party and what I think the Republican powers that be are hoping for is that they can replace him with DeSantis. I don't think that's gonna work either which is why I said they're in a tough spot... like the Dems were in the 60's. The Dems had to leave the racist Southern White vote behind in order to move forward. Nixon and the Republicans cynically picked that part of the electorate up and has been playing footsie with them ever since. Trump just took that strategy and started saying the quiet parts out loud. This election has shown the limits of playing to ignorance and hate. At least i HOPE that's what it has shown.

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3 hours ago, Air_Delivery said:

@MarSoloI got you



Wait? Whats the big deal? He goes over the firearm and accessories, talks about how much he enjoys shooting it, and pops se rounds off in a safe shooting lane. 

Unless this is the wrong video, where is the unhinged? 

4 hours ago, MarSolo said:

So… there’s a Blake Masters video of him shooting a gun that needs to be seen to be believed. He comes off like a serial killer.


EDIT: Thanks @Air_Delivery



Yeah, you're making way too much out of an average gun review video. I get most of you aren't gun guys, but you're really, really reaching with this one. Theres a thousand channels that do this. 

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4 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Wait? Whats the big deal? He goes over the firearm and accessories, talks about how much he enjoys shooting it, and pops se rounds off in a safe shooting lane. 

Unless this is the wrong video, where is the unhinged? 



Yeah, you're making way too much out of an average gun review video. I get most of you aren't gun guys, but you're really, really reaching with this one. Theres a thousand channels that do this. 

There are and they are ALL weird. I'm not a gun guy but I was raised around them (for better and worse) and I was ALWAYS taught that guns are NOT toys and they are for defending yourself and your family ONLY. What this video, and videos LIKE this do (I've seen some gun review videos that are NOT at all fetishsitic) is it trivializes firearms and treats them as if they are toys. You can like guns and still respect them for what they are. i DO like this guy's videos



He mixes gun education with humor and while he is DEFINITELY a second amendment, gun fetishist, he REALLY emphasizes proper gun etiquete and gun safety.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

Clark County will release the count of the remaining 22,000 ballots this evening. I believe it was the supervisor of elections speaking, saying the only things left are the cures (process of fixing missing information on their ballot) and provisional ballots.


I assume this is what should win CCM the Senate seat?

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