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2A gun nuts are starting to sound like addicts. You know how every addict is quick to blame all of their problems on everything except their addiction? "I couldn't pay rent this month, not because I spent $1000 on booze/drugs/gambling, but because [X, y, and z that leaves my addiction out of it]


Source: am an addict, it's how I rationalize my problems away without dealing with it.


So that makes me ask, what are these people addicted to? I suppose you could be addicted to guns. Going to a range and blowing shit up definitely makes you feel good. Fantasizing about going John McClain on some bad guys makes you feel good. I don't think that's enough, though, and definitely only covers a small minority of people.


I think they're addicted to fear. The media has taught them that someone is out to get them, and their addiction is listening to Fox News telling them their world is ending, then they go load their shotgun. They get addicted to that rush.


The gun culture in America is an addiction. We need to start treating it like one. I don't even know what that means.

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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Hand him his service weapon with one round chambered and tell him that he knows what to do with it.

Too good for him

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Give him a cell phone, lock him in a classroom and invite victims/parents of victims of school shootings and, well do whatever they want. Consider it a stress room and GO THE FUCK TO TOWN ON THIS ASSHOLE!!! This goes for any fucking Republican moron (and 2 “democratic” senators) who have no backbone and/or moral compass to the real problem they have going on. 

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I don't possibly see how they could have failed more than they did.  If they ever make SWAT 5 is it going to be a series of missions where you use an MRAP to tear down the trailer wall of an emaciated crackhead who can barely stand and one where you spend an hour outside a locked door during an active shooter event?

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What's the likelihood that the police officers in this small rural town took the job/see themselves as local power brokers and community mediators and when finally confronted with the realities of the job they simply shit the bed and their true cowardice came to the surface?

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16 minutes ago, finaljedi said:

If they ever make SWAT 5 is it going to be a series of missions where you use an MRAP to tear down the trailer wall of an emaciated crackhead who can barely stand

I literally worked on an episode of Detroit Swat years ago that was exactly this. Except it was THREE armored vehicles and TWO crackheads. They successfully got about 600 dollars off crack of the street after such a precise military action.

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22 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


Hand him his service weapon with one round chambered and tell him that he knows what to do with it.


One way or another there is no way that guy will be on this mortal coil for much longer.

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3 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

What's the likelihood that the police officers in this small rural town took the job/see themselves and local power brokers and community mediators and when finally confronted with the realities of the job they simply shit the bed and their true cowardice came to the surface?

100%. I've been told by people who work in law enforcement and who study it how poorly vetted and trained law enforcement officials are in these really small counties and jurisdictions. They don't make a lot of money and they aren't exactly drawing in the best and brightest.

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Just now, osxmatt said:

What's the likelihood that the police officers in this small rural town took the job/see themselves and local power brokers and community mediators and when finally confronted with the realities of the job they simply shit the bed and their true cowardice came to the surface?


That is the general impression I get of Texas outside the large cities. You hear stories of a strip of highway that some local good ole boy sheriff uses as a piggy bank from fines and seizures. Or this judge in a county of less 60 people getting paid $130k a year and getting pinched for stealing cattle. Texas is just made up of big fish in small ponds.

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22 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Yep 100% they are going to (with the help of Fox, etc) blame this on a teacher who left a door propped open after seeing a car crash into the ditch:




Republicans, cops, conservatives, and 2A stans are more allergic to accountability than vampires are to the sun.


Even if we assume a door that a teacher propped open is “to blame,” and to be clear we have no reason to suspect anything these fucking clowns say is even remotely true, the notion that children are a propped door away from death by a hail of gunfire is very obviously the fucking problem.


But shall not infringe, keep treating the text of the second amendment like like an asshole treats an RPG rulebook so you can keep up your tacticool LARP and tell yourself that the gun you keep at home for self defense does anything other than contribute to the problem.


All of these people can get fucked.


Again in the last 20 years we’ve had what… 4 mass shootings on military bases? 5? MILITARY BASES CANNOT HANDLE THIS PROBLEM. And these motherfuckers are stupid enough to think a good guy with a gun and a single point of ingress at SCHOOLS are going to stop this from happening, and are tactless enough to say this shit aloud? GO FUCK YOURSELVES. 

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3 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Again in the last 20 years we’ve had what… 4 mass shootings on military bases? 5? MILITARY BASES CANNOT HANDLE THIS PROBLEM.

Just an FYI because despite this seeming like a solid point, military bases are largely gun feee zones in the same mold as schools besides the military police, so it is effectively the same situation as something like a school. There is a reason none of those attacks happened at the ranges, the only place where the non military police would have firearms on them.

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8 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

There is a reason none of those attacks happened at the ranges, the only place where the non military police would have firearms on them.




Authorities in Grantville, Georgia, say three people were fatally shot inside the Lock Stock and Barrel Shooting Range. The three victims were identified as the owner Tommy Hawk, his wife Evelyn Hawk and their grandson Luke Hawk. WXIA’s Karys Belger reports.



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4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:




Authorities in Grantville, Georgia, say three people were fatally shot inside the Lock Stock and Barrel Shooting Range. The three victims were identified as the owner Tommy Hawk, his wife Evelyn Hawk and their grandson Luke Hawk. WXIA’s Karys Belger reports.



The shootings on the military bases don’t happen at the ranges on the base. 

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57 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Send this man in to confront the next school shooter, and work your way down the line with next-oldest federal politician for each successive shooting




It’s amazing that Ive heard the right somehow blame crt, wokeness, trans people, the border, etc while at the same time yelling to not politicize the matter by suggestions gun regulations even though they are basically just going down a checklist of their agenda as they lay blame on literally anything else.


This guy is a fucking piece of shit, hope his house burns down and he is burned alive.

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19 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Just an FYI because despite this seeming like a solid point, military bases are largely gun feee zones in the same mold as schools besides the military police, so it is effectively the same situation as something like a school. There is a reason none of those attacks happened at the ranges, the only place where the non military police would have firearms on them.


I know. My point is that the military is generally strict about who can be armed and where, have meaningfully more experience dealing with weapons than schools, and they still have this problem. 

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When I was in basic, someone in a different company got shot on a range. It was an accident. The guy that got shot got shot in the arm and lost some motor function. I ran into him months later when I was getting processed out. He got E-5 pay for the rest of his life. 


I couldn't help but be like... "I'll take getting shot in the arm for a lifelong pension."


Not sure what happened to the guy who shot him.


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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

Send this man in to confront the next school shooter, and work your way down the line with next-oldest federal politician for each successive shooting




Ah yes, wokeness is the problem.  We'll just ignore that the mass shooter in Buffalo last week was a literal white supremacist.

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53 minutes ago, ThreePi said:


That is the general impression I get of Texas outside the large cities. You hear stories of a strip of highway that some local good ole boy sheriff uses as a piggy bank from fines and seizures. Or this judge in a county of less 60 people getting paid $130k a year and getting pinched for stealing cattle. Texas is just made up of big fish in small ponds.


These cops are all hat and no cattle, to borrow a rural phrase.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I got that... point still stands that more guns don't make you safer necessarily which is what @Kal-El814 was implying with his statement about military bases.

I know what his point was, which is why I responded because there aren’t more guns on military bases in any meaningful sense because military police are the only ones allowed to carry on base! Shootings on bases are generally in similarly soft target locations like offices or residences.


There are two separate things, how these shootings can occur (too many easily accessible guns) and where they are most likely to occur (soft targets like schools, retail places, houses of worship).

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Bumpkin police have gotten to the bottom of the matter. It was gaming that caused this:




So the problem was, the shooter was a Lefist, Trangendered, woke, CRT educated, illegal immigrant gamer and that's why this shooting occured?


EDIT: I forgot to add mentally unstable.

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

So the problem was, the shooter was a Lefist, Trangendered, woke, CRT educated, illegal immigrant gamer and that's why this shooting occured?



Correct. The fact that like 90% (edit: 76%) of the victims were women likely had nothing to do with the matter, and we should ignore that.

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Just now, CitizenVectron said:



Correct. The fact that like 90% of the victims were women likely had nothing to do with the matter, and we should ignore that.

I've wondered about this. Was the shooter specifically targeting the women and little girls or were there just more girls in the classroom?

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