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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) - "DLC 3 | Upheaval in Jingxiang" trailer


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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Why Was I NOT informed??? Downloading now.


I'm going to try to play this again in a few minutes. Like I said, it requires you to be online to play it and the game crashed 4 times in a row for me. It looked cool for 10 seconds though. :p

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8 hours ago, best3444 said:

Extremely difficult. It's like a Souls game but at an arcade type of speed. It's cool, though. I skipped the tutorial which was a big mistake.  😅 

HUGE mistake. You're right though, this is like a Souls game  and Ninja Gaiden had a baby... which is what I guess it is. Combat is VERY deep with the amount of moves and weapons you have at your disposal. I guess that will grow. I was also impressed with the character creator which I wasn't expecting in this game. I'm VERY intrigued by this, although I suspect this is NOT gonna be an easy one. Hyped!


8 hours ago, Hurricane Game said:

It feels a lot like Sekiro.

I can see that too. Sekiro is my favorite From game too.

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Played some more tonight and got to a boss. It's definitel Ninja Gaiden meets Dark Souls but more on the Ninja Gaiden side than Dark Souls. If Nioh is 60% Dark Souls and 40% Ninja Gaiden, then Wo Long is 60% Ninja Gaiden and 40% Dark Souls. There's a lot here. There's an online co-op component as well and A.I. companions too. We got a release date yet?

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32 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

Sony is fucking horrible at surfacing limited time stuff like this demo. I was on the PSN store last night just browsing around and never saw any mention of it. Would have downloaded it immediately.

Yeah it’s hiddne inside the main game page which looks like you can only preorder it. Stupid. 

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It's good at what it does for sure, just damn do I wish Team Ninja made another Ninja Gaiden style game that doesn't have 30 sub-systems and a million stats. Definitely not a buy for me. This'll be awesome for people to really sink their teeth into but I think I'm too lazy. Felt the same about Nioh 2. The first Nioh was my limit.


Also visually? I know Team Ninja but yea, it just doesn't look very appealing to me and the HUD is a lot as well.

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18 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Also visually? I know Team Ninja but yea, it just doesn't look very appealing to me and the HUD is a lot as well.


I didn't want to bring up visuals because others here get sick of that subject coming from me. It looked like a last gen game and was extremely underwhelming. 

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So as I said in the other thread, I beat the demo last night with about an hour to spare and this is NOT a game for everybody. Game is pretty tough. Like other Souls Games, you can get killed by regular enemies if you're not careful and one strategy is not going to work for every enemy in the game. Which is why I guess they give you so many options for combat...you have TWO melee weapons that you can switch on the fly, FOUR slots for ranged weapons, Four slots for spells, and in this demo, TWO slots for martial arts techniques (basically special dependent on what weapon you're using) and a summons. That's a HELL of a lot and what you equip and wear has effects on your stats. It wasn't until I started paying attention to these systems that I really started to understand the nuances of the game and make some tangible progress. I leveled up to about 21 or 22 by the time I finished the demo and it definitely made a difference. So if you're just wanting a straight up action game like Ninja Gaiden, this ain't it. This is an action RPG that emphasizes both the action and the rpg aspects. 


As far as the graphics go, the game isn't winning any awards and it isn't trying to. But the further you get into the demo, you come across some very interestingly designed enemies and there's a cave environment that has some GREAT lighting (I'm a sucker for great lighting in games... sue me.) So yeah... the game isn't an ugly duckling at all and if you pass on this game because "It doesn't look good" that would be a shame. I get passing on it because it's too hard because it very well might be... Team Ninja doesn't make easy games and never has. Anywho, here is the end of my fight with the boss of the demo. Like I said it took me about two hours to beat the second form... I started beating his first phase with little to no damage but this second phase was REALLY pissing me off until I changed strats. You'll see at this part in the fight, I'm blocking more and I'm using a slower, more powerful weapon (the strongest one I had at that point) to attack this phase. That's NOT the weapon I had been using up until that point. I also changed two of my spells... one was an Earth Spell (The classes of magic fall into one of several elemental categories, Fire, Earth, Water and Lightning I believe) I equipped two support spells, one that gave me health for every attack a landed and one that buffed my physical defense. I also changed my summons monsteer from the fire bird you have by default to a Cat monster that had electricity based attacks. That was enough for me to turn the tide in this fight.



I'm gonna really dig this when it comes out. I love the setting and gameplay and that's really what matters to me. I hope there's an option for Japanese or Chinese audio because the English voice acting is 90's dubbed anime quality. This will definitely be a game I sink my teeth into. Luckily I have Nioh and Nioh 2 to tide me over as well as a ton of other souls likes that I own that are in my backlog: Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, The Surge, The Surge 2, Code Vein and several others I'm probably forgetting.


EDIT: The other thing I forgot to mention is the Morale system which ignored at my own peril. You'll see that both me and the boss have numbers over our health bars. That's your morale and it is like a secondary leveling system. I'm still figuring out how it works exactly, but when I was fighting that boss before, he was always at level 20 and I was level 19. Before I fought him this last time, I went and farmed a bit and got my morale level up to level 20. That seemed to make the difference in this fight. I gotta say the loading screen tips were VERY helpful in understanding these systems to a degree.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) | 03 March 2023 release announced
  • 1 month later...
  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) | 03 March 2023 - "Action" trailer
  • 4 weeks later...




If you’ve played the demo then you already know this, but Team Ninja’s upcoming game Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is, well, hard! With a focus on acrobatic Chinese martial arts, wielding weapons in Wo Long may make you feel like a badass, but enemies will quickly bring you back down to earth. To help you gear up for the battle ahead, IGN spoke with Team Ninja to learn about the strengths and disadvantages of some of the game’s weapon types. While Wo Long is still two months away from release (it’s out on March 3, including on Xbox Game Pass), it’s never too early to start preparing.


Wo Long has a total of 13 melee weapon types, as well as three long-range weapon types. In the gallery below, director Masakazu Hirayama explains the characteristics of seven of these, including the Staff that was first shown in our IGN First gameplay video.

“We chose weapons that were the best match for Chinese martial arts,” Hirayama-san said about the team’s general approach towards Wo Long’s weapon selection. “The motions for each weapon type were based on motion-captured forms performed by real martial artists specialized in these weapons. Then we tuned things here and there to make them feel good as an action game.”





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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) | 03 March 2023 - 10 minutes of new gameplay footage (IGN First)




Tough boss fights are the highlight of any Team Ninja action game, and it looks like Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will be no different. For today’s IGN First, here’s an exclusive first look at one of the game’s earlier bosses, Aoye. Aoye is a fictional creature that appears in the ancient Chinese text Shan Hai Jing, also known as Classic of Mountains and Seas. It is described as a bull-like being with long hair reminiscent of a straw rain-cape.


In Wo Long, Aoye appears as a giant monster that attacks with its long hair and creepy tentacles. While it often lays itself open to attack, each of Aoye’s strikes are heavy and can be fatal. Aoye also has an attack that spreads ice throughout the battle area, which makes it necessary for the player to fight carefully within a more confined environment.





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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) | 03 March 2023 - boss battle gameplay footage (IGN First)




“When first facing a boss, you usually start out in despair, thinking there is no way you can beat it. Figuring out when a boss is open to attack and finding clues on how to beat it through trial and error by yourself is what I see as the most enjoyable part of a boss battle. Not giving the player too many hints is something we’ve been conscious about since the Nioh series, and that hasn’t changed for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.”


So says Fumihiko Yasuda, the brand head of Team Ninja and the producer of Wo Long. While the design philosophy of Wo Long’s bosses is very much in line with that of Nioh – the developer’s first Soulsborne title – there are also quite a few elements that are unique to Wo Long’s Chinese martial arts based combat. The most distinctive feature of Wo Long’s more fast-paced, smooth combat is Deflect, a move that can be activated by pressing the dodge button at the right moment to parry an enemy’s attack. Deflecting attacks lowers the enemy's Spirit, ultimately allowing the player to unleash a powerful Fatal Strike that inflicts massive damage. If you want to defeat bosses efficiently, Deflect is key, Yasuda says.



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Story Trailer:




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Between breakneck pacing, and appreciated Quality-of-Life features, Wo Long's opening hours make it feel suited for anyone new to the genre.




Nearly 2 months ahead of its March 4 release date, Koei Tecmo reached out to RPG Site to offer us an early look at Team Ninja’s upcoming Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - and while I’ve been spending the past week playing through the team’s latest effort, it’s finally time to jot down some of my thoughts of the opening hours of the upcoming “Masocore” action RPG.


That being said, a lot of what I’m allowed to write about at this time is limited to the first two main story missions of the game, and the enemies and level design therein. Additionally, I already wrote about my time with the game’s time-limited demo on consoles last year. While minutia has changed, such as balance changes related to parry timings, the overall package is much the same. If you want a primer about what Wo Long is, and what players can expect, read that preview first.





Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty PC port preview: DLSS, ultrawide support, Steam Deck performance, and more from Team Ninja's newest action game.



Following Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja’s reveal of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty at the Microsoft showcase back in June, the new action RPG masocore experience from Team Ninja featuring Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) had a demo available on consoles for a limited time, but not on PC. Thanks to an early preview code, I’ve had a chance to try out a non-final PC build of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty ahead of its March 3 release date for all platforms. While I haven’t been able to play much yet, I wanted to highlight some of the notable features in the PC port available in this build. In the past, PC players have had to wait months for both Nioh and Nioh 2 to hit Steam following the console launches. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty on the other hand, arrives simultaneously on PC and console platforms. For my Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty PC port preview, I also wanted to briefly cover how it feels on Steam Deck right now.




Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has fantastic Soulsborne combat, but its innovative approach to exploration is what could make it stand apart from its genre peers.




Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty might be an action game, but after playing through brand new areas for about five hours, I went away realizing that it innovates on the exploration loop in Soulsborne games more than anything else. While the game’s challenging combat is as stellar as you would expect from a Team Ninja game, it is the Morale Rank system that truly feels like it’s shaking things up.


In Wo Long, both the player and enemies have a Morale Rank that indicates their strength. You can raise your Morale Rank simply by defeating enemies, but it goes up faster if the enemy you beat has a higher Morale Rank than yourself. If you get killed your Morale Rank will decrease, and the same can be said for the enemy. Different from a level-based progression system, Wo Long’s Morale Rank indicates not how strong the player is, but how that strength compares to your enemies. It not only increases but can also decrease, which makes becoming stronger a completely different process.






Team Ninja builds off Nioh's formula with its next game, a fantastical reimagining of China's Three Kingdoms periods.




To an extent, all types of action games are a fight between your stubbornness to continue and the seemingly insurmountable challenge in front of you. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty simply makes that sensation--your inherent determination to keep going--into its core mechanic using an in-game system to tie its challenge to your character's morale. It's an interesting idea, though I do worry it might lead to frustration much later into the game when the challenge of encounters likely increases.


Developer Team Ninja's upcoming action-RPG sees you play as a nameless soldier battling their way through a fantastical interpretation of the Three Kingdoms period, reimagining one of the bloodiest eras in China's history with the likes of demons and divine beasts. At the start of the game, you customize your character's appearance and decide what combat style they use. I almost went with Fire--which sees you armed with a large sword and is designed for going all-out on offense--but couldn't pass up on Water. Armed with twin shortswords and geared toward stealth? Yes, please.







Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty’s public demo gave players a chance to experience a more general idea of what this fast-paced action game offers, but Koei Tecmo recently gave us the chance to go deeper and play through the first two chapters in Wo Long in full. I’m starting to understand that developer Team Ninja is aiming for a wider swath of players with Wo Long as opposed to its Nioh titles, which are some of the most demanding in games. While Wo Long still features that trademark From Software-inspired challenge, it also features a unique system that allows you to change an enemy’s difficulty in real-time, making it much more approachable. 


At the core of everything in Wo Long is its unique morale system that rises as you defeat enemies and decreases when you take damage. Take enough damage, and you can drop a full rank. You restore your morale by defeating the enemy that took you out, which feels like collecting souls after death in Dark Souls, and I love its implementation here.  








Team Ninja's new Soulslike has good ideas, but it took me a while to find them in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty




Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is basically fine so far. That was the initial headline for this hands-on preview, because the game took me through such emotional ups and downs that an exhausted shrug is the best I can provide right now. To summarise my feelings in advance, Wo Long is to Team Ninja's earlier game, Nioh, what Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is to Dark Souls – something tighter and a little more focused than what came before, at the cost of both breadth and choice. 


Problem is, Dark Souls is a great game to build on, while Nioh 1 and Nioh 2 were arguably more mixed bags. Wo Long is an improvement over them, at least in the preview build I played, but… well, it's complicated. Let's start with the story.





Dark Souls too lonely? Elden Ring too daunting? Game Pass has got your back. Kinda.




Wo Long Fallen Dynasty is headed to Xbox Game Pass (inc. for PC) on March 3rd, and for our money it's shaping up rather nicely.


Borrowing its lore from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history, it shares a few common elements with Dynasty Warriors, but with a vastly different, dark fantasy twist to proceedings. It's also a Souls-like, so players can expect a bleak atmosphere and punishing combat, but again with an added twist: a host of AI companions to help you on your journey.





Game Pass is getting one of the most accessible Souls-likes with Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, and Elden Ring fans and non-fans should take note.




Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty was always going to be one of 2023’s most interesting games, even in a year as stacked as this one. It’s the next game from Nioh and Ninja Gaiden maker Team Ninja, so game mechanic fiends like me were always primed to be hooked.


But to the general gaming public who are typically scared away by that same type of mechanically-dense action games, Wo Long may not even register on their radars. Except, of course, it’s launching on Game Pass on day one.





With a few choice tweaks over the public demo from last year, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is setting out to be an even better experience




Team Ninja has been on a roll these past few years. With the release of the first Nioh on PlayStation 4 back in 2017, the creator of the Ninja Gaiden series has fully embraced the From Software-inspired hardcore action role-playing game formula known as Masocore in Japan, leading to the release of excellent games like the second entry in the Nioh series, and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. In two months, Team Ninja will be ready to show their next hardcore action RPG, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, a game to promises to be yet another banger for the Japanese development studio.


Last week, I was given the chance to try Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty for the second time with a more welcoming demo featuring the first two story chapters. Back in September 2022, console players had the chance to try out the game, but getting dropped into an advanced mission with no knowledge of the basic mechanics did the public demo no favor. Still, I felt it was a solid showing, and with plenty of development time left, I thought Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty had a strong chance of becoming even better. And thankfully, I was not disappointed.





Koei Tecmo's follow-up to the Nioh series, Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, strips out some of the maximalism and adds the high-spirited cast of the Three Kingdoms



At the end of my Wo Long Fallen Dynasty hands-on, I’m standing alongside a trusted comrade-in-arms in the middle of a dusty fighting arena high in the desert mountains. We’ve just slain a demonic boar the size of a cottage, and are feeling pretty good about ourselves as a direct result. While my time with Team Ninja’s last series, Nioh, has certainly come in handy, I’ve found Wo Long a much more approachable experience, even as it changes some key elements to the frantic combat formula that made its forebears such fantastic Soulslike games.




By the time I’m through Chapter II, I’m relieved: sure, Wo Long is noticeably simpler than Nioh 2, but there’s plenty here to sink my teeth into. Each weapon I pick up – spears, guandao, twin swords, sabres, and more – has its own special moves to learn, there are five magic trees to explore, and there’s always some gigantic, twisted monstrosity to square off with over the next hill. As much fun as I’ve had with Nioh 2, I find that half my time in the game is spent managing my character and his inventory, and for better or for worse, that’s mostly gone in Wo Long.


Wo Long won’t win any beauty pageants, mind you – it’s a rougher-looking game, and the fact that the level I’ve played takes place in the midday desert sun doesn’t necessarily do it any favours, graphically speaking. However, combined with the cheerful presence of familiar Romance of the Three Kingdoms characters, who all speak with theatrical bravado, the sunny level I’ve sampled gives Wo Long a welcoming aura that could hardly feel more different than the horror movie vision of Sengoku-era Japan that infuses the Nioh games.





We preview Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and learn the meaning of pain all over again. This time with deflecting, because why not?




One of the main focuses of the gameplay is on deflecting. It’s sort of like Sekiro, but it feels fairly different. For one thing, you can deflect everything, which is one of the most important parts of the gameplay. Enemies have a posture meter that you fill by doing damage. When that meter fills up, you can hit them with a more powerful strike. The kicker is that you won’t typically be able to fill this meter up unless you deflect specific attacks.


Enemies in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty have two kinds of attacks: regular ones and red attacks that will either do a ton of damage or kill you outright, kind of similar to how grabs worked in Nioh. But there’s a risk-versus-reward aspect at play here. If you deflect a red attack, this does a large amount of posture damage. For bosses, this means that the best way to damage them is to deflect their strong attacks until their posture is broken and then use a powerful attack of your own. If you get hit by one of these, though, you’re likely going to go night-night. Characters can also jump, as there’s some light platforming to do and attacks that can only be avoided by going airborne.


Another strongly reminiscent aspect is that stamina is also gone, so you can use your default attack and run as much as you like. But there’s something in its place. Hitting enemies with your default attack fills the blue side of your spirit gauge. Your stronger spirit attack, dodging, deflecting, and wizardry spells all move your spirit gauge in the opposite direction. If you have blue spirit available, that will be depleted before the gauge starts using red, but if you have none, then red will fill up in its place.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) | 03 March 2023 - "Story" trailer and final preview articles/videos
  • 3 weeks later...

New demo releases on February 24 and its save data will be transferred to the final game:



Players will be able to transfer their saves to the final game…




Koei Tecmo will release a new demo for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty later this month, it’s announced.


The demo will release on Friday, February 24 and, unlike the previous time-limited demo released in September, it will be available on PC via Steam and the Microsoft Store in addition to Xbox and PlayStation consoles.


Save data from this demo will also transfer to the final game, and those who complete it will obtain the “Crouching Dragon Helmet” DLC for the full game.



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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty | New Team Ninja Game From Producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) & Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne) | 03 March 2023 - new demo releasing on February 24 (PC included this time!), save data will transfer to final game
  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

Have they said anything about how the co-op is going to work?




Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Does Have Co-Op: Follow These Steps


Yes, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty does have co-op, allowing you to team up with friends or strangers to tackle bosses or even entire levels together. If you’re looking for a bit of help with something, there are two ways to link up with other folks:

  • Recruitment – By resting at a battle flag and selecting Online Lobby > Recruitment, you can request assistance from other random players.
  • Co-Op – By resting at a battle flag and selecting Online Lobby > Co-Op, you can set a password that allows you and a friend to connect with each other.

Regardless of which option you choose, you’ll have to spend Tiger Seals, which is a fairly rare resource found throughout the world of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, so be sure to use them wisely so as not to find yourself without the ability to request help when you really need it. Also, keep in mind that crossplay is limited to the same family of consoles, so you won’t be able to link up with friends on entirely different platforms.



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3 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Regardless of which option you choose, you’ll have to spend Tiger Seals, which is a fairly rare resource found throughout the world of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, so be sure to use them wisely so as not to find yourself without the ability to request help when you really need it. Also, keep in mind that crossplay is limited to the same family of consoles, so you won’t be able to link up with friends on entirely different platform


Jeezus H. Either make it co-op or don't. This fucking resource bullshit they keep putting in these games is just stupid.

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